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"DWTS #11 Dial Idol"

Posted by Snidget on 09-21-10 at 07:15 AM
and/or other polling data.

Dial Idol seems to be used less and less as more people have computers without modems or use other ways to vote, and early on can have a lot of issues with not nearly enough data, but sometimes it gives a feel for who the front runners are vs the also rans.

So I'll post those and any other polls people can find put the data here.

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Messages in this discussion
"Week #1"
Posted by Snidget on 09-21-10 at 07:18 AM
Harsh this year, one dance and you are out, haven't they been letting people have a few chances before an elimination the last couple of seasons?


Judges Score
24 Jennifer & Derek
23 Brandy & Maksim
23 Kyle & Lacey
22 Rick & Cheryl
19 Audrina & Tony
19 Kurt & Anna
18 Bristol & Mark
18 Florence & Corky
16 Michael & Chelsie
15 David & Kym
15 Margaret & Louis
15 The Situation & Karina

So the % of the judges and the % of the DI regular score (based on busy percentages) are combined to make this number.

DTWS Score
60.932 Jennifer & Derek
23.131 The Situation & Karina
22.123 Bristol & Mark
19.594 Kyle & Lacey
16.510 Michael & Chelsie
10.132 Brandy & Maksim
9.692 Rick & Cheryl
8.370 Audrina & Tony
8.370 Kurt & Anna
7.930 Florence & Corky
6.608 David & Kym
6.608 Margaret & Louis

DI Vote Total Ranking is who got the most votes + busies cast through dial idol.

DI Vote Total
1 Jennifer & Derek
2 The Situation & Karina
3 Rick & Cheryl
4 Kyle & Lacey
5 Brandy & Maksim
5 Kurt & Anna
7 Audrina & Tony
8 Florence & Corky
8 Margaret & Louis
10 Michael & Chelsie
11 Bristol & Mark
12 David & Kym

"RE: Week #1"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-21-10 at 01:05 PM
Thanks Snidget -- I always enjoy seeing the Dial Idol projections. I'm not surprised to see Margaret at the bottom, but I'm very surprised about the Hoff not getting more of the popular vote. Maybe they should have let the Germans vote too? .

Yikes, I didn't realize the Situation is so popular! All of NJ must have voted.

"RE: Week #1"
Posted by Belle Book on 09-21-10 at 07:09 PM
Just as well that the Situation was popular -- at least with the Dial Idol voters. I wouldn't have sent him home this week -- I'd have sent Margaret home. I'm a little surprised that David Hasselhoff didn't get more of the popular vote, but he was one of the worst ones.

"Week #2"
Posted by Snidget on 09-28-10 at 11:19 AM
Judges Score
24 Jennifer & Derek
23 Audrina & Tony
22 Bristol & Mark
22 Kyle & Lacey
21 Brandy & Maksim
21 Kurt & Anna
21 Rick & Cheryl
19 Florence & Corky
18 Margaret & Louis
18 The Situation & Karina
12 Michael & Chelsie

DTWS Score
58.249 Bristol & Mark
27.274 Jennifer & Derek
27.136 Kyle & Lacey
18.790 Kurt & Anna
14.146 Rick & Cheryl
12.288 Brandy & Maksim
11.800 Audrina & Tony
8.597 Florence & Corky
8.145 Margaret & Louis
8.145 The Situation & Karina
5.430 Michael & Chelsie

DI Vote Total
1 Jennifer & Derek
2 Rick & Cheryl
3 Margaret & Louis
4 Brandy & Maksim
5 Kyle & Lacey
6 The Situation & Karina
7 Audrina & Tony
8 Kurt & Anna
9 Florence & Corky
10 Bristol & Mark
11 Michael & Chelsie

"RE: Week #2"
Posted by vince3 on 09-28-10 at 01:19 PM
Looks like Hound Dog will be Michael Bolton's death knell...

"RE: Week #2"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-28-10 at 02:20 PM
I just watched last night's episode and cringed when I saw Michael Bolton's performance. Can't believe Chelsie made him crawl out of a dog house! I feel so sorry for him but he does deserve to go.

I'm surprised by how many votes Margaret Cho gets -- didn't realize she's so popular.

"RE: Week #2"
Posted by qwertypie on 09-28-10 at 04:32 PM
Yep, Chelsie fails yet another partner.

"RE: Week #2"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 09-28-10 at 08:28 PM
Yep. It would have been fun to see what Cheryl Burke could have done with him.

"RE: Week #2"
Posted by Belle Book on 09-28-10 at 04:18 PM
Yeah, it looks like it. I saw the score -- a 5, a 4, & a 3! Yikes!

"Week #3"
Posted by Snidget on 10-05-10 at 10:06 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-05-10 AT 10:59 AM (EST)

Judges Score
26 Audrina & Tony
24 Brandy & Maksim
24 Jennifer & Derek
24 Rick & Cheryl
23 Kurt & Anna
23 Kyle & Lacey
20 Florence & Corky
20 The Situation & Karina
19 Bristol & Mark
18 Margaret & Louis

DTWS Score
33.755 Bristol & Mark
31.291 Rick & Cheryl
27.935 Jennifer & Derek
21.818 Kyle & Lacey
21.041 Kurt & Anna
19.035 Brandy & Maksim
18.880 Audrina & Tony
9.050 Florence & Corky
9.050 The Situation & Karina
8.145 Margaret & Louis

DI Vote Total
1 Jennifer & Derek
2 Brandy & Maksim
3 Kyle & Lacey
4 Rick & Cheryl
5 Kurt & Anna
6 Audrina & Tony
7 Margaret & Louis
8 Florence & Corky
9 Bristol & Mark
10 The Situation & Karina

"RE: Week #3"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 10-05-10 at 01:13 PM
Thanks Snidget! So I'm not sure if I'm reading this correctly, but does this mean there's a possibility that the Situation could go home tonight, or at least be in the bottom 2? I'd rather see Margaret stay vs. him!

"RE: Week #3"
Posted by Snidget on 10-05-10 at 01:26 PM
It is hard to tell who is the going home, but yeah the situation and even Florence could be at risk as they didn't get much in the way of any busy signals in the DI (so there DWTS DI score is only from judges).

Of those three it seems that the situation may be most at risk as not many dial idol people voted for him (so total votes rather than just looking at busy signals)

I think Margaret got both the VFTW type of votes and may have gotten some "screw you judges" votes and may get some "I like her political statement" votes. I think most of the didn't like what she said probably wouldn't be voting for her anyway.

But the question is how much the DI voters mirror America, as they didn't vote much for Bristol, but she got a lot of busies out of the few calls made on her line.

"RE: Week #3"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 10-05-10 at 04:45 PM
Sweetie and I were the "political statement" votes for Margaret.

"RE: Week #3"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 10-06-10 at 09:15 AM
Bummer, wish Margaret made it through!

"RE: DWTS #11 Dial Idol"
Posted by Snidget on 10-12-10 at 09:46 AM
Week 4

Judges Score
56 Jennifer & Derek
48 Brandy & Maksim
46 Audrina & Tony
40 Kyle & Lacey
39 Rick & Cheryl
35 Florence & Corky
34 Kurt & Anna
32 Bristol & Mark
28 The Situation & Karina

DTWS Score
37.436 Jennifer & Derek
36.595 Bristol & Mark
27.976 Audrina & Tony
27.819 Brandy & Maksim
17.026 Rick & Cheryl
16.424 Kurt & Anna
14.035 Kyle & Lacey
11.432 Florence & Corky
11.256 The Situation & Karina

DI Vote Total
1 Jennifer & Derek
2 Florence & Corky
3 Kurt & Anna
4 Kyle & Lacey
5 Audrina & Tony
6 Brandy & Maksim
7 Bristol & Mark
8 Rick & Cheryl
9 The Situation & Karina

"RE: DWTS #11 Dial Idol"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 10-12-10 at 04:17 PM
Thanks Snidget. I'm really hoping the polling data is correct and the Situation finally goes tonight.

"RE: DWTS #11 Dial Idol"
Posted by Belle Book on 10-12-10 at 07:28 PM
After that Argentine tango, I can sure see the Situation walking the plank. And that nickname reminds me of a song from the musical Oliver!:

"I'm reviewing the situation,
And I think I'd better think it out again."

In this case, I'm reviewing the Situation and I think in this case, we'd really better think it out again -- at least when it comes to having him on the show any longer!

"Week #5"
Posted by Snidget on 10-19-10 at 09:42 AM
Judges Score
27 Brandy & Maksim
25 Jennifer & Derek
24 Kurt & Anna
24 Rick & Cheryl
23 Audrina & Tony
21 Florence & Corky
20 Kyle & Lacey
18 Bristol & Mark

DTWS Score
37.557 Kurt & Anna
34.637 Jennifer & Derek
26.240 Rick & Cheryl
25.366 Florence & Corky
23.105 Brandy & Maksim
22.800 Kyle & Lacey
17.660 Bristol & Mark
12.637 Audrina & Tony

DI Vote Total
1 Jennifer & Derek
2 Kurt & Anna
3 Bristol & Mark
4 Brandy & Maksim
5 Rick & Cheryl
6 Kyle & Lacey
7 Audrina & Tony
8 Florence & Corky

"RE: Week #5"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 10-19-10 at 10:28 AM
Wow, it should be interesting to see who's in the bottom 2 tonight. I'm surprised that Audrina doesn't pull more of the popular vote.

Sure hope Bristol goes because she's clearly the worst at this point, then Florence.

"RE: Week #5"
Posted by vince3 on 10-19-10 at 05:14 PM
Well, this is the time of year that the 'surprise boot' can occur... and Brandy and Audrina are low enough to be eligible for it...

"Week #6"
Posted by Snidget on 10-26-10 at 01:48 PM
Judges Score
36 Brandy & Maksim
32 Audrina & Tony
30 Kyle & Lacey
30 Rick & Cheryl
29 Jennifer & Derek
28 Bristol & Mark
22 Kurt & Anna

DTWS Score
37.128 Jennifer & Derek
33.161 Bristol & Mark
31.104 Rick & Cheryl
31.027 Kurt & Anna
26.925 Brandy & Maksim
20.812 Kyle & Lacey
19.845 Audrina & Tony

DI Vote Total
1 Jennifer & Derek
2 Bristol & Mark
3 Kyle & Lacey
4 Rick & Cheryl
5 Audrina & Tony
6 Brandy & Maksim
7 Kurt & Anna

Busy Percentages
31.37 Kurt & Anna
31.30 Jennifer & Derek
28.03 Bristol & Mark
19.32 Rick & Cheryl
7.41 Brandy & Maksim
5.74 Kyle & Lacey
2.38 Audrina & Tony

"RE: Week #6"
Posted by Belle Book on 10-26-10 at 07:21 PM
Interesting. I could see either Audrina & Tony, Kurt & Anna or Kyle & Lacey get the boot.

"RE: Week #6"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 10-26-10 at 08:01 PM
I guess Bristol is safe? She did do a lot better yesterday.

"Audience sentiment analysis to predict results"
Posted by sohammazumdar on 10-26-10 at 07:10 PM
At SocialBox, users love cheering for their favorite stars while watching shows. By analyzing what they have to say while seeing Dancing with the Stars, we found out that we can predict who’s going out in each week’s results show.

"Top 5 Dial Idol"
Posted by Snidget on 11-09-10 at 07:23 AM
While they are starting to get enough people using it to get busy percentages for everyone, hopefully this is wrong as only a few states had data.

I think we may be stuck with Bristol until the end. What is it about the Palins that prevents them from ever going away?

Judges Score
57 Brandy & Maksim
57 Jennifer & Derek
56 Kyle & Lacey
48 Kurt & Anna
47 Bristol & Mark

DTWS Score
46.189 Brandy & Maksim
43.016 Bristol & Mark
41.346 Jennifer & Derek
35.464 Kurt & Anna
33.984 Kyle & Lacey

DI Vote Total
1 Jennifer & Derek
2 Kurt & Anna
3 Bristol & Mark
4 Kyle & Lacey
5 Brandy & Maksim

Busy Percentages
28.04 Bristol & Mark
22.31 Brandy & Maksim
16.09 Kurt & Anna
15.57 Kyle & Lacey
15.31 Jennifer & Derek

"RE: Top 5 Dial Idol"
Posted by altpeach on 11-09-10 at 10:51 AM
So, who does this say is going home? I am confused. Please oh please oh PLEASE say Bristol. And then let it come to fruition tonight.

"RE: Top 5 Dial Idol"
Posted by Snidget on 11-09-10 at 11:19 AM
Hard to say, the DI stats are close enough it could be anyone going home.

Bristol has a good percentage of busies from the people voting for her using dial idol and a good percentage of the DI voters, both tend to point to more likely to be safe.

Kurt and Bristol probably got more of the "save them despite the judge's score" votes so I'd think Kyle is more likely to be the one going home.

There is some indication either Brandy or Jennifer could be a shocking elimination, but DI has so few votes cast it is really hard to know how much you can generalize their data.

"RE: Top 5 Dial Idol"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-09-10 at 11:33 AM
To me Bristol is a million times worse than Marie Osmond. At least Marie was a good performer, so I didn't mind it as much when she was carried to the finals by the popular vote. (Although the doll dance was a debacle.) But it will be hard to take if any of the other 4 get booted because of Bristol.

The judges should score her more accurately (7s) so that the popular vote is not as much of a factor. No way she should be getting 8s when Brandi and Jennifer are getting 9s.

I'm actually most worried about Kyle since he's been in the bottom 2 a couple times. I thought he did fabulous last night from the little clips I've seen so far and I'd love to see him in the finals.

"RE: Top 5 Dial Idol"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-09-10 at 11:35 AM
P.S. I'm tired of Jennifer's whining so if she's a surprise vote I could live with it.

Thanks for doing all this work, Snidget!

"RE: Top 5 Dial Idol"
Posted by kiki_k on 11-09-10 at 07:13 PM
LOL -- I'm tired of Jennifer's whining too, so even though she is clearly the best dancer (she is practically a pro, IMO), I would be AOK with her going too!
Plus, I think the whining is a bunch of bs to try to make people think she isn't a shoe in for the finals. Whatever. I vote for Kyle -- I had't heard of him before the show, but think he is just adorable, plus he isn't a ringer (like Jennifer or Nicole Scherzinger last year) and I've always like the ones who really don't have dance experience & improve each week, as oppossed to the ringers.

"RE: Top 5 Dial Idol"
Posted by Belle Book on 11-09-10 at 06:15 PM
Hope it's not Brandy who is the shocking elimination. I'd like to see Bristol go home -- I don't hate her, but she is the weakest one left.

"RE: Top 5 Dial Idol"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-09-10 at 07:55 PM
I agree with both of you -- Kyle and Brandy are my top 2 faves. I do think Kyle is adorable! And I don't hate Bristol either, but it just seems unfair that she's still around.

P.S. Yes, the Jennifer drama is probably to make us think she's not a shoo-in. But it's really turned me off to her.

"Final 3 DialIdol"
Posted by Snidget on 11-23-10 at 07:34 AM
Judges Score

60 Jennifer and Derek
56 Kyle and Lacey
52 Bristol and Mark

DWTS Dial Idol score

76.897 Jennifer and Derek (ranked 1 and safe)
61.650 Bristol and Mark (at risk)
61.453 Kyle and Lacey (at risk)

Total Votes (votes + busy), by rank

1. Jennifer and Derek
2. Kyle and Lacey
3. Britol and Mark

Busy Percent
77% Jennifer and Derek
63% Bristol and Mark
52% Kyle and Lacey