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Thread Number: 70
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"Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"

Posted by big brutha on 01-06-06 at 00:18 AM
There was a time when most black people had some kinnd of rhythm, and could let it go and dance. Those times are gone. In this trifiling age of everyone trying so hard to be pimpin or gangstas the fun and life of the rhythm is dying a overly used methodical death.
Master P you can't still keep it gangsta while ball room dancing. Your stiff assed steps were worse than Kenny Mayne a known non dancer.
Dude will someone please tell these people to stop trippin and learn to be real.
The shame was he was doing it for the people in La. BS bra you could have had a good time instead you went out there with that typical lame excuse well thats not my style. IF its not your style keep ya ashy, no rhythm, lack of movement tail at home.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-06-06 at 00:58 AM
Well at least our man Jerry pulled it out. He was HOT.

Sigpic by Seana

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by big brutha on 01-06-06 at 01:16 AM
Yeah JErry did the damn thing. I liked Tatum oneil looked like she was ready for a line or two after she was done.

Seriously Master P was lame it burns me up when bruthas do something half assed then try to call it gangsta or " I was keeping it real"

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-06-06 at 01:21 AM
The only real thing I saw was his fake ego.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by sistababe on 01-06-06 at 03:36 PM
I knew Jerry was going to do great. He is a very classy man and you can tell whatever he does he is going to do it with class and he did exactly that.

As far a Tatum O'neil she was great but she did look like she was on something. I thought she kicked that habbit. She couls have kept that little "gangsta" sign she sent to her kids to herself. She was great on the floor but she showed her true color the minute the dancing was over.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by mabri02 on 01-06-06 at 11:02 AM
Well said! I was totally disqusted until my man Jerry did his thing. Now thats a brutha who knows how to shake that groove thang!! Master P U Suck!!

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-06-06 at 03:42 PM
Master P would have earned my respect if he:

1) changed his threads to some that show off his body (something way more suitable for dance moves)

2) lost the hat

3) lived up to his earlier hollow threat about being the best (or whatever it is, I already forgot)

4) showed us he's got moves in other places besides his mouth

Plain and simple, he should have stepped up. Because he didn't, he looks like a fool.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by eericarenee on 01-15-06 at 07:41 PM
5) put on the darn shoes.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by StarryLuna on 01-06-06 at 04:58 PM
I have a suspicion Master P might stick around, only because he was lucky enough to be partnered with Ashley. I think Ashley got more applause then he did when they were introduced - she's obviously pretty popular from last season.

Luna's Eclipses

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-06-06 at 05:31 PM
Hi Luna. Didn't Ashly look (and do)great? What an incredible dancer. She deserves to stay but I actually it would be more fun for Andy and his partner to stick around. He really tried, and he's funny.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by Round Robin on 01-06-06 at 10:38 PM
The right one got the gate IMO. Master P did suck, but he seemed to do better the second half of the dance. Kenny Mayne was nothing but a freakin' cigar store Indian the whole way through. He was AWFUL. Master P at least has a chance to improve. The only thing Kenny has a snowball's chance to do is blow like a Category 5 hurricane.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-06-06 at 10:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-07-06 AT 00:23 AM (EST)

Tonight's pro dancing was excellent. That is all.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by CattyChat on 01-10-06 at 01:53 PM
I agree with you 100%, Luna. I think the only reason MP is still there is because of Ashley & the fans of season one didn't want to see her go yet.

Unfortunately, I think MP really deserved to be the first to go, though, because of his bad attitude. It showed that he didn't care at all what happened & no matter how many times he said it was for the victims of Hurricane Katrina & his people, I felt he came off as insincere and basically a jerk. He was also rather rude to his partner, Ashley.

I'll be curious to see if he turns his attitude around for this week, because no matter how much we love Ashley, MP needs to go if he doesn't improve his 'tude. It's too bad Romeo injured himself, because Ashley & Romeo would have probably been cute to watch together.

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-10-06 at 01:58 PM
Why should I bother to post when CattyChat can come in and post my exact thoughts for me?! ::smooch::

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by graciecraft4 on 01-07-06 at 10:53 PM
I was so embarrassed for the gal that has to dance with this idiot. He can't get out of his stupid hat and outfit and get real for what he is saying he stands for and said this several times, the people in Louisiana. well if you are really for the people in LA, you need to get real and actually try. The producers should be ashamed for letting this take place, I don't know what they are trying to say by creating this but there is probably someone else that could have been chosen instead of this idiot.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by vince3 on 01-07-06 at 11:17 PM
He was a stand-in for his son, Romeo.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by big brutha on 01-08-06 at 02:02 AM
I really hope Masta P doesn't stick around I don't care if he was a subsitute. Kenny Mayne was so stiff.
Okay I 'm going to say this we had tso total stereotypes going. White guys that have to be drunk to pretend they are dancing, and really the whole white male thing that they don't dance and then you have the characature of the whole black male can get jiggy to anything. Both were stiff one grew up listneing to classic rock no dancing the other to rhythm and blues and plenty of dancing, both narrow minded to listen to other forms of music, let alone movement I think we have learned a lesson here somewhere.
Romeo should dance next week and save his trifling dad. Kenny Mayne should get another week because it was sad but humorous to watch.
Or kick em both apprentice style.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by big brutha on 01-13-06 at 01:10 PM
Okay now I am embarrassed. MAster P quit talking about your ghetto fables, wear the friggin shoes and at least try. I love the woman he is dancing with she is a hot well built package.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by Bellachic on 01-13-06 at 02:42 PM
Yeah, I agree. It just looked like he was skipping across the dance floor. He's not making anyone proud. It's too bad Ashley got stuck with him, because she is really talented.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by butterfly34 on 01-13-06 at 04:08 PM
>Okay now I am embarrassed. MAster
>P quit talking about your
>ghetto fables, wear the friggin
>shoes and at least try.
>I love the woman he
>is dancing with she is
>a hot well built package.

I want to slap him so bad. He doesn't want to wear those dancing shoes because he wants to show off his new lines of shoes he wearing. I want him so gone. He not even trying. I can't stand him or his music. If he wants to help the victims of katrina he needs to donates some money. The man is worth millions. His kid is worth 50 million. Lets hope he is gone tonight

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by scarlet2 on 01-14-06 at 09:44 AM
I definitely feel people are voting for Ashley....and , unfortunately, "Master of bad attitude"....gets afree ride.

Such a contrst between him and Jerry Rice!

Such a bad example for anyone .....

Ashley certainly did get a raw deal when she was "given" this "load" to try to teach.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by mysticwolf on 01-16-06 at 08:33 PM
"Ashley certainly did get a raw deal when she was "given" this "load" to try to teach."

Except, from what I've gathered, he wasn't who was assigned to her. She was supposed to be teaching his son, "Little Romeo". Romeo got himself injured playing B-ball, and dad stepped in at the last minute.

I agree that he should have been long gone (although, given that he stepped in after the others had already had some rehearsal time, perhaps some slack was in order for the first week).

But, I have to say, the other competitors should probably be glad it's P, and not Romeo, competing. I have a feeling that Romeo would have probably gone along with the shoes and given the dancing a real shot. But, I also think that, while P's fan base is obviously turning out in force for him, Romeo's fan base would be far larger. The combination of trying and fans would have been more difficult to overcome by the others.

A Super Syren Siggie

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by Bellachic on 01-17-06 at 01:08 PM
Yeah that would have been something to see, Ashley and Romeo, we would have had ourselves quite a competition then. Those two would have really been pushing the envelope with their dance moves, I'm sure. Unfortunately, we're only left to ponder what might have been (and suffer the excruciating pain of watching Master P 'ballroom dance').

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by Sahara on 01-19-06 at 11:42 PM
Okay, enough is enough. Please, please, please, please let him be GONE this week! He looks like an elephant lumbering over the dance floor (except an elephant is probably more graceful). I think I would rather watch the elephant.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-20-06 at 01:37 AM
Me too.

Crazy About Elephants Since Birth

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by big brutha on 01-20-06 at 02:07 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-20-06 AT 02:25 PM (EST)

Okay seriously now , will people stop voting for P. I'd rather see four episodes of stacked then watch Master P again.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by prosecutor on 01-20-06 at 09:05 AM
I think the judges calculated the votes to pit Jerry against Master P so that Master P could be gone gone gone. I hope everyone who was voting for this horrible dancer will now vote for Jerry he is class all the way. Master P gives black people a bad name with his lousy attitude and disrespect, look how elegant Jerry looks.Master P go home and start voting for Jerry.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by Bebo on 01-20-06 at 12:35 PM
I disagree that it was calculated that Jerry would end up in the bottom 2. As much as I have enjoyed his performances the first two weeks, he had a bad week this week. When he came out looking so awesome in that blue shirt (I never thought I'd drool over a 49er), I had high hopes, but he just didn't get it done. But he was still in a different league than P.

If P doesn't go this week, I think the show's ratings will drop off, because there will be some seriously pissed off fans.

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by butterfly34 on 01-20-06 at 09:17 PM
>I think the judges calculated the
>votes to pit Jerry against
>Master P so that Master
>P could be gone gone
>gone. I hope everyone who
>was voting for this horrible
>dancer will now vote for
>Jerry he is class all
>the way. Master P gives
>black people a bad name
>with his lousy attitude and
>disrespect, look how elegant Jerry
>looks.Master P go home and
>start voting for Jerry.

Master P represent Master P not black people. So, he is only given Master P a bad name.

"Go, already!"
Posted by CattyChat on 01-20-06 at 09:05 AM
Len said it perfectly when he said it was past the time that P and the show should part ways.

He never should have made it past week 1. Bad dancing, I can take, but his attitude, I cannot. I wish we were watching Kenny Mayne joke his way through his poor dancing abilities these last couple of weeks, rather than suffering through P.

If he makes it after tonight, I hope the judges revolt

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Go, already!"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-20-06 at 12:10 PM
Len said it perfectly when he said it was past the time that P and the show should part ways.

woohoo, I'm glad Len said that! Agreed, Catty. I'd rather laugh with Kenny than cringe and turn away from the tv with P up there. Kenny I would watch because he makes me feel like laughing. When will more men learn that it takes a bigger man to make fun of themselves than to save face with false pride?!

I missed last night's show, but will be watching tonight. I wasn't too sad about missing last night. Last Friday's show was just right for my taste. Give me the dancing, give me the scores, tell me who gets booted. Most of the rest is fluff I can do without.

syg by Cyg

"RE: Go, already!"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 01-20-06 at 01:03 PM
Give me the dancing, give me the scores, tell me who gets booted. Most of the rest is fluff I can do without.

I agree. Besides, I have to miss the last half hour anyway to watch Beauty and the Geek.

Sigs by Cyg

"RE: Go, already!"
Posted by big brutha on 01-20-06 at 02:31 PM
I can't believe you are posting in my thread and not getting on me for dissing the other posters. I think I may head to the bomb shelter the end of the world is upon us.
P shouldn't be in the running I hate when people say he's giving black people a bad name. When do white people ever say that about their own. Luckily Jerry is there to balance it out.
I mean really we always only have one token anyway, so to bump P off wouldn't be a loss.
I just really hope there aren't bruthas and sistahs out there thant think P is doing something, I hope there are no fools out there talking about keeping it real.
chris Rock would roast P like a cashew .
Seriously will someone stop the madness.

"RE: Go, already!"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-20-06 at 06:54 PM
Man, would I like to hear what Chris Rock has to say about P! I hope we'll get treated to that.

"Bad news"
Posted by mysticwolf on 01-20-06 at 08:50 PM
His fans (or Romeo's) must be voting in a big way. He's still in it.

Sigs by Bob, entirely accurate renditions of nature
Wonder of this is punishment for last season when the fans were so upset about the judges votes.

"RE: Bad news"
Posted by Fishercat on 01-20-06 at 09:18 PM
I should feel bad about it, but...the judges were unnecessarily mean last night. He's at least trying now, he's having some fun. I'm willing to bet that if they simply said "x and y were off, it just wasn't technically sound", he would be at least Bottom 2. It peeved me off when they basically told him to get out, that's not their job IMO, their job is to critique and score. If they want to get him out, give him a 0. If the fans want him there, then tough.

Bob Factoid: The fishercat is the only creature known to have gone completely insane chasing its own tail.

"RE: Bad news"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-20-06 at 09:49 PM
While I agree that it wasn't the place of the judges to say that he shouldn't be there anymore, they were 100% correct.

He might be lossening up and having fun, but IMO he's not trying to ballroom dance. To call what he's done the last two weeks ballroom dancing, and the fact that he's still here is making the show a joke. The score they got this week (I say 'they' because at least his partner was ballroom dancing) were pity scores and shouldn't have been as high as they were. They got a 6 from one of the judges, which was the same score as Jerry got. The two dances weren't even close.

P still being here is making this show into a travesty. It's not about the best dancer at all any more, it's all about who's the most popular. If the judges keep giving him pity scores, and not the 1's and 2' that he deserves, he's probably going to win.

Heck, if he makes it one more week, I'm going to start using all the votes I can for him, just to try and make sure that this season ends up the joke that it's becoming.

Why did the chicken cross the road? It was poultry in motion.

"RE: Bad news"
Posted by Fishercat on 01-20-06 at 09:56 PM
I agree completely, and really, he should have been gone Week 1 instead of Kenny Mayne. However, the judges brought that upon themselves.

It's not a surprise. If you give the judges too much power, then the show is not for the fans, rather for what judges think is best, which isn't necessarily most entertaining. If you give the voters too much power, well, look at American Idol.

No show has found the necessary medium.

Bob Factoid: The fishercat is the only creature known to have gone completely insane chasing its own tail.

"RE: Bad news"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-20-06 at 10:09 PM
No show has found the necessary medium.

Actually I think that Rockstar INXS came the closest to finding that medium.

Let the judges and the fans have their say, and then take the bottom few and make them have a dance off (like the singing of INXS songs). Then let the professional judges who are supposed to be able to do their job without bias, make the final decision as to who goes home.

They are wasting an entire hour on Friday nights for what? A recap and some flair? Let the bottom two or three couples dance the same dance again so they don't have to try and learn two dances in a week's time. The judges can then make the final decision (like the band did for Rockstar).

Why did the chicken cross the road? It was poultry in motion.

"RE: Bad news"
Posted by habman on 01-20-06 at 11:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-20-06 AT 11:35 PM (EST)

Even though I think Master P should have been canned weeks ago I am feeling quite giddy that he made it through again this week after the judges basically told him to get lost.


Last season after the judges gave Kelly Monaco perfect 10's across the board in what was an error-filled performance is perfect retribution IMO. The dance-off didn't quite do it for me. This payback has been much more effective and much sweeter.

"RE: Bad news"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 01-21-06 at 01:12 AM
The voting and the judging really bugs me. You take judges who go by the performance (more or less) but then you have the votes which are basically based on who your fans are. It's a shame when someone like P keeps making it through when others who trully are trying their hardest like Tatum and Giselle are eliminated. I think Giselle should have stayed and P should have gone. He was the worst dancer and shouldn't still be in the competition.

These kinds of shows are tough cause you want the viewers to have a reason to watch (did the person I voted for make it?) yet to have it trully be based on talent you need to have unbiased (is there such a thing?) judges and no fan voting.

Ahh...well, I'll just enjoy the dancing.

Sigs by Cyg
Did anyone else enjoy the fact that Tia danced the tango to the same music she danced it with Arnold in True Lies?

"RE: Gangsta Cha cha? Master P you stunk!!!"
Posted by LASINGINDIVA on 01-21-06 at 00:59 AM
All I can say is AMEN and TRUE 'DAT!

"Reasons P Should PART"
Posted by CattyChat on 01-21-06 at 08:32 AM
I agree with most of the rest of you about the travesty that someone like P is still in the competition.

The biggest reason is because of his UNWILLINGNESS to participate fully. He has refused to wear the right shoes & clothing since the beginning & that, right there, should be enough to have him disqualified, IMHO.

This week Carrie-Ann mentioned the "no lifts" rule (BTW, I don't remember that rule from last year & thought there were many lifts during the competition) and Carrie-Ann said that since the Judges didn't make the "no lifts" rule clearly known, that the dancers would not be penalized THIS TIME. So, with that out there, why would Master P be penalized for not wearing the proper shoes & dance attire?

I don't care if the "Star" is not the greatest dancer, but in the spirit of the show, if you choose to participate, you should WEAR THE RIGHT STUFF and participate 100%. As Len said in week 2 to P "you wouldn't wear ballroom shoes to play basketball, would you? Then why are you wearing basketball shoes to ballroom dance?"

It is just disgusting that other dancers who are putting their whole heart & soul into this competition are being booted before someone like P. Someone else said in this thread about how P is really setting a BAD example to kids who may emulate them. P is saying: "Do whatever the F--k you feel like, kids. Break the rules. Don't listen to anybody. Be bad and people will like you & you'll do well." Now THAT is the real travesty.

Kind Creation of ARNutz

Posted by Breezy on 01-21-06 at 12:08 PM
What the chatty cat said!

"RE: Reasons P Should PART"
Posted by sisyphus on 01-21-06 at 01:19 PM
the fix is in......the fix is in...the fix is in.......
that is all I have to say......do people in the hood actually sit and watch a ballroom dancing show?

"RE: Reasons P Should PART"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-21-06 at 02:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-21-06 AT 02:03 PM (EST)

EXCELLENT point, sisyphus!

"RE: Reasons P Should PART"
Posted by butterfly34 on 01-21-06 at 03:29 PM
>the fix is in......the fix is
>in...the fix is in.......
>that is all I have to
>say......do people in the hood
>actually sit and watch a
>ballroom dancing show?

You are so correct people in the hood would not watch a show like this. They only watch rap shows. Thanks for reminding us.

"RE: Reasons P Should PART"
Posted by sisyphus on 01-23-06 at 01:49 PM
You know I was really just asking a question. I was not trying to imply that people in th ehood only watch rap shows......probably it is all sterotypical....but then alot of our opinions are based on stereotypes....Marter is from the hood by his say so...and really does not show much interest or enthusiasm for ballroom dancing not even enough to wear the proper shoes.....so if I extend that to the others in the hood...maybe I would make the wrong conclusion anyway......

"RE: Reasons P Should PART"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-21-06 at 02:01 PM
It is just disgusting that other dancers who are putting their whole heart & soul into this competition are being booted before someone like P.

Totally agree. Gisele is a good dancer, and she is the one who should be totally p!ssed and not Tatum. Last night' debacle proves that this is a popularity contest. Doesn't work for me, even though my faves are still in (George, Lisa and Jerry). I really like Tia too. But I think Drew has a good chance at the final two, which I hope is not Stacy and Drew. I want to see Lisa and Jerry dance-off.

syg by Cyg

"RE: Reasons P Should PART"
Posted by prosecutor on 01-21-06 at 02:16 PM
Peop;e are saying that the judges should give master p low scores and that would ensure he goes. That's not necessarily true, the fans would vote like crazy then for himfor sure. I think the judges should try reverse psychology and score him high not too high like maybe a 22 then the fans would think he is safe and not vote and for sure he would be gone gone gone.
Anyone agree?

"RE: Reasons P Should PART"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-21-06 at 02:46 PM
I was thinking the very same thing last night. Nothing's going to get him out of there, I'm afraid. ABC's loving that part. People will keep watching just to see when the #$Q)@#$ it is that P finally goes.

All I know is, Jerry better not go before him. Jerry better win!

Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-21-06 at 05:03 PM
I ventured into the message boards on ABC's site last night for a minute, and unfortunatly it's not going to matter what scores the judges give him.

People over there are braging that they are calling from every cell phone they can get their hands on to vote as much as they can for P. They don't seem to care at all how bad he is, just that they want him to win.

I'd say we are stuck with him being here until it gets down to four or so couples left. Until there isn't as many couples to spread out the voting, he's going to be around.

Might as well face the facts. Change the name of the show to "Popularity of the Stars", because that is what it's become.

Why did the chicken cross the road? It was poultry in motion.

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-21-06 at 05:50 PM
ABC has a problem on their hands. This couldhas turned into a really big PR mess. They'd better handle it correctly or there will be some repercussions. Don't ask me what. I'm probably dreaming.

P voters: freakin' yahoos....

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by Hootie43 on 01-22-06 at 04:37 AM
Yep...I think you're dreaming. Obviously ABC is not terribly concerned with quality...they want the ratings and obviously (again) they're getting them. The fact that they're discontinuing the inclusion of the full dances of each couple on the results show indicates to me that a LOT of folks are foresaking the longer Thursday night stuff for "cutting to the chase" Friday. Guess we can't do that any more, huh?

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by CattyChat on 01-22-06 at 08:25 AM
I agree with you, DooWah (what a surprise, huh ), ABC does have a problem (just like AI does) where viewers forget it's a talent competition.

Personally, I think P should be given an ultimatum before the next show: Either he wears the right shoes & clothing or don't bother showing up on Thursday, he is automatically out.

Rules are rules. If others can be penalized for "lifts" or who knows what the other rules are, why doesn't P get penalized? He wouldn't even make it onto the floor if it was a real ballroom dance competition.

This is what I think should be done & we'll see whether he REALLY wants to be on the show or not. (I suspect not & good riddance).

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by finallytyping on 01-22-06 at 01:47 PM
I didn't watch the first season. Could you tell
me a bit of the background on Ashley that would give
her the big fan base? I'm not dissing her at all; I just
read a lot of comments alluding to something that happened
that is giving her so much love and support.

BTW, I do feel sorry for her being paired with P, but of all
the professional dancers on the show, she seems to be the best
one to handle the situation. She has a great attitude.

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-22-06 at 01:56 PM
Yeah, Ashly is handling it well. I'd like to see Cheryl Burke (paired with Drew Lachey) handle him, though! Or the Anna Trebunskaya (paired with Jerry Rice). Then we'd see some fireworks. *rubshandstogether* heh heh heh

syg by Cyg

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by prosecutor on 01-22-06 at 04:51 PM
>Yeah, Ashly is handling it well.
> I'd like to see
>Cheryl Burke (paired with Drew
>Lachey) handle him, though!
>Or the Anna Trebunskaya (paired
>with Jerry Rice). Then
>we'd see some fireworks.
>*rubshandstogether* heh heh heh

Doo Wah Ditty you are too funny heh heh.

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by Round Robin on 01-24-06 at 09:14 PM
Ashly's being a good sport about the whole thing, and Master P is being a little more respectful to her, but I think what's really going on is that Len Goodman is getting his just deserts for badmouthing him so hard. If he wants him off, he should stick to saying what's wrong with his dancing, but instead Len is badmouthing him pretty blatantly, and I think the viewers are voting him in as a giant F you to Len. And Len deserves every bit of it.

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-24-06 at 09:19 PM
That's probably the main reason. The other reason is that they want him to win because he's a rapper. They're probably Romeo fans. And they know their numbers have power.

rooting for Anna and Jerry

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by Round Robin on 01-26-06 at 11:26 PM
I think P might actually be dead meat this week. Not only was Len badmouthing him hard, but so was Bruno, and it was fully deserved this week. P was bloody awful and obviously didn't give a $hit. If worse comes to worse, they might actually rig the vote totals, because this mess is making a travesty of the show with P being as putrid as he was tonight. They have to get him off there even if they have to cheat him to do it. And you can bet your soul that they will change the system so something like this can never happen again. I look for a percentage of the popular vote+percentage of the total judges' points given next season. You could still get a P through, but it would be a lot harder.

Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-26-06 at 11:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-26-06 AT 11:37 PM (EST)

P plugs his NEW ALBUM with a name, no less. What a seedy, greedy, shameless DAW!

(Edited because I'm so p.o.'d I can't type right.)

so much for wanting the judges to utilize reverse psychology. If this idjit stays on over George, it's a complete travesty. But then what show like this isn't?!

Posted by Cyndimaus on 01-27-06 at 01:15 AM
If P stays another week I will be trully ticked off. It's one thing for someone to work hard and dance badly but to dance badly and not really care if you're there is just not fair to those who are working so hard. I couldn't believe (well, really I could) when they said he has practiced 20 hours total compared to the others practicing 130 hours! I felt bad for Ashley tonight. She tried her hardest not to say anything bad about him even though he deserved it. She's been dancing her heart out and she's stuck with a partner who isn't even trying.

I wish Tatum and Giselle had been able to compete with someone who really wanted to be there like them instead of being eliminated before him. He should have been the first one gone. (Kenny couldn't dance but at least he wanted to be there and trully tried)

Okay, off my soapbox!

Sigs by Cyg

Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-27-06 at 01:39 AM
Hi Cyndi!! Next week will be the killer. If he makes it past next week, oh famous last words. You know the line.

At least we can retire this cha cha thread if P goes next week.

Posted by Cyndimaus on 01-27-06 at 04:25 PM
I really, really hope he gets eliminated tonight! I have to miss the results show....I hope I don't come back to bad news!

Besides, this thread is getting rather long. Time for him - and it- to go!

Sigs by Cyg

Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-27-06 at 05:47 PM
Thanks for reminding me Cyndi. In my preoccupation with Fri. night plans I almost forgot to set the VCR - again.

Posted by Sahara on 01-27-06 at 07:09 PM
Master Puke and his "performance", combined with his comment about the judges..."I'll pray for them"...Please, someone pass me a bucket!!!!

AF 2006
I need to keep only soft things by my chair that may get thrown at the tv...

Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-27-06 at 09:16 PM
*cackles with glee*

Can it be true, can it be true, can it be TRUE?!

He's gone.

Posted by Sahara on 01-27-06 at 09:27 PM
God is in His heaven, all is right with the world!

*jumps up and down, forgetting she has a balance problem--oh, well, it was worth it!*

AF 2006

Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-27-06 at 09:31 PM
*smooch* Sahara!

Thanks for the spoiler. My vcr is set, and I'm going out. Well, out to get take-out Thai, and watch Constant Gardener on DVD with a friend. Brokeback tomorrow.

syg by Cygnus

Posted by Cyndimaus on 01-28-06 at 01:10 AM
Oh thank goodness! I was so afraid I would return to find bad news! Miracles still happen!

Sigs by Cyg