Well...there were alot of things that I didn't quite like about this episode but the most disturbing thing that was COMPLETELY unbelievable is the fact that Tom's daughter...off the heels of a possible custody dispute and just having lost her mother; would be carted off to stay with relatives (grandparents?) instead of her father!!! Doesn't make sense...was it done to avoid confronting the whole issue of the Scavo's having to confront the murder of Nora and comfort a grieving child? Last week I totally expected the Scavos would end up having a new permanent addition to the family.
I don't know. I thought it was weird at first too, but then I thought that Tom hasn't really been in her life for long, and we can assume that her grandparents have been around her whole life. It's really not such a stretch to think she'd go there instead of to her dad.I don't think this means she won't wind up a part of Lynette's family.
That's what I'm thinking too, Diz. Perhaps it's a mutual comfort thing.
Thanks Tribe!
Ok...that sounds feasible...I'm sure we haven't seen the last of the daughter. Thanks for a different viewpoint...it makes sense.
Glad to help.Every time I see your name, I think "shabalaba ding dong." Does this make me weird?
Oh! Who put the bop in the bop-she-bop-she-bop who put the ram in the rama-lama-ding-dong? No, you're not weird. Actually, I think that's HILARIOUS!!!
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