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"Dancing With The Stars #5 Episode #9 (results) East Coast Update Thread"

Posted by Estee on 10-16-07 at 05:26 PM
Please remember: you are playing either the 'stupid time filler' or 'stupid Samantha Harris statement' drinking game. Not both. We're not insured for both.

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"RE: Dancing With The Stars #5 Episode #9 (results) East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 10-16-07 at 08:17 PM
Good thing we aren't playing the 'calling Wade Robeson a genius/brilliant/gifted' drinking game. I'd die of alcohol poisoning in the first five minutes.

"RE: Dancing With The Stars #5 Episode #9 (results) East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by whimsey on 10-16-07 at 08:38 PM
I'll play both:

Drink 2 shots for Samantha - just because.

Dove Dark Chocolate bits for stupid time filler.

Join me won't you?

"Filler 1.0"
Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 08:39 PM
Lift no lift controversy
Elimination Looms

Can the music be any more dramatic!
{cue opening credits}

Wade Robson DANCES!!!
and some other filler

And off to the recrap.

"My heart still flutters....."
Posted by whimsey on 10-16-07 at 08:40 PM
when they show poor Albert in the opening credits.

But my other parts belong to Helio.

"Filler 2.0"
Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 08:46 PM
Judges comments.

Len. I'd like to congratulate the professionals and you are trying to produce more and more spectacular and lifts are against the rules, they will be marked down for that.

Leader Board review.

Encore. Cameron and Edyta's Paso Doble.

"RE: Filler 2.0"
Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 08:48 PM
So how long do your think it takes for them to unglue that dress from her because she always wears things that are a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.

"RE: Filler 2.0"
Posted by skye on 10-16-07 at 08:51 PM
I'm sorry but dancing to the Superman theme is very high school musical.

Where'd I put that cheese?

"Filler 3.0"
Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 08:55 PM
Gloria Estefan was supposed to be here but wasn't for personal reasons, hope everything is OK.

So the house band/singers will do the song.

Girls in blue or green fringe and the guys have matching shirts.
I can't imagine how high the spray tan bills must be.

Audience clips. Kill.Me.Now.

"RE: Filler 3.0"
Posted by djandy on 10-16-07 at 09:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-16-07 AT 09:52 PM (EST)

Although it was nice to see Ashly Delgrosso and her cute little baby in the audience clip section.

Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 08:57 PM
Two safe couples.

Sabrina and Mark are safe
Cameron and Edyta are safe

"RE: Results"
Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 08:58 PM
preview of the next filler.

Wade was looking right at me! *thud*

"Filler 4.0"
Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 09:05 PM
Jimmy Kimmel with us (J.Lo. next week)

Guillermo injured himself trying to dance like a Cheetah Girl.

How do all the dancers get so tan? is the viewer question.

Guillermo wants a tan in the tanning room and someone else shorter and leatherier comes out.

Talking with the safe couples. Cameron hurt himself and still did the encore, and he does look like he is in some pain.

Stars of Dance performance. Circus inspired pop number. Wade Robeson.

"RE: Filler 4.0"
Posted by StarryLuna on 10-16-07 at 09:10 PM

That is all.

"RE: Wade"
Posted by lynkfri13 on 10-16-07 at 09:29 PM
I was sure I'd be disappointed after the build up, but I loved the choreography, AND Wade's dance.

"RE: Wade"
Posted by dragonflies on 10-17-07 at 09:30 AM
Me too. Thought it was very cool. Not ballroom at all, but still cool.

"RE: Filler 4.0"
Posted by whimsey on 10-16-07 at 09:34 PM
They said "it's been 4 years, Wade Robeson again performing...". When did Wade perform on the show? Help me out, folks.

"RE: Filler 4.0"
Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 09:37 PM
I heard it as 4 years since performing on TV, I thought that was on any show.

"RE: Filler 4.0"
Posted by djandy on 10-16-07 at 10:13 PM
WOW! I miss Wade's choreography and SYTYCD. I wouldn't be surprised if that routine earned him a 2nd Emmy for Choreography.

"RE: Filler 4.0"
Posted by SilverStar on 10-17-07 at 09:32 AM
Wade owns me. I don't care how many zombie/Thriller dances he does, I love them all. And the way he uses the stage and cameras is just pure awesomeness.

"RE: Filler 4.0"
Posted by Glow on 10-18-07 at 11:13 AM
yep. I tuned in last night especially to see Wade. I am so glad I did. Love him. I wouldn't say he owns be but I think he's wonderful.

I can't get into this show this year. Monday is a horrible night for it to be on. I can't watch the performance show so I care very little about the results show (especially after Albert left). I miss watching Maksim though.

"RE: Filler 4.0"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 10-18-07 at 04:39 PM
That was an incredible piece of work. Loved the part with the swiss cheese box.

"Filler 5.0"
Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 09:14 PM
Reunited and it feels so good.

Cheryl and Drew performing with Wayne Newton.

Wayne singing Danke Schoen. Cheryl and Drew dancing and Cheryl lost the extensions.

"RE: Filler 5.0"
Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 09:17 PM
Discussion of partnership. Various TV partners discuss the couples.

"RE: Filler 5.0"
Posted by whimsey on 10-16-07 at 09:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-16-07 AT 09:25 PM (EST)

Didn't know Russell Simmons and Rev. Run were brothers. Now that's a gene pool I'd like to swim in.

Just leave the sample in the cup ...

Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 09:20 PM
Two more couples.

Mark and Kym are safe
Floyd and Karina are in the bottom two.

"Filler 6.0 "
Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 09:26 PM
Samantha talking with Mark and Kym and Maks and Mel.

Mel looks worried.

Video evidence of fear.

Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 09:29 PM
Two more couples

Jennie and Derek are safe.
Helio and Julianne are safe as well.

Posted by Snidget on 10-16-07 at 09:37 PM
Who is safe or not from the final three.

Marie and Jonathan are safe
Mel and Maks are in the bottom two
Jane and Tony are safe.

Floyd and Karina
Melanie and Maksim

Carrie Ann is shocked to see Mel and Maks, Len has room to improve more. Bruno gets the hard question...who deserves to continue. Melanie is the best dancer and should continue.

The final result
Dreaded heartbeat music...

Floyd and Karina are going home.

"RE: Results"
Posted by whimsey on 10-16-07 at 09:40 PM
I agree with the voters. Floyd would have shown a lot more potential if he were not training to box and ballroom dance at the same time. Dare I say, he may have looked a bit relieved.

"RE: Results"
Posted by lynkfri13 on 10-16-07 at 09:42 PM
Wow... I don't think Mel and Maks deserved to be in bottom two. She's been surprisingly graceful and fun.

Guess they should have thrown in a forbidden lift like the other couples.

Not to mention Maks is always great to watch.

"RE: Results"
Posted by mistyrose52 on 10-16-07 at 11:09 PM
Absolutely agree! No way should Mel have been in that bottom 2!!! Boy, I will make sure I vote my little fingers off for the really good ones-ALL OF THEM-next week!!!

We don't want another Albert fiasco when there are others who are far less worthy!

But for now, bye-bye to Floyd. He worked hard, but it really was his time to go. Take a nice break, Floyd, and do what you do best-champion boxer!

"RE: Results"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 10-17-07 at 01:53 AM
I agree that Mel and Maks shouldn't have been in the bottom two, but I'm not surprised. Star power is a big ingredient in dancing, and they don't have it as much as the others — that ability to pop off the screen and attract people to the point that they remember you and want you to win. As good as she is, I keep forgetting she's in the competition. I wonder how many others feel the same way.

"RE: Results"
Posted by CTgirl on 10-17-07 at 09:30 AM
You are probably right about Mel. But for me, it's her sassiness that caught my attention the first week and has kept me interested. She needs to bring that sassiness to the dance floor. This will get me to vote next week!

"RE: Results"
Posted by MKitty on 10-18-07 at 01:11 PM
I agree. I too was shocked! I also love her sass and the way she annoys Maks...so yes, want to keep her around! Whew..that was a close call though...

*autumnal delight by Agman*