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"Feb 18 Episode"

Posted by byoffer on 02-19-07 at 01:13 PM
Anyone still watching?? We have this whole forum over here to talk about the show, but sadly little discussion.

I thought last night's show was one of the best in a long time.
- Gabby, Carlos and the large hanging salami? LOL
- Bree's hubby and his mother? "I'm turning your head now..." Bwahaha! Although with mother and ex now gone, I wonder where the Vandecamp story will go? Is this a good setup for them to disappear for a while as Marcia has her baby?
- I think Susan has become my Meredith Grey on this show. I just don't care!

Anyone else watching??

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"RE: Feb 18 Episode"
Posted by KLicK on 02-19-07 at 03:49 PM
I am! I agree that this was a well-written episode.

I giggled like crazy during/after the urinal scene!

It's the first time in the history of the show that I liked Andrew, too.

"RE: Feb 18 Episode"
Posted by volsfan on 02-19-07 at 04:43 PM
Even though we liked Andrew in this episode...it is so far from where he was last season that he is actually sort of boring. I am hoping they get him involved more closely with some of the younger people on the show.

"RE: Feb 18 Episode"
Posted by KwietOne on 02-19-07 at 08:18 PM
I'm beginning to like the Andrew character. I suppose his sister wouldn't agree, since she was pissed at him for doing something "good".

This story for the Hodge mother & son ended a bit...how do you say? Ah, abruptly. I mean, it was all wrapped up in just one episode. Do you think the story might involve a bit more of Andrew this time around?

Funny storyline was Gabrielle...I'm hoping her and her ex get back together. They belong with each other.

"RE: Feb 18 Episode"
Posted by samboohoo on 02-20-07 at 09:31 AM
Most definately watching!

Loved the salami reference. Zach is so creepy. So, so creepy. As is Danielle.

Thanks Tribe!

Don't blame the coutour.

"RE: Feb 18 Episode"
Posted by KScott on 02-20-07 at 09:52 AM
Oh yeah, I am still watching. My DD and I agreed this was a very good episode. I love Gabby and Carlos, the salami reference was funny!!! I like Andrew now and don't like Danielle (think it will be funny with the pregnancy). Do you think Mike will find out that Orson ran him over?

Got Slice?

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: Feb 18 Episode"
Posted by shabalaba on 02-20-07 at 01:20 PM
I'm here too!!! *waving* I was getting lonely over here but glad that there are others still tuning in...
I loved this episode! It was great!!! I would have liked for them to keep Alma around a little longer...we never did get to find out if her attempt at getting *ahem* shall we say "inseminated" was successful or not!
I also wonder if dear old mum's stroke paralysis is permanent...you never know...she could make a miraculous recovery (on this show, anything is possible)
And then of course there is still the unfinished business between Orson and Mike...they scuffled and Orson fell off the roof...(with no broken bones) yet Alma who fell a much shorter distance ends up dead! Gotta love this show!!
At least now Andrew knows that Orson wasn't trying to kill his mother!
I guess I must be dim because I totally didn't get the urinal scene until Carlos came out and swung the salami! LOL
I would like to see them get back together as well..

And Zack...OMG how I HATE his ugly-a$$ hair-do!!! YUCK!!

What else? Well...Susan...Blech...no comment...not interested. I still found it in extremely poor taste for her to go to the funeral for one...and second; for him to propose so soon after he buried his wife. Other than that I don't really care about her story line.

"RE: Feb 18 Episode"
Posted by Puffy on 02-20-07 at 05:50 PM

It took me a whole episdoe to realize that Zach was the old teen-age Zach from next door. I don't understand why Andrew is suddenly so protective and loving toward Bree. LOL at the salami.

"RE: Feb 18 Episode"
Posted by jayce3486 on 02-20-07 at 09:03 PM
I see where anybody is coming from with the Andrew character but I think in a couple of episodes he will turn and go back to the OLd ANDREW.. Sorry I like andrew too right now..

And I do agree 100% that this was the best show in awhile. I wonder how they r going to work with bree and her pregencie.. I thought she was on bed rest at about the time they were filming there shows???

"RE: Feb 18 Episode"
Posted by Loree on 02-21-07 at 12:40 PM
Interesting that 3 different people all took falls. I guess bad things do happen in 3s.

Zach just makes me cringe. Watching Gabby curl up on the front porch while telling Carlos was so fitting. Who wouldn't be creeped out to wake up to him. Ugh!

Yes, Susan's storyline is just kind of annoying. I don't care what she does.

I love Carlos. He has some of the best lines. When he left Gabby on the porch and said he was going to warn Lynette's boys about her I laughed out loud.

"Tuning out"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 02-21-07 at 01:04 PM
I've been getting more and more bored with this show and now that there are no true 'open issues' seems like a good time to tune out. Am I missing something? Guess my TV schedule is getting a bit too full and something isn't going to make the cut.

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labour to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them." - President Washington's farewell address.

"RE: Tuning out"
Posted by CTgirl on 03-22-07 at 06:50 PM
I just wandered in here to see what was going on. I stopped watching Desperate Housewives last fall when two weeks in a row I forgot to set my VCR. Score one for The Amazing Race and CBS! I may be the only one who chose it over DH. (So they win one watcher by having sports run long!) Doesn't sound like I am missing too much.