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"Discussion for 01/12 Episode"

Posted by volsfan on 01-12-05 at 07:48 PM
As this episode has been much anticipated...let's talk about it.

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"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by volsfan on 01-12-05 at 08:09 PM
So far we know are to believe that Brian beats Shannon. She called Boone to come get her in Australia.

Boone told Locke that he was going to tell Shannon what they were doing and Locke hit him over the head.

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by volsfan on 01-12-05 at 08:23 PM
Sawyer was being arrested when Boone went to the Sydney police to tell them about Brian beating Shannon.

WTF is the beast? Another polar bear? It looked tall.

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by amea_gari on 01-13-05 at 02:45 PM
It's CLEARLY a giant monkey!!
Didn't you see it swing down from the sky?
Okay, maybe not clearly, and I still think it may not be some tangible beast at all, but did anyone else see it when it swung down? Of course, we later discover that entire scene was all in Boone's head so..
CLEARLY Boone thinks it's a giant monkey!!

A J Slice siggy

Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-13-05 at 03:05 PM
I actually did stop and pause hte VCR at that point, but Shannon is blocking the view of whatever it is (or isn't).

I thought it looked more like a big foot stomping down (like an elephant foot)...not that it matters as, like you said, it was all in Boone's head. I really think this episode told us a lot - we just have to know what we're looking for.

Posted by dragonflies on 01-14-05 at 11:21 AM
It sounded like Mighty Joe to us. Agree on the big monkey theory.

Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-12-05 at 08:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-12-05 AT 08:48 PM (EST)

Some of what I expected (the Boone/SHannon relationship) but the money thing came out of no where. And um...Locke/monster stuff is beyond creepy.

I wonder how long before we find out what happened to Shannon...crazy!

"okay, or not"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-12-05 at 09:05 PM
Talk about a creepy/weird episode! Man! Locke is one strange dude.

I really liked how the other characters almost all made an appearance in this episode instead of just having like 3 or 4 of them. I think the only ones we didn't see were Sawyer, Walt, and obviously Claire (did we see Sawyer...will have to go back and look at the tape).

Clips of next week's episode look very interesting. The polar bear makes another appearance.

I'm really starting to get an Identity-esque vibe from this...not in the exact same way (i.e. not all in his head), but something weird with Locke as a puppetmaster of some sort. Locke...muy creepy.

"RE: okay, or not"
Posted by volsfan on 01-12-05 at 09:11 PM
Yes we saw Sawyer in the flashback at the jail. However, we didn't see him on the island.

Locke is the key to the strange happenings. There is something about him being able to make things happen but the person they happen to are in control of their happening. That is what I am getting out of this. How bout yous guys?

Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-12-05 at 09:19 PM
I think I just need to watch it again and digest some of it. I'm watching Project Runway right now though (hilarious show!) so I'll probably watch it again after that's over and see if I can pick up anything I might've missed.

But Locke is definitely the key. And you are right, the other person is definitely maintaining some control (Boone and the Shannon thing). And Boone mentioned feeling relieved...that is definitely important to the Locke issue...

I know it was another episode with more questions, but this made up for last week's snore-a-thon (in comparison to other episodes).

"RE: yeah"
Posted by volsfan on 01-12-05 at 09:26 PM
I think the issue with the person being in charge of what happens will have something to do with their true feelings coming to them in the flashes. Because I don't think Boone would have said out loud to himself that he was relieved before the issue with the beast.

Is the "beast" the issues that each person has to deal with in order to make crucial decisions? This beast we haven't seen but we have seen the polar bear and it makes another appearance next week. I wonder if this "beast" is actually real....hhhhmmmm.

I think I was the first one to post about being upset because there were no answers and just more questions. However, I agree with you that it was a good episode and that there are more questions but the little snippet with Sawyer still leads me to believe that all these peeps are going to be tied together some how/some way. I can be more patient if I know it is going to take a long time to tell the whole story.

"RE: okay, or not"
Posted by dragonflies on 01-13-05 at 12:40 PM
the only thing that opposes Locke being some mastermind is that remember he couldn't use his legs before the crash. How does that fit in?

"RE: okay, or not"
Posted by sbeck on 01-13-05 at 10:50 PM
Hello everyone. Not new to realitytvworld (though gone a while), but new to here. This has probably been discussed already, so I'll keep it short, but John Locke is a philosopher, as is Rousseau. Locke believes in individual freedom; Rousseau, in freedom, but within a structure (I think the quote that goes with him is that "sometimes you need to force people to be free", or something like that). In this way they're opposites. Likewise, Locke and Sayid, in representing in a way Rousseau, are contrary. But this whole thing running on the island is freaky deaky. Can't wait till next week!

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by calamityc on 01-13-05 at 00:09 AM
The "be careful what you wish for" line did turn out to be important. Somehow even what they wish for unconsciously is
being manifest. Jack with his Father, Charlie with his guitar,
Boone killing off Shannon. Why some of it (like the guitar) is a physical reality and the rest is in the mind of the character is still beyond me.
Whatever secret Locke got happened when he came face to face with the "monster". Also he might still be paralyzed if he left the island, so might sabotage efforts to leave.
The compass being off kilter is probably a clue.

Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-13-05 at 00:16 AM
I think he was just trying to mess up Sayid's efforts at figuring out Danielle's maps...I still haven't re-watched the episode - should go do that now

"RE: compass"
Posted by sisyphus on 01-14-05 at 11:56 AM
With the compas thing I think locke was just try in his usual way to make sayid realize that the island is not what he thinks it is and so the notes from rousseau will not make any sense until he (sayid) figure out what the island about.......keep in mind even now sayid just thinks this a remote island.

"After thinking..."
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-14-05 at 12:03 PM
I do believe you are correct (and was just coming here to post about this)!

It seems to me that Locke wants Sayid to know what's going on...he said he wanted him on 'their side' when talking to Boone. Locke knows Sayid is very smart/capable and would have no trouble at all realizing that his compass was off...so this was supposed to be some sort of signal to Sayid. His careful word choice (Locke's) makes it seem as if he wants to tell Sayid more (or wants to lead him to this realization ala Boone/Charlie).

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by dabo on 01-13-05 at 01:15 AM
I don't think Boone genuinely wants Shannon to be killed, he just knows their codependant relationship hurts them both and that needs to change.

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by motormouth on 01-13-05 at 03:23 AM
I agree dabo. I think her "dying" signifies something else. He does truly seem to care for her so I really doubt he wishes her dead. He also seemed to feel guilty because of his feelings towards her and their physical relationship. Maybe he wants to be free from that?

*Courtesy of IceCat*

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by volsfan on 01-13-05 at 08:59 AM
I don't think he was relieved that she was dead, I think it was the fact that the feelings were dead. MHO.

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by AugustGirl on 01-13-05 at 07:41 AM
My question: Did Locke actually hit and tie up Boone, or was that part of Boone's "dream"? Locke told Jack (I think it was Jack) that he hadn't seen Boone all day when Jack asked him where Boone was. This was right after Locke tied him up.

I need to watch this episode again. Good thing I taped it.

a J Slice original. isn't she something?

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by Breezy on 01-13-05 at 09:54 AM
I think he conked him on the head. Didn't he say at the end, that the goop he put on Boone's head was what helped him have his vision?

Save a horse, ride a cowboy.

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 01-13-05 at 10:12 AM
Yes, I think the goop on his head made him hallucinate. He imaged his greatest fear- that he would lose Shannon. That's why he doesn't want Sayid hitting on her. Locke's lesson was "you have to let her go".

Locke is creeping me out big time.

Oh, and I don't think I can make it with only one hour of this show per week! I can barely stand it until next week!

Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by sisyphus on 01-13-05 at 10:23 AM
This is just my opinion and I hope I put it across in an understandable way....because of course it came to me as i drove to work this morning....

I hear people saying that they are getting no answers but if you were to get the answer I think the show would be over.....on the other hand the answers are there in each episode or rather being revealed slowly...

It is the experience of each of the characters that are inportant and reason why there are flashbacks so we can see what drives everyone, what their fears are, the expectations and their angst....We still don't know what everyones story is but we it is being revealed slowly as is the case with Kate and sawyer.....

So how does this tie into the island, the monster etc.....I think that when you are forced or are ready to face your demons then somehow the island reveals something of itself to you in whatever form that takes...

So lets look at what happened to locke first, even though we really don't know his story...he was in a wheel chair and we think that he was unable to walk for some time perhaps later in life.....so it is fair to say that he resented being in the wheel chair and wanted to be himself again...we also know according to him that he was in a relatively boring job, maybe a result of him being cripled....so on the isalnd he finds that he cand walk, there still must be some hesitation to reveal this to others, there must be some anxiety...he then encounters the "monster" and stands up to it....thus overcoming his fears and anxiety .....but facing the monster is really a realization that it is okay, for him to be himself again, to be whoo he really is....

So to last nights episode....boone says he wants to tell his sister about their find.....it is not so much that locke doesn't want him to tell but wants him to realize why he wants him to tell......Boone denied being in love with shannon.....shannon knows he is so she uses that each time and he comes running to save her....except that this last time he realizes what she is up to but he still loves her...she on the other hand does not..
he is jealous, he feels responsible, he resents her, he feels guilty...all those feelings and he is in denial....so locke who has had the epiphany and realizes that boone needs to face his feeling puts him in a stressful position....
what happens then, well he initially stuggles to free himself to no avail until he hears shannon calling and true to form he manages to get the knife, free himself and save her... but not yet the "monster" rears its head again he has to protect her...but the "monster" eventually gets her and so he must face losing her...yes he feels everything you feel when a loved one dies but surprisingly he feels relieved...he feels relived of the burden of always rescuing and protecting her....and loving her....which I think he know was not right....
what will be the results of this revelation well maybe he will be who he really is on the island which is not shannons guardian/protector...

this theory can also be applied to sayid, charlie who have had direct intereactions with the island/people of the island/monster etc....

I may be crazy or just have too much of a long commute

"Good theory sis"
Posted by jkokoj on 01-13-05 at 10:36 AM
You summed that up well. Locke was very creepy last night. Although, I truly think he is trying to help everyone. Locke has recognized something in Jack, Charlie and now Boone. Locke has helped those three fight their "demons" in some way.

I think sis is right that whatever is taking place happened to Locke first and he is close to discover more truths about the island. Right now Locke is still exploring.

Much, much more exciting episode, kept me on my toes the whole time! Next week looks like it will be really good as well. We are getting loads of scarey stuff and a few answers.

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by volsfan on 01-13-05 at 10:45 AM
Sisy, I agree with most of what you say and I was trying to say as much earlier but I guess I didn't explain it in as much detail.

I don't think the "beast" is going to be a real animal. I think the "beast" is going to be the demons in each of the people on the island. Locke has figured that out and knows they are going to be better people by staying on the island. Perhaps if they leave the island their demons return.

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by rigby on 01-13-05 at 01:46 PM
Did anyone else's ears perk up when Locke said (can't give direct quote)Saiyd was needed as an ally? It came across that he is measuring up sides. Are they the "good" guys and people like Shannon the "bad" guys? Any thoughts?

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by volsfan on 01-13-05 at 02:10 PM
I did hear that.

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by J I M B O on 01-13-05 at 08:35 PM
alongside all of the questions about what the island is, there certainly does seem to be a growing undercurrent of good vs. evil. be cool to have a final showdown between locke and ethan!!! (oh no, hope i didn't accidentally spoil the ending)

"Sawyer in the background"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-13-05 at 01:59 PM
When re-watching, I thought this was important..

This is what Sawyer says to the cops when he's being questioned:

"just sitting there in that raggedy old bar minding my own business when this guy came out of nowhere...it was his bottle and I just gave it back to him....hey, yo croc hunter...how come nobody wants to hear my side of the story"

I have a little idea about this scene...

We know that Jack's father was an alcoholic and when Jack went looking for him he was not in the hotel. I don't have tapes of that episode, so I can't go back and re-watch it for clues...

What if Sawyer had a confrontation with Jack's father? I don't think the writers would have put that dialogue in there for us to hear if it weren't important. Now why would Sawyer have a confrontation with Jack's dad? What if Jack's dad is his "Sawyer"? We know he went looking for the real Sawyer...maybe he found him, in Australia...he was prepared to confront him...and then he either roughs him up at the bar or he finds him already dead (which would explain why his issue is not resolved?).

This just came to me while trying to get Sawyer's quotes from that arrest scene...

"RE: Sawyer in the background"
Posted by djandy on 01-13-05 at 11:01 PM
That would be a good way to weave their stories together, if everybody is related as some people have surmised. Definitely adds drama to the love triangle, too.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: Sawyer in the background"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 01-14-05 at 01:01 AM
Sorry, but I don't think Jack's head-of-surgery father would have found the time to be a successful con man. If that's where they are going, I'm not riding along.

BUT, I think Sawyer might have been with Jack's father in Australia, and perhaps knows something about the man's death.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by FarmBoy on 01-13-05 at 04:33 PM
On the beast-

The preview for next week showed a polar bear trying to attack Walt. It was really quick but it's there if you've taped it.

There has been one real polar bear already, and Walt read the comic with polar bears, so it will be interesting to see if the polar bear next week is real or not.

Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 01-13-05 at 05:16 PM
I'm leaning toward 'not'. Next week Locke and Michael are supposed to have an argument about how Walt is being raised (I can't remember where that came from) - Locke is probably going to be working his magic on Walt next...making him "see the light" if you will. His 'fears' might manifest themselves as this polar bear and the thing he must let go will probably be something surrounding his step-father (who is supposedly a not-nice-guy).

They are constantly talking about this 'monster' so they all probably have their own interpretations of what the monster is. My feeling is that Walt thinks of the monster as a Polar Bear (his comic books would be a good reason for him to think that way).

Highlight for ideas based upon spoilers Michael apparently had nothing to do with not being a part of Walt's life. It was his ex who took Walt from Michael. It's possible that next week's polar bear scene will involve Locke trying to get Michael, not Walt, on his "side" - I am trying to think of what it is that Michael needs to 'let go'. Perhaps animosity toward Walt's mother/step-father for keeping him out of Walt's life? Just trying to think of all of the possibilities...

"RE: Discussion for 01/12 Episode"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 01-14-05 at 12:26 PM
from ABC.com

Wednesday, Jan. 19, 8/7c
"Special" - Violence ensues and a mysterious island beast makes a re-appearance when Michael and Locke clash over Walt's upbringing. Meanwhile, Charlie is tempted to read the missing Claire's diary, and Sayid enlists Shannon to help decipher the French woman's map.

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