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"DWTS 11 Episode 16 ECST"

Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 09:36 PM
Tonight we will find out our Semi-Finalists.

We are approaching mega-filler capacity with each elimination... and then the Finale....*shrug*

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Messages in this discussion
"Encore Dance"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:01 PM
Kyle/Lacey's Instant Dance Jive

"RE: Encore Dance"
Posted by Snidget on 11-09-10 at 10:04 PM
wOOt! So much fun!!!

Hope that is not a see you once more before you go home dance.

"Who's Safe Part 1"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:05 PM
Kyle/Lacey... are SAFE!!!!

"RE: Who's Safe Part 1"
Posted by Snidget on 11-09-10 at 10:06 PM

I was worried that they'd be going home this week.

*happy dance*

"RE: Who's Safe Part 1"
Posted by whimsey on 11-09-10 at 10:09 PM
Wonder if TPTB are quaking in their boots over a Kyle/Jennifer/Bristol final three?

"Shirtless Len"
Posted by whimsey on 11-09-10 at 10:10 PM
Got here just in time!

"Dance Center"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:11 PM
Both Jerry Rice and Kenny Mayne look ridiculous...

"RE: Dance Center"
Posted by whimsey on 11-09-10 at 10:17 PM
I want them to come to my house for drinks and snacks.

"Taio Krusz"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:14 PM

"RE: Taio Krusz"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-09-10 at 10:18 PM
Yay! So happy that Kyle stays!

"John Legend"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:21 PM
with The Roots...

Wake Up

"RE: John Legend"
Posted by whimsey on 11-09-10 at 10:25 PM
Trying to remember Maks and Cheryl partnering ever....

"Who's Safe Part 2"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:29 PM
Kurt/Anna and Jennifer/Derek... will you see the Semis?

Jennifer/Derek: SAFE!!!

Kurt/Anna: Still in jeopardy...

"Young Talent"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:35 PM
Emily Bear, Pianist...

Two sets of young dancers.

Dancing the Jive to Tooty Fruity

"RE: Young Talent"
Posted by whimsey on 11-09-10 at 10:37 PM
My cheeks hurt from smiling. That was amazing!

"John Legend"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:43 PM
again with The Roots

Ordinary People

"RE: John Legend"
Posted by djandy on 11-10-10 at 02:45 PM
Jeanine Mason from SYTYCD Season 5! She danced beautifully as always. I've noticed that they've had a lot of non-Pro dancers on results nights this year. I like the more Contemporary routines they've been doing.

"Dance Center"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:47 PM
The abuse continues...

"Who's Safe Part 3"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:53 PM
Bristol/Mark and Brandy/Maks.... is there a shock to be had again?

SAFE: Bristol/Mark!!!!???!!!

Brandy/Maks are still in jeopardy....

"RE: Who's Safe Part 3"
Posted by Snidget on 11-09-10 at 10:53 PM

"RE: Who's Safe Part 3"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-10-10 at 00:43 AM
Another week of Bristol? *thud*

"Red Light of DOOM!!!"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 10:59 PM
The couple going home tonight is... *heartbeat music* Kurt/Anna...

Brandy/Maks make it to the Semis!

"RE: Red Light of DOOM!!!"
Posted by whimsey on 11-09-10 at 11:02 PM

"RE: Red Light of DOOM!!!"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-09-10 at 11:02 PM
Whew, glad Brandy made it! Kurt is a class act. Carrie Ann not so much.

I really, really hope that the judges score accurately next week so it doesn't solely come down to a popularity contest.

"RE: Red Light of DOOM!!!"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-09-10 at 11:03 PM
Thanks guys! See you next week.

"Thanks, vince"
Posted by whimsey on 11-09-10 at 11:08 PM
great job, glad to have you back!

"RE: Thanks, vince"
Posted by vince3 on 11-09-10 at 11:09 PM
It seems to be an almost annual thing during the fall season...

"RE: Thanks, vince"
Posted by Round Robin on 11-10-10 at 04:26 AM
It is. For the last 4 falls there has been a Steelers game either the Monday before or the Monday after the fall election. And when they do that the local ABC station shows DWTS on Tuesday at 9AM.

"This is infuriating..."
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 11-10-10 at 08:56 AM
Kurt outscores Bristol and he goes.

Brandy outscores everyone and she almost goes.

Bristol gets up and does a routine that is usually reserved for women wearing pasties and g-strings and gets through. Seriously. If she did any more b00b-thrusting and hung all over her partner any more, she'd be pregnant again. They just need to put a damn stripper pole on stage for her performances and be done with it. It's getting really damn old.

But no-o-o-o, since her last name is Palin and she calls herself a "teen abstinence spokesperson" or whatever the hell she calls herself, she gets through to F4 ahead of people who have actual, I don't know, talent. Bristol Palin advocating teen abstinence makes as much sense as Howie Mandel hawking Rogaine.

Kurt Warner is a class act, and if he had the same moves on the football field that he did on the dance floor, he'd have at least one more Super Bowl ring to his name.

Here's to hoping Brandy wins. And that Bristol takes a few lessons in being classy from her.

"RE: This is infuriating..."
Posted by altpeach on 11-10-10 at 09:31 AM
I love this post!!!!

"RE: This is infuriating..."
Posted by samboohoo on 11-10-10 at 10:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-10-10 AT 10:15 AM (EST)

Agree about Kurt. Completely.

Agree about Brandy.

In fact, I completely agree with you in that, out of all of the dancers left, Bristol is certainly the worst of the group. And, there were others (at least on in Audrina) who should have outlasted her.

I will also agree with you about the samba. I didn't like it at all. I agree about the oobie shaking and also thought it was scored much higher than it should have been.

I don't really agree with the rest of your post. I thought her first dance probably was one of her better dances. And, as Carrie Ann said, it's the most intense she's been. The outfit? Really? You're really going to criticize what she was wearing? Have you not looked at the outfits of every other female - both professional and "star" with the exception of Forence in the whole competition? And not just this season?

I've always thought her biggest weakness in this competition is that she has never seemed able to just loosen up. IMO, she always looks uncomfortable,a nd I've always thought it's Mark who's been the touchy-feely person in all of this.

I watch, I don't vote. But, given that they indicated Brandy's scores were not the lowest, I would have to say that Bristol's high scores this week kept her around. Wasn't it last week or the week before when she was in the bottom two - ETA - when her scores were lower?

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: This is infuriating..."
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 11-13-10 at 01:27 PM
I wrote off most of the first dances this week - all of them looked insanely safe. I told my wife repeatedly how safe all the performances were - the first "WOW" moment was Kyle's second dance. He was a good bit better than Jennifer, who got all 10s, and a lot better than Bristol, whose second dance was ranted about in the above post.

Brandy's second dance? My wife pointed out that her outfit made her look like a genie. It took all my self-control not to blurt out, "Well, I better make my other two wishes then."

I don't vote, but maybe I need to - for A.B.B. Anyone But Bristol.

"RE: This is infuriating..."
Posted by qwertypie on 11-10-10 at 10:26 AM
And Brandy may not have been in the bottom 2. Maybe it was Bristol, but the judges are hoping her fans are lulled into a false sense of security so we have a F3 with the strongest dancers left.

"RE: This is infuriating..."
Posted by Tummy on 11-10-10 at 11:12 AM
I'm not a Bristol fan by any means - any avenue that gets Sarah more camera time I'm usually against. But I don't think you can blame the poor girl for the choreography or the outfits. Hell, you can't even blame her for still being there. I'm kind of glad she's getting something out of being dragged on to the national scene as a pregnant teen.

"RE: This is infuriating..."
Posted by jbug on 11-10-10 at 11:38 AM

"RE: This is infuriating..."
Posted by samboohoo on 11-10-10 at 12:03 PM
Need. A. Defibrulator.

Thanks Tummy!

"RE: This is infuriating..."
Posted by kiki_k on 11-10-10 at 04:47 PM
Agree, agree, agree.
I'm sad to see Kurtanna go becuase Kurt was so, so sweet & I just love Anna (she is the best of the female pros, imo). BUT, between him, Bristol & Rick Fox (last week), it doesn't really matter what order they go as they all are nowhere near as good as Jennifer, Brandy & Kyle. So, to me at least, it doesn't matter who goes first among those 3. If Bristol has the fan base to keep her there until final 4, whatever. That is how the show works.
Finally, I kind of find the outrage against Bristol to be disportionate given prior seasons of the show, because if she does somehow get into the Final 3 it will not be the first time that someone who didn't really deserve it based on dancing did (Marie Osmond, Jerry Rice -- heck, Donny Osmond won it & he pretty much sucked, imo). It is just a dancing show!!
(I don't, btw, think that will happen -- Jennifer Grey is winning this thing, sorry Brandy & Kyle -- although personally, my votes are going to Kyle -- he imbodies what this show should be about -- no real dance training prior, unlike Brandy & Jennifer, marked improvement week to week & just having FUN -- not breaking down crying from the stress and "needing to win" like they are curing cancer).

Posted by udg on 11-11-10 at 01:19 AM
I can't stand her mother, but I totally agree with this: "I'm kind of glad she's getting something out of being dragged on to the national scene as a pregnant teen."

I was surprised at how likable I found Bristol at the beginning of the season. I think her time is up on the show, and when I voted this week (first time this season), I didn't vote for her, but I'm not particularly unhappy that she made it to the final 5/6.

"RE: Agree"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 11-12-10 at 09:17 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-10 AT 09:17 AM (EST)

What if the rumors are true and she is pregnant again? *runs*

GO WINGS! 2008 Stanley Cup Champs!
sig Snidget and by IceCat, and bobble head by Tribephyl

"RE: This is infuriating..."
Posted by Loree on 11-10-10 at 12:53 PM
Jimmy Kimmel was talking about Bristol lastnight. He said the show is Dancing With The Stars. Bristol is not Dancing. Bristol is not a Star. So that leaves With The. The show should be called "With The". He kept trying to get Anna and Kurt to complain about Bristol outlasting everyone.

Even Florence was putting in more work and dance steps the week she went home instead of Bristol. Then Audrina, Rick and Kurt. The annoying part is Bristol doesn't seem to really care. She is said to put in less practice than the others. And she probably doesn't care if she goes home. But her mother's crazy followers are voting even though they are not even watching the show.

"RE: This is infuriating..."
Posted by Karchita on 11-10-10 at 06:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-10 AT 03:39 AM (EST)

Word. Infuriating. Bristol is extremely unpersonable and unlikeable. Her dancing is appalling. I would not want her there no matter who her mother was, and the fact that her mother is the very most desperate attention whore on the whole planet who will use her kids for anthing makes it insufferable.