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"Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"

Posted by zombiebaby on 06-08-05 at 09:25 PM
No one started one yet?

I am loving John O'Hurley! He is so expressive with his face!

What's up with this Trista chick? Is she one of those that make a drama over stupid things and must always "check" with their boyfriend/husband?

"Boxed wine, mixed with 7-UP and lots of ice is nice when it is hot. And it's uber classy too".~Knockers(in the nookie thread)

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"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by volsfan on 06-08-05 at 09:42 PM
Totally totally totally forgot it was on! URGH!

"How to make it better:"
Posted by zombiebaby on 06-08-05 at 09:56 PM
Put a big gong behind the judges.

I officially now can't stand that Kelly chick. What was up at the end of the show? I felt like I was watching someone's wedding with their dancing!

Although once again got to shout out to John O'Hurley-he just makes me laugh!

"Boxed wine, mixed with 7-UP and lots of ice is nice when it is hot. And it's uber classy too".~Knockers(in the nookie thread)

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by CattyChat on 06-08-05 at 11:20 PM
John was the best and I too really loved his expressions and humor.

I actually tried to vote this time and only got through one time for John.

Glad Trista is gone. Here's hoping her 15 minutes are finally up!!

I actually felt sorry for the Kelly girl. I don't watch soaps, so I don't know who she is, but I think the judges were overly harsh on her and I thought she was going to cry. I do agree that her routine wasn't much dancing, though, mostly just slinking around.

Overall, I'm hooked on the show and am enjoying it, especially since it is before Lost, the best show on TV right now, IMHO.

Oh and Rachel Hunter is like the Jolly Green Giant next to her partner. She's so much bigger, it's hard for her to look graceful. She also needs to retire her reality TV DAWdom and go away gracefully, before people forget she was a supermodel and only remember her desperately trying to hold onto fame in these reality shows.

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by Bebo on 06-09-05 at 07:15 AM
I enjoy John O'Hurley. The others whine during their practice sessions, while he's cracking jokes. And I love his comments in the dressing room. He'll keep things from getting tedious.

"I'm the oldest one here and wearing the most spandex!"

"I'm just glad my hair didn't move."

He's got a great attitude toward all this. He's obviously having fun, and it shows. And the judges were right about his elegance.

"If there was ever a time you wanted permission to run over a clown. . ."

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by ConsiderThis on 06-09-05 at 01:46 PM
I love John, too. But I was worried about him last night.
It seemed like he had his hand on his chest when the judges were talking to them, and he looked a little distracted. I was hoping he was all right.

I think that Trista and Rachel were there simply as an excellent example of opposites.

You know who I really liked, the fast step couple that was first... I forget their names, but I thought they were great... I love that tempo. I just so want to go through life that way...

Your fingernails reflect your health --
Learn what warning signs to look for --
Karen Kline

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by samboohoo on 06-09-05 at 09:06 AM
I fell asleep and woke up after Trista's performance. I saw her scores. I love O'Hurley. His dance was awesome. Every time I see him, I see "Mr. Peterman."

I didn't see the end, and I'm still not quite sure how the whole thing works. I saw Evander, and there was nothing graceful about his performance. I assume he'll be gone soon.

Icey bounced my Dicey

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by Bebo on 06-09-05 at 09:51 AM
They combined the scores for the two weeks, and then the audience vote counted for half (don't ask me how that part worked, that's all they said). Then they announced safe pairs until they got to the bottom two - Rachel and Trista. At that point, Trista was told to go.

I can understand how Evander is sticking around. Yup, he's clunky, and last night's dance was a train wreck. But as judge Len said, he has the farthest to go. He's really trying, and he's being a good sport about it. I like him better than whiny Kelly.

And to think, I used to like her when she was on Port Charles.

"If there was ever a time you wanted permission to run over a clown. . ."

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by Swami on 06-09-05 at 09:23 AM
Sorry you missed it, Vols. Generally, I think the dancing was better this time. Even the stupid post-dance interview chick (Lisa?) seemed less annoying--maybe I am just getting used to her.

And O'Hurley is good! He is the only dancer who has enough presence that he overshadows his partner on the floor. And Trista sucked big time again. She barely looked at her partner--must less danced with him. It was so weird.

The funniest thing, production-wise, was a quick cut of the soap opera diva (who wore a very minimal costume to distract form her lack of dancing ability) pulling up her minimal skirt after a sound man had inserted the microphone box so she could talk post-dance to the AFHV guy. They must have stuck the box directly up her ass because there was no. place. to put it. AFHV guy quipped that sound men from 3 continents had volunteered to insert her sound box, LOL!

Posted by PhoenixMons on 06-09-05 at 10:16 AM
I'd planned to summarize again this week (provided no one else is interested). Since it's only 6 weeks long, I can do the entire show (moving cross-country mid-July), unless someone else wants in. I'll post this in the main summary thread as well, just wanted to mention it here.

Got blog?

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by thndrkttn on 06-09-05 at 10:41 AM
Did anyone notice how much John O'Hurley's partner hangs ALL OVER him? I mean she has her arms around him, is practically jumping on him. Maybe I'm way off base but my DH noticed it too and said "if they aren't 'doing it' now, they will be soon."

They're going to do it! They're going to do it! /end Fes voice.

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by CattyChat on 06-09-05 at 10:56 AM
Wonder what his status is? I noticed that too. I have to admit, though, there is something really appealing about him. He is much older than I and I am a serial younger-guy dater, but I probably would hang all over him, too. Me likey the J-man.

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by Bebo on 06-09-05 at 11:29 AM
He's married - I thought he had mentioned his wife on one of the eps, and I just checked his bio on the ABC site.

He's a quite handsome 48-year-old man.

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by Roo on 06-09-05 at 11:24 AM
J-O was awesome. It was like watching an old b&w movie, where they glide gracefully over the floor. Love his personality too.

I don't know what Trista's problem is. She was worried that some of the moves were "too close". C'mon, she signed up for this. She had to have known that she'd be in close proximity to another man. Geesh!

Poor Evander. He's trying hard, but he's just so big. That quick step was like watching Herman Munster dance.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by NancyOttawa on 06-09-05 at 12:59 PM
I loved John Hurley and Joey McIntyre. They both looked like they were enjoying themselves and had some great footwork! I have to say though, that last night poor Evander was clomping around like Jethro! For a man who is so great in the ring, he's just to big to look like he's floating around a dance floor. And I agree John's partner was just mesmerized by him! She was staring at him like she had stars in her eyes! Mind you, he looked hot in his tux too last night! I didn't like Joey's first song choice last week with "Crazy In Love", (I like the song but just not to that form of dancing) but I loved their 2nd choice when they danced to "You're the one that I Want!"

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by Hoobie on 06-09-05 at 01:03 PM
What did Trista think was going to happen? Her partner would be too smitten with her and be unable to control his lust if she doesn't maintain a 4" distance between them? I swear she looked like she was about to file a sexual harassment claim. Even Ryan was like, "WTF, chill!"

I am not a fashion diva - but she looked like she should have been on Dance Fever, circa 1981. Was that an iridiscent neck-cloth she was wearing?

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by ConsiderThis on 06-09-05 at 01:49 PM

Your fingernails reflect your health --
Learn what warning signs to look for --
Karen Kline

"Yay, I didn't miss it"
Posted by mtopaz on 06-09-05 at 01:15 PM
I lucked out channel surfing and got in as the show started. Last week I missed Joey's and Kelly's performances, so I had no impression of either of them. My two favorites were John O'Hurley and Evander.

I loved O'Hurley's performance and attitude again last night. This guy seems so classy, funny, and very charming. No wonder his partner looks starry eyed.

Evander is a good sport, and I like his attitude. He seems a sweet guy too. So I forgive him his clunking around doing the not-so-quick step last night.

I liked Rachael's performance last night. She and her partner seemed well-matched and she's my third favorite.

I'm glad Trista is gone. She's overstayed her 15 minutes. I think she would have preferred to dance alone, but since it wasn't allowed, she did the next best thing and ignored her partner. Not that I blame her, as he was smarmy personified. Especially that goopy kiss he planted on her forehead after the judges trashed their performance. *ick!* No wonder she wanted him to stay back.

Sig pic by JSlice

"A love list"
Posted by SilverStar on 06-09-05 at 04:03 PM
1. John and Charlotte-- always look like they're having so much fun and he's a good dancer.

2. Joey and Ashly-- I really enjoy their dancing. I thought their quick-step was awesome.

3. Kelly and Alec-- I'm the first to admit I know nothing about dancing, but I think the judges are too harsh on them. Evander was awful last night, but they didn't say such mean things to him. They entertain me and I enjoy watching them together. Their dance last night was hot!

4. Rachel and Jonathan-- Eh. They don't really do anything for me. I don't understand why the judges love them so much. But like I said, I know nothing about dance.

5. Trista and Louis (eliminated)-- Bo-ring. Glad they're gone. Get off my tv, Trista.

6. Evander and Edyta-- Oh.my.awful. I can't stand watching this man dance. I don't care how far he's had to come or how good he looks in his tight pants. He's horrible! I was actually wincing during their dance last night. Ugh.

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by angelworth29 on 06-09-05 at 09:10 PM

I loved John O'Hurley, but I loved him on Seinfeld, too! He actually looks like he knows what he's doing. I missed Rachel's dance last night, but from the first night, I think she's a pretty good dancer. Kelly just sucked. Absolutely sucked. I don't think the judges were too harsh on her. Evander sucked, too. I don't think he was doing the same routine as his partner last night. But I like that such a manly man would do a dance competition. On TV. He's gonna catch hell from a lot of people.

"RE: Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05"
Posted by Moother on 06-15-05 at 04:58 PM
I am really liking the show but I have to admit I was surprised that Trista and her partner went out first. She is not the best dancer but there is NO WAY she was worse than Evander Holyfield....come on!
I agree that Kelly is not a great dancer but I felt sorry for her also. Seems to me they just really went after Kelly and Trista with a fervor yet they let Holyfield get away with little or no footwork. Are they afraid he will beat them up?
I also love John and my next favorite is Joey.