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"DWTS 11 Episode 4 ECST"

Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 08:23 PM
So, we may have a little bit of Zapruder tonight, as the show claims that the booing right after Jennifer/Derek's score of 24 was for that and not the immediately shown after Sarah Palin...

They also claim that they have footage of the judges three egging the crowd on in their anger that it didn't score higher...

Other than that we got two musical acts, one of which is Seal, and the return of the Macy's Stars of Dance Segment....

Also, tonight we'll learn the first piece of the Interactive Design-A-Dance, as we'll find out the dance type... then we can start voting on the peeps to dance it...

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Messages in this discussion
"Who's Safe Part 1"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-28-10 AT 09:07 PM (EST)

Kyle/Lacey and Brandy/Maks... (highlights first...)

Kyle/Lacey... are SAFE!

Brandy/Maks... are in jeopardy.

"Drink of the night"
Posted by whimsey on 09-28-10 at 09:17 PM
Leftoveers I'm afraid:

Drink of the night

Apple Jack

and peach cobbler with homemade vanilla ice cream

"RE: Drink of the night"
Posted by Snidget on 09-28-10 at 09:21 PM
Woo Hoo.

Sounds yummy.

"Broil the judges"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:06 PM
Especially Bruno for his harsh criticism for Michael Bolton's dance last night...

You know you were especially harsh when Len looks like the good guy...

Encore dance is: Kyle/Lacey!

"RE: Broil the judges"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-28-10 at 09:18 PM
Kyle's dancing really makes me smile....he's so filled with joy....hope he goes far!

"RE: Broil the judges"
Posted by whimsey on 09-28-10 at 09:23 PM
I call Foul! Manipulation! Chicanery!

Kyle/Lacey were very nice but the encore should have been Jennifer/Derrick. Just sayin'. And what effect does Bruno's carrying on have on Micheal's votes?

"RE: Broil the judges"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-28-10 at 09:40 PM
I agree, Whimsey! I assumed Jennifer already did the encore last week so that's why they picked Kyle, but if not, then I wonder why they skipped her over?

"RE: Broil the judges"
Posted by Karchita on 09-29-10 at 03:44 AM
I doubt they would have the same couple two times in a row, especially the first two weeks of the season.

"Poll on ABC.com"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:09 PM
Vote for the top 10 dances to date... results on a special episode later in the season...

"Janelle Monae"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:12 PM

"RE: Janelle Monae"
Posted by whimsey on 09-28-10 at 09:18 PM
The camera work did that performance no justice.

"Zapruder time"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:18 PM
After an interview with the stars, we get a raw judges camera feed in which after they cheered for the 8s, they then started to boo them... and the judges' reactions bringing out more boo-birds...

"RE: Zapruder time"
Posted by whimsey on 09-28-10 at 09:24 PM
And they did all of that with a straight face...

"RE: Zapruder time"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:33 PM
Especially since we know they do re-shoot the judges scores to have them simul-reveal for highlight packages the next day...

It wouldn't take much for them to 'recreate' their reactions to the cheers, then boos... especially since they changed from the normal judges camera to another one slightly off-angle....

"RE: Zapruder time"
Posted by Karchita on 09-29-10 at 03:49 AM
That video 'proof' established absolutely nothing. So maybe the judges were confused because they didn't know that the audience was seeing that Palin was being set up to be interviewed and started to boo. Why would they boo the best scores of the night, and darn impressive scores for week two? Yet there certainly is plenty of reason to boo Palin.

All I know is that the producers of the show would be motivated to paint over any booing of Palin because they want her to come back.

"Who's Safe Part 2"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-28-10 AT 09:25 PM (EST)

Florence/Corky, Situation/Karina and Bristol/Mark... are any of you three safe?

We get post-show red room reaction from Miss Sarah... *sigh*

Next couple safe: Florence/Corky (get ready for a kiss, Len!)

Also safe: Bristol/Mark!

Situation/Karina... still in jeopardy... (they still have a Situation...)

"RE: Who's Safe Part 2"
Posted by whimsey on 09-28-10 at 09:25 PM
There will be no left over Jack Daniels after tonight, let me tell ya.

"RE: Who's Safe Part 2"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:34 PM
Drinking game: Take a shot every time they show Miss Sarah's mug?

"Who's Safe Part 3"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:27 PM
Audrina/Tony and Jennifer/Mark... are they safe?

Audrina/Tony are safe... apart from some of Tony's leg hairs...

Jennifer/Derek are.... SAFE!

"RE: Who's Safe Part 3"
Posted by whimsey on 09-28-10 at 09:35 PM
Glad there is no backlash. And yes, I want to see footage of the waxing, thank you very much.

"Unusual Dance-Day Ritual"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:29 PM
Ranging from musical, to physical... to disgusting....

To Chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies!

Plus special interactions between the couples...

"Macy's Stars of Dance"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:31 PM
Choreographed by Rich In Tone... Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic.

Cha Cha Cha is the dance for the Design-A-Dance later on. I think they said Song will be voted on next...

"RE: Macy's Stars of Dance"
Posted by Snidget on 09-28-10 at 09:35 PM
Am I just being a grumpy pants or was that just kinda blah.

The contortionist stuff was pedestrian and the en point dancer looked like a dance school recital more than a professional level dance.

But like I said I may just be a grumpy pants tonight.

"RE: Macy's Stars of Dance"
Posted by whimsey on 09-28-10 at 09:38 PM
*adding warm caramel sauce to the peach cobbler and ice cream for Snidget*

"RE: Macy's Stars of Dance"
Posted by Snidget on 09-28-10 at 09:39 PM

*makes note to be grumpy more often*

"RE: Macy's Stars of Dance"
Posted by qwertypie on 09-29-10 at 00:34 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-10 AT 00:34 AM (EST)

Mr. Qwerty wants me to let you know that he agrees with Ms. Grumpypants.

Add anything Sting sings to stuff the band should never, ever touch.

Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-28-10 AT 09:37 PM (EST)

The Weight of My Mistakes

"RE: Seal"
Posted by whimsey on 09-28-10 at 09:43 PM
Love me some Seal, but ...results shows have to compare to last week's with Santana; this one does not.

"Competitive Spirits"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:41 PM
Mainly the celebrities...

"RE: Competitive Spirits"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-28-10 at 09:43 PM
I wonder if they are making Brandy sweat because she was so difficult this week?

"RE: Competitive Spirits"
Posted by Karchita on 09-29-10 at 03:52 AM
I hope so.

She was a bit more than difficult.

"RE: Competitive Spirits"
Posted by Round Robin on 09-30-10 at 00:26 AM
Puh-leeze! Max was being his usual bullheaded self, charging blindly ahead to the next step before Brandy was ready, and SHE's being difficult? Come on, Max has a history of that bull$hit with previous partners, and you're calling Brandy difficult? I say Max is in too much of a bleeping hurry and Brandy had every right to slam on the brakes on him. Max is an a$$.

"RE: Competitive Spirits"
Posted by Karchita on 09-30-10 at 04:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-10 AT 08:55 PM (EST)

I wasn't talking about Max. I was talking about Brandy and yep, I thought she was difficult, rude, immature, and over reacted.

You may think she was provoked, but she is still accountable for her behavior.


Bouquet by c2p

"RE: Competitive Spirits"
Posted by Round Robin on 10-01-10 at 01:37 AM
What you're sellin', I ain't buyin'. As much of a bullheaded a$$ as Max was being, Brandy had every right to blow her cork on him. A human being should only be expected to take so much bull$hit, and when the bull decides to deposit more of the stuff on her than she can take, it's asking too much to expect her to be meek and mild and turn the other cheek. This ain't the 1st time Max has been such an overaggressive bullheaded ignoramus. He always is, and instead of editing the tape to make Brandy look like as much of a diva as possible, the producers should have given Max a stern lecture about how he treats his partners. He does that with every partner he ever has, and it's no damn wonder he's never won. Acting that way he never will.

"RE: Competitive Spirits"
Posted by Karchita on 10-01-10 at 06:20 PM
I don't think Brandy is likely to win acting the way that she did no matter how many excuses you make for her.

Bouquet by c2p

"RE: Competitive Spirits"
Posted by Round Robin on 10-02-10 at 03:19 AM
If she doesn't win, it's because that little pain in the a$$ Derek got the ringer again, not because she got a little difficult in response to Max acting like a complete a$$hole. If he treated the men he knows the way he treats his dance partners, somebody would eventually knock him out, that's how much of an a$$ he is, and I'm surprised that nobody other than Len Goodman ever calls him out for his bullheaded behavior.

"Who's Safe Part 4"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:47 PM
Michael/Chelsie, Kurt/Anna, Rick/Cheryl, and Margaret/Louis...

We get to see the reactions of the celebrities from Bruno calling Michael's Jive the worst in 11 seasons...

Next couple safe is... Kurt/Anna!

Joining them are... Margaret/Louis!

Rick/Cheryl, and Michael/Chelsie.... we'll find out your fate after the break.

"Who's Safe Part 5"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:53 PM
Safe: Rick/Cheryl!

"Red Light Special"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 09:59 PM
Safe: Brandy/Maks!

Which means Situation/Karina, and Michael/Chelsie are the last two up there....

The couple going home tonight is: *heartbeat music* Michael/Chelsie!

Situation/Karina are safe...

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-28-10 at 10:02 PM
Poor Michael, he even looked awkward in his final dance at the end.

The Situation better get his act together for next week.

P.S. Thanks Vince, Snidget and Whimsey for the commentary!

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by whimsey on 09-28-10 at 10:02 PM
Damn. just damn. I held out hope that the anti-Bruno vote would get him through. That's a tough way to leave the show.

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by Nume on 09-28-10 at 10:58 PM
Yeah a 12 is pretty tough to overcome though... he'd have needed a pretty large number of votes, especially since noone else scored under an 18 if I remember right.

"Thanks, vince"
Posted by whimsey on 09-28-10 at 10:08 PM
excellent job.

"Next Week: Story Time"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 10:12 PM
They have to tell a story through their dances...

A word of warning: Last season during this theme.... Zombie GaGa Paparazzi.....