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"DWTS 13 Episode #13 ECST "

Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 07:56 PM
Keep all discussion of the dancing ghouls on this thread until the Trick or Treaters on the West Coast collapse in a sugar induced coma.

Spooky that it's the 13th episode.

Starts after "Scared Shrekless". in case anyone is trying to figure out which one is Len.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"Drink of the night"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 08:15 PM
Drink of the night

Italian Manhattan:

1 1/2 cups bourbon
1/2 cup amaro liqueur (such as Amaro Montenegro)
8 teaspoons orange blossom honey
4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
8 fresh thyme sprigs
3 cups ice cubes

snack of the night

Smoked Haddock Chowder with fresh baked bread


mixed berry chocolate toffee bites

Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 08:29 PM
Tom having too much fun promoing DWTS during the Shrek thing.

"RE: Promos"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 08:33 PM
Waaayyyy to much into it.

"Dead from Hollywood"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 08:33 PM
Claiming this will be the scariest thing on TV? I've seen Master P "Dance".

Skeletons in the judges chairs for the intro. Maks has werewolfy beard on.

Tom issues a high level pun alert for the evening.

Team dances tonight as well as individual round.

"David and Kym"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 08:35 PM
Kym tries hypnotizing David into a Cha Cha Vampire. Brought in an illusionist.

Dancing the Cha Cha Cha to Abracadabra

"RE: David and Kym"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 08:38 PM
Seems to have goofed at the beginning, took a bit to get it together. But great fun overall.

"RE: David and Kym"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 08:43 PM
They said they couldn't find the trick he was going to do at the beginning.

"RE: David and Kym"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 08:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-11 AT 08:39 PM (EST)

Was that string thing at the end the only "illusion"?

Len. Lots of tricks and treats you turned yourself into a dancer.

Bruno. Natural at turning tricks. *blink* Bruno swears at Catty, um Carrie Ann.

Carrie Ann, your improvement is phenomenal. Little bit more in your hold (she has cat ears on).

8~8~8 for 24 out of 30

"J.R. and Karina"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 08:46 PM
Bieber will perform tomorrow night. *shivers with horror*

JR and Karina are butting heads, JR wants to hug it out.

Tango to Ghostbusters.

"RE: J.R. and Karina"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 08:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-11 AT 08:55 PM (EST)

The music really did not help with the character of the dance.

Bruno. Bewitched conquered and swept away. Timing was so hard, just to do it was incredible but you missed it a bit.

Carrie Ann. Captured the character of the music, precise and sharp without being overbearing.

Len. Performance was substandard from what I expect of you. Of all the ballroom is the easiest and did no heel leads.

Ghost to Ghost coverage continues after the break

Scores: 9~8~8 25 out of 30

"RE: J.R. and Karina"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 08:50 PM
I'm sure that seemed like a good idea in someone's head, with that music, but sorry - no. Could have been better, but they gave it a good shot. He should have had the tango shoes and kinda looked as though he was plodding along. Karina's shedding dress didn't help (the fellas may disagree).

"RE: J.R. and Karina"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 08:52 PM
Somehow she seemed more nekkid than Heidi Klum in the Invisible Woman Catsuit.

"Nancy and Tristan"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 08:58 PM
Last week Drab to Fab, Tristan says to bring the fun into the room. Nancy interrupts as if he is saying she isn't fun.

Dancing the Jive to Devil Went Down To Georgia.

"RE: Nancy and Tristan"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 09:00 PM
Is it wrong that I imagined Tristan in full make-up and nekkid through the whole dance?

"RE: Nancy and Tristan"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:02 PM
Not wrong if it distracted you from Nancy's dancing this week.

"RE: Nancy and Tristan"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:01 PM
Oh yikes!

Carrie Ann. Good Days and not so good Days. Having the time of your life, lost it a couple of times.

Len. Certain dances suits you or not. This wasn't a good dance for you. Went wrong early on. Not sharp, no bounce, a bit flat footed.

Bruno. The devil got you, your shoes are too small. On and off. Suitably devilish but the footwork was devilish as well.

7~7~7 21 out of 30.

"Rob and Cheryl"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:08 PM
Cheryl is a scaredy cat so they pranked her.

Dancing the Tango To the Addam's Family Theme

Now that pairing seems apropos.

"RE: Rob and Cheryl"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 09:12 PM
Would rather have seen J.R. do this one. Also, the chandelier hanging precariously over the table scared me. Not a stellar performance, but he will stay in the game.

"RE: Rob and Cheryl"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-11 AT 09:17 PM (EST)

Len Well Done. Footwork was good. Right amount of attack and staccato. This is a crucial week.

Bruno. You will never be so manly and in control You were really leading. Your bum keeps sticking out.

Carrie Ann. Started dancing with Morticia but ended up with Cousin Itt the way the hair wrapped around.

9~8~8 25 out of 30

"Ricki and Derek"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:20 PM
Ricki has a rib injury. Inflamed nerve, the only treatment is rest, since she can't they will strap her up to get her through it.

Dancing the Paso Doble to Beautiful Nightmare.

"RE: Ricki and Derek"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 09:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-11 AT 09:26 PM (EST)

Finally her costume and makeup were perfect, she looked great! Nicely done!

"RE: Ricki and Derek"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-11 AT 09:27 PM (EST)

Does Derek have to have some dramatic show off move of his own every week?

Bruno. A Blizzard of passion and fear. At time you tense the shoulders a little bit.

Carrie Ann. Your shaping is gorgeous, your transitions. Watch the shoulders.

Len. The shapes you make, precise footwork. Whip In, Away is what Len likes about the Paso.

Scores: 9~9~9 27 out of 30

"RE: Ricki and Derek"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 09:27 PM
Does Derek have to have some dramatic show off move of his own every week?


"RE: Ricki and Derek"
Posted by jbug on 11-01-11 at 09:57 AM
I thought exactly the same thing; he always makes the routine more about him. The judges need to call him on it.

"Hope and Maks"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:30 PM
Review of last week's drama. Teddy had to come in and work with her because Maks hurt his toe. Hope having fun with Teddy, Maks, not having any fun.

Dancing the Samba to Werewolves of London. I may have to mute this if the band starts ruining this song for me.

"RE: Hope and Maks"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:34 PM
Muted at 10 seconds in.

There is something just awkward about her that I can't quite place, but it is not going away.

Carrie Ann. Nice to see, like the toy story, all this spirit coming out. All of you came out, this was better than that. Ease of motion good to see.

Len. Can be the celebrity graveyard. Coped well. Well done to the hair makeup and costume departments.

Bruno. Dancing as if your life depended on it. Better timing, better finish.

Carson back again tomorrow and in the audience tonight. Can't get rid of him.

8~8~8 24 out of 30

"RE: Hope and Maks"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 09:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-11 AT 09:36 PM (EST)

Well done Hope, nice job.

Have tickets to the Hugh Jackman show - I'm going to sleep tonight imagining Maks joining him on stage for a number just for me. A girl can dream.

"RE: Hope and Maks"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 11-01-11 at 01:04 PM
They certainly edited that to make Maks look like the heavy. It wasn't Maks who called Chaz a penguin.
Could have done without Tom's snarky remarks, too.

OTOH, I noticed the judges took out their mocking tones, and settled down to praising the good along with critiquing the mistakes.

"Team Dance 1"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:41 PM
Team Tango. In straight jackets.

JR/Karina picked this team. David/Kym. Tristan/Nancy

Smash a Team Paso Pumpkin

Dancing to...Disturbia

"RE: Team Dance 1"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 09:46 PM
Hard to tell J.R. and David from Tristan and Nancy clearly couldn't keep up. Entertaining.

"RE: Team Dance 1"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:47 PM
Thanks Whimsey.

Watching Tristan's bum helped to distract from Nancy.

Len. The section as a group, all those parts would good. Individual portions were a disaster.

Bruno. Everybody had mistakes in the individual sections, but overall you did well.

Carrie Ann. So tight in the beginning. Problems with the individual portions but overall very good.

8~7~8 total of 23.

"Team Dance 2"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:55 PM
Drama with Maks and Hope during the rehearsal.

Dancing the Paso Doble to Bring Me To Life.

"RE: Team Dance 2"
Posted by Snidget on 10-31-11 at 09:59 PM
I think the singers were falling behind the music, that can't help.

Bruno. Powerful Moody Dramatic, building to a fantastic ending. Everyone going for it.

Carrie Ann. Amazing, in sync with your cape work.

Len. Individual parts fantastic, Rob kept up with the two pro guys.

9~8~9 26 out of 30

"RE: Team Dance 2"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 09:59 PM
Very theatrical and entertaining. Hope had a bit of trouble, and for a change Maks gave extra for the team/solo part and didn't make it up on the spot.

"Thanks, Snidget"
Posted by whimsey on 10-31-11 at 10:06 PM
Here's an Italian Manhattan for a great job.