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" DWTS#7, Episode 15, ECST "

Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 08:57 PM
Please keep all discussion of tonight's filler and vote results on this thread until the West Coast gets to find out the race was called before they got to watch.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 08:59 PM
Team scores throws things into disarray.

Are we in for a shock tonight?

"RE: Intro"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:00 PM
They are in their team costumes so I'm guessing the Paso is the encore dance.

And we get a Dance Center segment.

"Encore Dance"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:05 PM
Team Paso Doble

"RE: Encore Dance"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:09 PM
Caught one camera watching another one move. There incidentally were some dancers in the shot.

"RE: Encore Dance"
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 09:10 PM
Brooke looked positively radiant! She seemed ecstatic. Even better the second time around.

"Am I the only one watching?"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:10 PM
I know wrong day, wrong hour.

"RE: Am I the only one watching?"
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 09:13 PM
Sorry, snidget, I was reheating the pizza from last night.

"RE: Am I the only one watching?"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:14 PM
*get out of my head*

I had reheated pizza from last night for dinner too.

"RE: Am I the only one watching?"
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 09:24 PM
Since I didn't wake up in the emergency room from the thin crust, meat lovers pizza, I'm finishing it off tonight. With a Greek salad. Ravenswood Zinfindel finishes off the setting nicely.

Of course, I can't have meat again for 2 months.

"RE: Am I the only one watching?"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:32 PM
Tuscan meats with 4 cheeses on whole wheat crust.
I was a bad girl and had some garlic bread as a side.
I did have an apple for dessert.

"Interview about the Team Dances"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:13 PM
To Susan why Pick Lance and Lacey.
Cody being nice about the high score of the other team.

Next week each celebrity has a solo portion of a Latin Dance.

"Lionle Richie"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:14 PM
Song from new album

Edyta and Alec dancing, I think they said.

"RE: Lionle Richie"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:16 PM
Really cool lift at the end of the dance.

"RE: Lionle Richie"
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 09:18 PM
That Alec sure can wear his pants nice, ya'll. Didn't have to heat the pizza in the oven, could have just put it against the tv screen.

My, my, my.

"RE: Lionle Richie"
Posted by Glow on 11-06-08 at 04:27 PM
I got to catch this week's elim episode. What a treat it was to see Alec and Edyta dance together. They're stunning. They're so talented and graceful and gorgeous.

"Results 1"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:18 PM
First safe couple

Maurice and Cheryl

5 couples left.

"RE: DWTS#7, Episode 15, ECST "
Posted by vince3 on 11-05-08 at 09:23 PM
fvck me.

I thought this was gonna be on at 9

I apologize for not starting this earlier.........

"RE: DWTS#7, Episode 15, ECST "
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 09:27 PM
No worries, hon, want some pizza?

"RE: DWTS#7, Episode 15, ECST "
Posted by vince3 on 11-05-08 at 09:30 PM
Yes please. Especially if it's Meat Lover's

"RE: DWTS#7, Episode 15, ECST "
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 09:33 PM
Beer with that?

"RE: DWTS#7, Episode 15, ECST "
Posted by vince3 on 11-05-08 at 09:36 PM

"RE: DWTS#7, Episode 15, ECST "
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:27 PM
I figured the time change gotcha and you wouldn't mind if I got the party started.

"Dance Center"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:26 PM
Len, Rice and Mayne.

Warren Fat with an F and PH.
Warren is a winker.
Jerry doesn't want to mess with him, he hurt him once already.

Susan Tiny and light as a feather. Gets sucked into the air conditioning. Precise but no Wow.

Maurice Give it all in the Latin, no finesse. He is still fast. Maurice blowing a kiss at Len moment.

Back to you Tom

"RE: Dance Center"
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 09:30 PM
I'm soooo glad DanceCenter is back!

"Macy Stars of Dance"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-05-08 AT 09:28 PM (EST)

Dave Scott's Troup to "It's Magic"

ETA and other Magic themed music.

"RE: Macy Stars of Dance"
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 09:31 PM
That was quite enjoyable. Could have done with about 1/2 the smoke to see more of the dancing. Heck, isn't that dance floor dangerous enough?

"Dance Center 2"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:38 PM
Lance Is he the worst dancer left, Len says no just needs to work on technique. They are turning into each other. Len says they are working well together. Lance space stuff.

Brooke. She is fertile and smoking hot. Len says she has no weaknesses. Hyperextended legs. (I have those too).

Cody. Looks 12 and acts 5. Len says not to be over critical of a 18 year old. Eyebrow fan club.

Len and Kenny on the dance floor. To demonstrate the hold.

"Results 2"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:39 PM
Next two safe

Brooke and Derek
Warren and Kym

"RE: DWTS#7, Episode 15, ECST "
Posted by vince3 on 11-05-08 at 09:40 PM
All 3 Team Paso couples are now safe.

All 3 Team Cha Cha couples are in jeopardy

Lionel Richie will sing "Dancing on the Ceiling" when we get back.

"Boney Knob"
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 09:40 PM
Hearing Len say "feel your boney knob against this boney knob" ws priceless. I heart Len's boney knob.

"Lionel Richie 2"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:44 PM
Dancing on the Ceiling with a bunch of the pros.
Chery Kim Max and Tony

"RE: Lionel Richie 2"
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 09:50 PM
Damn. Damn. Damn.

and add a Newly shorn Maks is just too much for me. I need a cigarette, or chocolate.

"RE: Lionel Richie 2"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:59 PM
He's so hot he had to shave his hair off to let the heat out?

The pros really seemed to be having a lot of fun with that dance.

"RE: Lionel Richie 2"
Posted by dragonflies on 11-06-08 at 00:19 AM
I could have used some close ups of Maks. Smokin!

"Challenges and Difficulties Montage"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:49 PM

"Results 3"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 09:58 PM
Lance and Lacey

Going Home
Susan and Tony.

"RE: Results 3"
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 10:01 PM
Alas, LaLucci, we bid you a fond farewell.

"RE: Results 3"
Posted by JessicaRN on 11-05-08 at 10:57 PM
There was something about Susan Lucci that really bugged me, so I think it was the right decision. The last two weeks her weaknesses seemed to be showing up, especially in group numbers. Maybe now she can go have a nice carb-filled meal and deflate her breasts and relax a bit!

"RE: Results 3"
Posted by catsnotkids on 11-06-08 at 01:40 PM
I couldn't agree more. She's skeletal. Her head looks like a lolipop. My guess is she eats about 900 calories/day.

"RE: Results 3"
Posted by vince3 on 11-05-08 at 10:01 PM
Next week, the couples get a Ballroom dance and a Latin dance, but in the Latin dance the Stars must do a Solo!

Susan should thank the judges for keeping her the extra week. I can only imagine how Clorky would've done in that team format....... *shudders*

"Next Week"
Posted by Snidget on 11-05-08 at 10:00 PM
Ballroom Round and a Latin Round where they have to do a solo.

"Thanks, Snidget"
Posted by whimsey on 11-05-08 at 10:04 PM
Great job.

"RE: Thanks, Snidget"
Posted by vince3 on 11-05-08 at 10:12 PM
and a double thanks from me. Hopefully next week will be more normal........

"Seen in the Audience"
Posted by Chez on 11-06-08 at 02:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-08 AT 02:09 PM (EST)

Cole Hamels, MVP World Series pitcher, age 24, of the Philadelphia Phillies, along with his wife, Heidi "Peanut Butter" Strobel, age 30, of Survivor Amazon.