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"DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"

Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 08:31 PM
We have 3 musical guests tonight. Alisha Keys is one, the Brothers Gibb is another, and there is a third one who's name I didn't get last night......

After tonight we will have our Final 3.

Here are the results from last night's Judges Leaderboard:

Mya/Dmitry had the lead with 87
Joanna/Derek were in 2nd with 81
Kelly/Louis finished in 3rd with 78
and bringing up the rear in DFL was Donny/Kym with 74

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by qwertypie on 11-17-09 at 08:50 PM
I won't be able to watch the Gibb brothers without thinking of SNL skits.

"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by qwertypie on 11-17-09 at 08:51 PM
And I hope the audience lack of support is enough to drop Derek and his Ego out of the finals.

"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 11-17-09 at 08:52 PM
from your fingers to the producers ears

"Encore Dance"
Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 10:03 PM
Finally did see what happened in Donny's first dance: the bottom hem of Kym's dress fell down to her feet and literally tripped them up.............

Encore Dance: Mya/Dmitry's Salsa

Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 10:09 PM
Kelly continued her upward swing.... (and it turned out she improvised the damn solo last night!)

Joanna was consistant all night.....

Donny was the story of the night due to Kym's hem causing them to fall apart in the Tango..... He came back in the Samba and Knockout Jitterbug.

Mya just completely dominated the board with the three highest scored dances of the night and leads by 6 over 2nd place Joanna.

"Special Performance"
Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 10:18 PM
"Be Italian" from the upcoming musical movie Nine

(The caption had both words together, so that might be the correct version of the title.....)

"Alicia Keys"
Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 10:23 PM
Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart

"Final Four music video"
Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 10:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-09 AT 10:30 PM (EST)

Under Pressure (originally sung Queen/David Bowie, this time by the band's singers......)

The stage scenes from the final four had them in their Knockout Dance outfits.....

Tom rips on their lip synching before he heads into the next post......

"Finalists/In Jeopardy?"
Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 10:29 PM
Joanna/Derek: In Jeopardy..... fate announced later....

Mya/Dmitry: Finalist!

"RE: Finalists/In Jeopardy?"
Posted by Belle Book on 11-17-09 at 10:38 PM
No surprise there -- about Mya & Dmitry being in the finals, that is. There was no way Mya & Dmitry would not be in the finals -- especially not after that salsa!

Belle Book

"Leona Lewis"
Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 10:34 PM

"Finalists/In Jeopardy?"
Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 10:39 PM
Donny/Kym: Finalist!

Kelly/Louis: In Jeopardy..... will know fate along with Joanna/Derek soon.......

"Bee Gees"
Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 10:46 PM
They're celebrating their 50th (!) Anniversary

You Should Be Dancing

Featuring Melissa Rycroft and the Pros

"RE: Bee Gees"
Posted by whimsey on 11-17-09 at 10:50 PM
I was almost teary until Melissa Rycroft slid in.

Bee Gees ( or the remaining members), You Should Be Dancin', oh my.

"Red Light Special"
Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 10:58 PM
The couple going home: *heartbeat music* Joanna/Derek!

That means that Kelly/Louis will move on to the Finals!

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by whimsey on 11-17-09 at 10:58 PM
As it should be.

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by glazem1 on 11-17-09 at 11:01 PM
Personal feelings aside, this show is supposed to be about the best dancers. While Kelly has improved, she is no where near the class or level of Joanna or Mya. The ones who voted for Kelly over Joanna are just idjits

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by whimsey on 11-17-09 at 11:10 PM
Welcome to the boards, glazem1! Hope to see you over at the SYTYCD threads, great dancing there, too. If you don't mind us idjits

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by Snidget on 11-17-09 at 11:10 PM
It is also supposed to, IMO, be more about the stars than the professional dancers and I suspect some of the Kelly votes were against Derek. May not be right, but anytime you let the public vote there is a popularity aspect and sometimes it helps or hurts both from the professionals and from the star's likability and fan base. If you want shows that are just about the best, do not watch anything where the public votes, only watch when the judges select (although sometimes even that doesn't help all that much)

Kelly is so genuine that that wins over people even if the dancing while much improved is not the bestest of them all. I'd rather watch her than watch Derek ham it up, again.

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 11-17-09 at 11:43 PM
I agree that Joanna and Mya were the best dancers, but like others have said, it's about the popularity. I've been frustrated over winners in the past. This time? Meh.

Oh, and welcome to the boards.

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by Cleobug on 11-18-09 at 10:44 PM
Finally! We must be the only 2 people in America who think the best dancers should be in the finals. They might as well just hand the trophy over to Mya 'cause Kelly and Donny SUCK! There have been dozens of celebs on the show who have likeability appeal(Michael Irving!), but they're not good dancers. I was so agitated by the outcome last night I may not even watch it anymore - I'm tired of hearing Donny yammer on about all the stuff he messes up...and that God awful Donny-Bruno uncomfortable moment! Yikes - Creepy! And you guys think Derek is bad?

And did anyone notice - Marie Osmond on ET "predicted" that Joanna would be eliminated - and Derek and Joanna acted like they already knew.

Joanna - if you are listening out there, you deserve to be in the finals!! The fact that you are not is bullcrap!

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by qwertypie on 11-23-09 at 06:50 PM
Yes, Donny is a bit much to take, but the camera has never caught him being as condescending, belittling and bullying like Derek has on several occasions. JMHO.

Oh and welcome to the boards!!!

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by Snidget on 11-17-09 at 11:01 PM
So why'd they get to do their dance of the week as a encore dance, everyone else just slow dances in the middle like a pair of middle school kids.

I was confused when I flipped over to catch the end.

Or is Derek just special?

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by whimsey on 11-17-09 at 11:11 PM
I think it's pretty clear Derek is special to the Disney folks. just sayin.

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by vince3 on 11-17-09 at 11:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-09 AT 11:49 PM (EST)

It was the Fall of the Triplet Dynasty....... they had to commemorate it by letting them dance a full dance......

Besides, for once, they didn't have enough filler for a last second dance......

"RE: Red Light Special"
Posted by rbyrd on 11-18-09 at 11:49 AM
I'm glad to see Kelly/Louis have made it to the finals. I started voting for her the first night. I wasn't sure she would make it past the second night, but, she's proved me wrong. I am so proud of her, and I know she's had to work extremely hard. This was totally out of her element. Watching her become graceful and lady like has kept me glued to the tv. Thank You, Louis for making her work so hard. This is the product of your hard and sometime difficult training.

"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by Loree on 11-18-09 at 00:35 AM
I am happy! A Hough/Ballas-free finale next week. And Julianne has announced she will not return for next season.

"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by Round Robin on 11-18-09 at 02:17 AM
No doubt about it, it was the growing dislike for Derek that got Joanna the boot. Maybe it's unfair to Joanna that that's why she got the ax, but it tells you how obnoxious Derek is getting to be that a pretty partner with a huge rack still got the ax even though she's a better dancer than at least 2 of her opponents. If the producers cut the size of the cast for next season, which they ought to, Derek should be one of the pros that goes, so that some female celeb doesn't take a screwing because millions of viewers hate Derek's guts because of how full of himself he is.

"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by granluvsreality on 11-18-09 at 11:21 AM
Sorry but as for me I still love the Hough's and Mark will always be one of my faves. But then again I like all most all of them. Sad Julianne is not coming back I feel she never will actually. As for Joanna I feel she is a good dancer but personality counts too and she always seems crabby, pouty and full of herself kind of glad she didn't make it!!!

"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by Loree on 11-18-09 at 12:08 PM
Joanna never picked up fans. She had a bitchy personality. I believe Derek carried her as far as she got. The judges love Derek so Joanna was scored higher than she deserved most weeks. I think the judges were raving about and scoring Derek's choreo rather than Joanna's dancing. And that did not help her with the fans either. Viewers were turned off by the fact she seemed to be getting special treatment because of Derek.

Watching Ozzie while the BeeGees were singing was extremely funny to me.

I heard that Kelly was originally suppose to be paired with Mark B but she requested someone else that would challenge her. And I think her partnership with Louis was what made her successful this season. It also probably explains why Mark seemed so snotty towards MJH. I think Mark was upset he was stuck with MJH while Kelly is a crowd fave and danced to the finale.

"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by Snidget on 11-18-09 at 06:01 PM
That, what do you have to do to yourself to sing notes that high look.

"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by Round Robin on 11-19-09 at 01:42 AM
I don't think Joanna's attitude is nearly as bad as Derek's. He's so full of himself he nearly makes you want to puke sometimes. As for the special treatment he and his partners supposedly get, I suspect Derek kisses Len Goodman's a$$ pretty hard at any opportunity, and possibly those of the other judges as well. If the viewers, who already hate Derek bad enough for his 'tude, think he's kissing up to the judges, it's not hard to imagine them shovelling votes by the millions onto the other couples.

"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by rbyrd on 11-18-09 at 12:18 PM
I fully agree that Joanna appeared to be full of herself. She appeared to think she was so pretty, and deserved to win on her looks alone. She is pretty, but, has a very distasteful attitude.

"RE: DWTS#9, Episode 19 ECST"
Posted by Cleobug on 11-18-09 at 10:50 PM
And that is a very original name for a band too - what shall we call ourselves? Hough Ballas? They are great dancers - singers, not so much!