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"Stupid voters."

Posted by Estee on 03-31-10 at 04:38 AM



Pick two.

It's not always guaranteed for the worst dancer to go home in the first week, particularly if VFTW has turned their eyes away from their favorite target -- but we tend to at least spotlight lesser talents in the first red glares. And what did we get this time? The high middle scores wound up at risk, someone with actual potential left, and we're stuck with all of the above three. None of them were even at risk.

So people didn't vote for Pamela because they don't like the way she both looks and fails to apologize for her looks. And they didn't vote for Shannen because tabloid readers turned out to have memories spanning longer than the last five issues. (Who knew?) But harridan, mannequin, and he-ain't-gettin'-any-better-folks live to scar another week, because...


...see title.

There are days when I really hate this show.

That thread title may be generic enough to go the whole season.

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"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by vince3 on 03-31-10 at 05:28 AM
Considering what the preliminary numbers were for the first episode's Dial Idol numbers, I expected Buzz to survive, and Kate also had a decent chance. Therefore, I thought that Aiden would've at least seen the first red light as part of the Bottom Two, if not getting the Red Light Special out the door..........

But, Pamela in the Bottom 2? Shannen eliminated? I agree that both of them were in the shocking realm, and that makes me wonder if Tom's comment on who would've been eliminated after the first performance episode if it was an elimination episode meant that going into that show Pamela was at the bottom of the combined scores listing.............

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by bryboman on 03-31-10 at 07:14 AM
Personally, I'm beginning to thing the show is rigged....

HOW could ANYONE vote for Kate?? How? She was terrible,
not only in her dance, and her attitude was suckish too.

Harrrumph! Done with this season for me.

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by Snidget on 03-31-10 at 07:43 AM
Because it is a popularity contest and she is going through a public divorce and people think her husband was a jerk.

It looks like from dial idol she probably got a lot more "Go Kate" votes the first round than the second, but it was enough to keep her safe.

If anyone still believes America votes based on talent...I don't know how anyone hangs on to that given every last "talent" reality show has a lot of the worst talent stay a lot longer than the middle of the pack. Every last show, every single year.

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by samboohoo on 03-31-10 at 10:47 AM
But her husband was (and still is) a jerk.

When it comes down to it, I must admit that I like Kate. However, I would have never voted for her to stay. I was very surprised by the bottom two.

Kate will not win. I do hope that she finally just relaxes (though I doubt she can) and does something good before she goes. I thought the "I'm Still Standing" song was actually a good choice for her.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by majesticsparrow on 03-31-10 at 11:42 AM
Did you see the look on Kate’s face. She should have played Medusa in Clash of the Titans. I just think she is no class. I’m glad she is not my mother and REALLY HOPE she isn’t that kind of person around her kids. No wonder Jon left. And the pathetic sympathy line: "People always quit on me". Well, Kate when your chewing on their life force what do you expect.

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by Tahj on 03-31-10 at 11:14 AM
Yep. I really hate the audience voting shows. It means the viewers get stuck with boring sentimental crap a lot of the time.

It's a Tribe!

"Kate Wanted Tony Fired"
Posted by Tahj on 03-31-10 at 11:59 AM
A co-worker sent me this link


She's getting some pretty bad press. I hope it translates into her getting eliminated.

It's a Tribe!

"RE: Kate Wanted Tony Fired"
Posted by MKitty on 04-01-10 at 12:49 PM
She is just so vile is it unbelieveable! How could anybody vote for her? Glad she is getting all the bad press as she is just pure poison!!

Go Kate. I mean, just GO!

stylin' by Agdude

"RE: Kate Wanted Tony Fired"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 04-01-10 at 01:25 PM
But how do you really feel about Kate. You seem a little vague.

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by mtopaz on 04-01-10 at 04:47 PM
I wondered how Pam would fare in this competition. When it was announced she would be a contestant, I remember reading in a variety of message boards and blogs on line a lot of derogatory comments to do with her moral fiber. Words I can't say here. Mostly written by what I'd call middle America moms and such.

I went in with an open mind re Pam, and she was a pleasant surprise. She seemed loopy much of the time (during the actual show), but during rehearsals, I saw a woman who paid attention to her partner, seemed pleasant to work with, and obviously doing her best to learn the choreography with a minimum of drama.

As to Shannen, I think her bad press didn't help, but she hasn't really been on anything lately (has she?) to help her build back up a fan base eager to vote for her.

Kate and Buzz gave the worst performances, IMO, but Kate scored lower in my mind because of the drama, eye rolls, and general poor manners she displayed. Buzz took his criticism with a smile, and he gave many viewers a feel good moment as they relived his past.

As to Kate and her ex - they're both jerks, if you ask me. Anyone who puts their kids on reality tv is a jerk, by definition. What's worse is Kate is a no-talent, annoying whiner of a jerk. I want her off my DWTS, the sooner the better.

Designed by Agman, siggy maker to the gemstones

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by Belle Book on 04-01-10 at 08:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-01-10 AT 08:42 PM (EST)

I'm not surprised Shannen was eliminated. I thought she'd be one of the first to go. She'd had some bad press way back when and since then she really hadn't done much to gain a fan base that would vote for her through thick and thin.

I'm not terribly surprised that neither Buzz nor Kate made it into the Bottom 3. Buzz is a terrible dancer but he's got the senior citizen vote and he's a nice guy. Kate's really nervous but she's got fans from her Reality TV experience who'll keep her around for awhile -- but she might not gain many fans beyond that thanks to her diva-like behavior.

I am surprised that Aiden was safe and shocked that Pamela was in the Bottom 2! At least, I was shocked at first. But I never expected her to make it to the finals because I believed her overt sexuality would prevent her from having many female fans -- and they tend to vote the most. I was just surprised that her overt sexuality alienated many female viewers this soon!

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by Round Robin on 04-02-10 at 01:06 AM
If overt sexuality gets you voted off, then I'd expect Nicole to get voted off soon, too. She's one of the sexiest women I've ever seen, period. I would definitely not kick her out of bed for eating crackers. Very breathtaking woman, but one who will stir up envy among the women viewers once Pam goes.

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by Kyree on 04-02-10 at 09:48 AM
As a female viewer, I don't see the same persona from Nicole that Pam exudes. Nicole actually has class, isn't cocky and doesn't play up her sexuality like Pam does. Pam just goes overboard with the lip licking, pouty mouth and batting of the lashes. She's gross, not to mention fake as all hell.

Nicole is such a great dancer that I would tune in just to see her perform if nothing else. She and Derek are great to watch as a team and Nicole is as good as any professional. She responds to questions with dignity and decorum, unlike Anderson.

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by Belle Book on 04-02-10 at 11:13 AM
I think my mom would probably agree with you about Pamela, Kyree. Pamela relies too much on her sexuality and that sure seems to be a major turn-off to women! I think every man wants to watch Pamela and just about every woman either wants her off their screen or at least wouldn't mind seeing her go early. On Dancing with the Stars or So You Think You Can Dance a woman who's really sexy should at least not play it up or else she won't get a lot of female votes -- and we now see it with Pamela. Nicole doesn't play up her sexiness, so I'd be willing to vote for her -- if Evan Lysacek wasn't in as well.

Posted by Estee on 04-02-10 at 01:57 PM
Nicole doesn't play up her sexiness

No, she does: her chosen dancewear for the second performance came in at a rating of 93% Edyta, and she had no reservations about having several million people posting mental fashion critiques. (Average out the skin exposed for both women on both dances and Pamela's actually been the more covered of the two.) Pamela is the primary target -- but if/when she goes before Nicole, the singer will immediately move to the center of the 'If I can't be like that, no one should!' sniper vote scope. There's generally at least one shocking boot...

I honestly thought Pamela would lure in more males to both watch and vote: that's why I had her going as high as F5 in my preseason call. I think I overestimated the deep-seated phobias of the typical American male. 'I can't watch that! People will laugh at me! Minimum! And questions regarding my sexuality will surely follow!'


Really should have seen that coming.

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by Estee on 04-02-10 at 02:13 PM
Pam just goes overboard

And I see her as an skilled (but specialized) actress who stays in her chosen character any time she's in the public eye. Mileage varies.

As said, I do feel Nicole plays up her sexuality -- and Pussycat Dolls shows are not for the button-down of mind.

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by Kyree on 04-05-10 at 02:27 PM
I don't really see Pamela as a "skilled" anything to be honest. Actress? Really? Her "chosen character" lost it's zeal many years ago when the beach scenes faded and because of this, her behavior simply comes across as desperate to hang on to whatever is left. These are her moments back in the spotlight and she's making the most of them. I can't blame her for that.

Nicole IS a Pussycat Doll and clearly knows how to exude sexy, but like I said, it doesn't seem "contrived". It seems more more natural than Pamela. That's all I was trying to convey.

"RE: Stupid voters."
Posted by Estee on 04-05-10 at 03:36 PM
when the beach scenes faded and because of this, her behavior simply comes across as desperate to hang on to whatever is left

I'll notify Raquel.