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"Who are you just loving this season? "

Posted by MKitty on 10-11-07 at 12:21 PM
And who just annoys the heck out of you? For me, I am LOVING Helio..what a charmer. On the flip side, Jenny Garth is surprisingly whiney and annoying (I never knew..she always seemed so sweet...) Of course, these selections are likely to change throughout the competition, but at this point, they are my fave and least fave.

Who is doing it for you this season?(and otherwise)

*autumnal delight by Agman*

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"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 10-12-07 at 10:03 AM
I'm loving some Helio, too. He's DWTS's first Benji. Hate? I really really want to run Floyd through a wood chipper.

"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by SilverStar on 10-12-07 at 11:17 AM
Same for me. I love Helio- he is so fun and adorable, and he can dance! Hate Floyd- his whole attitude and the fact that he cannot dance, yet he keeps up his attitude that he is the best and the judges keep praising him. Ugh. *revs up the wood chipper*

One word: GOTHMOG!

"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by qwertypie on 10-12-07 at 11:47 AM
*stands next in line with the wood chipper*

what a spoiled baby Floyd is.

and I just want to pinch Helio's cheeks.

"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by MKitty on 10-12-07 at 12:41 PM
Gee..I didn't realize I was conjuring up a scene out of Fargo when I asked the question! LOL..

Wood chipper......that's a good one. And, cheeks..um, yes. I'll leave that one alone

*Pumpkin Kitty courtesy of Smokeysmom*

"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by CTgirl on 10-12-07 at 12:49 PM
I am on the Helio bandwagon too - his joie de vivre is infectious! I like Julianne too. My other favorite is Mel and Maks. I love Mel's fiesty attitude towards Maks combined with her British accent.

I loathe Marie Osmond and always have.

smokeysmom "loafs" my cat

"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by maybelline on 10-12-07 at 01:49 PM
Faves: Helio (cute! and fun to watch and seems like a nice guy)
next are Mark (not a great dancer but he knows it and just looks like he's glad to still be in the mix) and soap guy

Least Faves: Jenny (I still think she's got a superiority thing about her partner), Jane (nice but boring) and Cheetah Girl (great dancer but just don't like her much)

"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by lynkfri13 on 10-12-07 at 04:35 PM

>Least Faves: Cheetah
>Girl (great dancer but just
>don't like her much)

I agree, something about her rubs me the wrong way.

And Helio is definitely my fave! If he doesn't win, he's welcome at my house anytime for some consolation.

I agree about Mark too, not much skill... but trying real hard, and enjoying himself, that might keep him in for a couple more dances.

"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by mistyrose52 on 10-13-07 at 10:11 AM
Right up there with Helio!! Who knew a race car driver could have such charisma?? He is SUCH A CUTIE!! And so sweet, handsome, adorable, great on his feet, and did I say adorable?? I get him after YOU have him over!! LOL. I don't think we'll have to console him at all-I really think he'll take that big, fat, ugly, trophy home with him. Then he'll REALLY need some consoling, eh?? HA!!

Jenny still acts like she's the 90210 Princess who should always be getting her way, and everything that goes wrong is definitely her pitiful little partner's fault! I don't know how he can stand to be with her!! She is such a beotch!!! And I mean that in the nicest way (NOT).

Jane and Marie are ok-but please, let's not pump them up just because they're doing this over the age of 50. You're either great or just ok. They are ok. No big deal, IMHO.

Cameron is a dark horse at this point. With his schedule, it could go either way. Same with Mark. He's either going to ruin that hip, or work it back into the place it needs to be so he can really step it up. I think most of the harder dances have been done (well, still have Pasa Doble, right??). We'll see about him-at least I'm not disliking him so much anymore. He kind of grows on you.

Cheetah Girl is amazing-will be a huge competition for Helio, and may actually win one for the girls this time. But she has that young girl's, 'I'm all that' attitude. Doesn't bother me too much, except I don't want it to factor out Helio! Spice Girl is a riot, and I love the chemistry with her and Max; I see them coming in 3rd, possibly.

Don't think I missed anyone-can't remember if I have. Oh well, if I did, guess they weren't important to me-LOL!

"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 10-14-07 at 02:13 PM
Cheetah Girl is amazing

Agree. She was stunning last week, and I saw they took direction from the judges in combining slow and fast.

"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by dragonflies on 10-15-07 at 12:24 PM
I love Sabrina (great name!) and Helio. I cannot wait to be rid of Jenny and moreso Marie. The rest? eh.

on the beach with smokeysmom

"RE: Who are you just loving this season? "
Posted by Round Robin on 10-17-07 at 11:03 PM
I used to loathe Donny and Marie. I thought they were both phonier than 3 dollar bills. Now I just love Marie, and Jane too, and I'd kick neither of them out of the sack for eating crackers. On the guys' side I'm definitely rootng for Helio. I've been a race fan too long not to. There's nobody left that I despise, but I think Mark Cuban is the worst dancer left and really needs to go if he doesn't seriously improve.

"As for the pros...."
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 10-16-07 at 02:14 AM
Definitely Mark Ballas

Looks great and is a stunning dancer to boot.

"RE: As for the pros...."
Posted by MKitty on 10-16-07 at 04:06 PM
I agree..he is definately one of my favourite pros. Maks..well...he is quite something isn't he? I laugh every time I see him having to deal with Mel's roughness...LOL...this is your penance baby!!

*autumnal delight by Agman*

"RE: As for the pros...."
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 10-18-07 at 01:49 AM
I about died laughing when Tom Bergeron made a comment about Maks' ego last week.

Am I the only one that finds Tom more than a little on the attractive side? He also cracks me up with his quick wit and comebacks.

"RE: As for the pros...."
Posted by MKitty on 10-18-07 at 01:08 PM
I agree....hearing Tom's comment on Mak's ego had my laughing out loud for a good minute...

And yes, I also find him witty and charming and not hard on the eyes

*autumnal delight by Agman*

"RE: As for the pros...."
Posted by CTgirl on 10-18-07 at 02:16 PM
I could not stand Tom when the show first started. I thought all his joking was stupid. But I realized Monday night (he must have had a really good show, huh Dan?!) that he has grown a lot as host. I don't find his jokes sophmoric anymore. He has a quick wit with more of an edge to it and he doesn't miss a beat. And his cleverness makes him better looking and more charming!

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