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"Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"

Posted by DoodleBug on 03-29-09 at 08:04 PM
LOST - "Whatever Happened, Happened" - Kate goes to extreme measures to save Ben's life when Jack refuses to help. Meanwhile, Kate begins to tell the truth about the lie in order to protect Aaron, on "Lost," WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 (9:00-10:02 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/MARIO PEREZ) EVANGELINE LILLY, KEN LEUNG, JOSH HOLLOWAY

Guest List
Guest starring are Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert, Kim Dickens as Cassidy, Doug Hutchison as Horace Goodspeed, Susan Duerden as Carol Littleton, Sterling Beaumon as young Ben, Patrick Fischler as Phil, Jon Gries as Roger Linus, William Blanchett as Aaron, Sebastian Siegel as Erik, Candace Scholz as Debra, Susan King as sweet young woman, Miko Franconi as grocery worker, Scott Moura as manager and Olivia Vickery as Clementine.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by trigirl on 03-30-09 at 07:57 PM
Toldya that Aaron was with Clementine and Cassidy.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by CTgirl on 03-30-09 at 09:25 PM
I agree with you (although Claire's mom is in the show this week too...)

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by trigirl on 03-31-09 at 08:10 AM
I know...saw that one too...sounds like an interesting show. Why the heck would Kate want to save Ben?

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by zombiebaby on 03-31-09 at 09:26 AM
Without Ben she never would have had Aaron? Dunno. Probably something to do with Aaron is my guess.

On another note since it looks like it is a Kate ep. I still wonder if they will ever address that scene in Season 3 when Kate had dinner with Ben on the beach and came back all weird then had sex with Sawyer.

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"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by trigirl on 03-31-09 at 09:44 AM
when Kate had dinner with Ben on the beach

...and remember they took her blood. We all assumed it was to see if she was ovulating, but maybe Ben had some other crazy plans.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by zombiebaby on 03-31-09 at 11:40 AM
Oh yeah forgot about that! Hmmmm...future blood tests? Ben/Kate test tube baby? :O

"Quick thought"
Posted by zombiebaby on 04-01-09 at 09:30 PM

Maybe they were taking Kate's blood for Ben's spinal surgery? Just like tonight!

"RE: Quick thought"
Posted by trigirl on 04-02-09 at 10:38 AM
I'd better acknowledge that I was wrong (my DH says I am not good at that) about Aaron. He IS with Grandma!!!

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by weltek on 04-02-09 at 12:47 PM
I totally forgot about them having dinner. Maybe future Ben DOES remember seeing his Darhma medical records that indicate Kate donated blood/helped save his life.
-A Tribetastic Creation

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by michel on 04-01-09 at 10:42 PM
I forget; when did Kate and Cassidey meet?

Finally, next week looks like it could be a good episode. It has been a while.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by CTgirl on 04-02-09 at 07:49 AM
Here's the background on Cassidy: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Cassidy

Next week does look good. I thought this week was better than the last few. For me, Jack, Sawyer, Kate and Hurley are the heart and soul of Lost and it was nice to have them the focal point of the episode again. I am getting tired of them stuck in 1977 Dharmaville.

The best part of the show was the conversation between Hurley and Miles: the Back to the Future shout-out and whether they've actually been there before or not. I have had that same conversation with myself! I've always thought the same way Hurley does about the time travel (and that they will change the future) but I know some posters here think that Ben etc. have memory of them being there before. I still don't know which way it'll play out.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by DoodleBug on 04-02-09 at 09:38 AM
I LOVED that conversation between the two of them. The pondering thought of Miles... "hadn't thought of that" was great. I am definitely on the side of Ben operating all along with the memory of them being there. It just makes other things so clear now.

Loved the writing in this episode. I actually felt sympathy for Kate this episode and that hardly ever happens. Must be the mom in me.

And I want to say that I KNEW the smoke monster is the reason Ben is the way he is as an adult. I got chills when Richard said he would lose his innocence if he took young Ben. And it is even spookier that these occurences (old Ben and young Ben entering the Temple) may be happening at the same time only 30 years apart. Wow.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by trigirl on 04-02-09 at 10:37 AM
And I want to say that I KNEW the smoke monster is the reason Ben is the way he is as an adult.

Whaaaat?!?! Darn Canadian feed dropped right when Richard took Ben into his arms. I am going to have to go on-line now!!!!

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by warp_core breach on 04-02-09 at 11:39 AM
Darn Canadian feed doesn't air the previews!!

A Gift from Agman

"Hurley and Miles"
Posted by trigirl on 04-03-09 at 10:04 AM
The best part of the show was the conversation between Hurley and Miles.

Can't wait until they figure out that they both can speak to dead people.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by MPVLOST on 04-02-09 at 10:24 AM
>I forget; when did Kate and
>Cassidey meet?
>Finally, next week looks like it
>could be a good episode.
>It has been a while.

Season 3 "Left Behind"

Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by mrc on 04-02-09 at 08:56 AM
Great episode!

1. Kate was esp. poignant last night.

2. That Richard Alpert is so frakkin' intriguing!

3. Hurley and Miles were cracking me up.

4. Anyone else detect something going on b/w Kate and Roger Linus? I almost thought that Kate was going to try to replace Aaron with Ben.

5. Jack can't get it together. He was too gung-ho the first time on the Island, now he's too passive. Or is he?

6. Anyone catch who Richard didn't answer to? Charles was one name; I missed the other.

Bunnies eat nerds.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by zombiebaby on 04-02-09 at 09:43 AM
1. I liked it better than last week.

2. Yes! I feel another Stephen King vibe again!

3. Agree!

4. Yeah it was weird. Probably Kate's best scene in all the seasons was her telling Aaron goodbye. That tugged at my mommy heartstrings. She also looked very hot in the supermarket.

5. I dig this sandwhich making Jack. But I liked him before too. Just like I like Sawyer both ways, rebellious and leader-y. Oh and nice eye candy with Jack out of the shower...I looked for his appendix scar. Anyone see if it was there? I also liked when Sawyer said he was doing it for Juliet.

6. Ellie. He said Charles and Ellie.

I don't have much to say about this episode. Felt pretty straightforward right, nothing too suprising either? Most of the "reveals" were stuff we all have guessed prior to it. Maybe only question is how did Kate get from giving Aaron up to that drugged state and weird sex with Jack point?

Next week? Looks incredible!

You've been hotpocketed!

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by Glow on 04-02-09 at 11:28 AM
I never (or is it rarely? I can't remember) post here but I was coming to comment on something you hit.

"I also liked when Sawyer said he was doing it for Juliet"

That made me smile.

And to see what people were saying about the Kate and Roger weirdness.

I thought Kate was pretty smokin' in the grocery store too.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by zombiebaby on 04-03-09 at 10:56 AM
Also he was pretty hot when he found out about Clementine too

Glow Pop! I forget you watch Lost! You must come here more!

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by dajaki on 04-02-09 at 11:00 AM
1. Loved it - I'm so glad Kate finally did the right thing, however heartbreaking, and reunited Aaron with his grandmother. I wonder if the grandma is going to be waiting on tenterhooks for the return of Claire.

2. Richard is the most fascinating secondary character on the show. I believe he dates to the time of the statue.

3. I love Hurley and Miles. Hurley is the most endearing character and I hope that Miles is there for a bit more "I talk to dead people." I'm sure the dead have plenty of info to offer and I'm hoping he can tap into that.

4. Ew, gross. I think she's just sympathizing as a parent.

5. I think Jack's just waiting to see where the cards are going to fall. He had to take control the first time on the island because everything was an unknown. Now, he's in a time period where he understands at least part of what's coming even if the full story hasn't emerged yet.

6. The other name sounded like Healy or Ely. Could have been Ellie. Anyone?

Posted by weltek on 04-02-09 at 12:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-02-09 AT 01:14 PM (EST)

As in Eloise, I wonder?

-A Tribetastic Creation

"RE: Ellie"
Posted by zombiebaby on 04-03-09 at 10:57 AM
Yes Ellie is Eloise Hawking.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by warp_core breach on 04-02-09 at 11:32 AM
An ok episode for me.

1. I always suspected that Aaron was with his grandmother. Despite Kate's "antics" she always tries to do the right thing and in this case it was to give Aaron to his grandmother.

2. Kate's blabbing is making me nervous.

3. I so don't care about the relationship cube - too soapy. So Jack's whining that Kate didn't choose him on the island... wah. Sawyer broke Kate's heart... really? She didn't want to shack up with him on the island. I don't buy the whole Sawyer jumped out of the plane thing to avoid having to be with Kate. He did it because he lvoed her. And the whole Juliet standing in the bathroom when Jack got out of the shower thing was so unnecessary - very soapy. The true love stories of Lost are Des and Penny, Jin and Sun and Rose and Bernard.

4. Speaking of Jin and Sun all of a sudden Jin is just going about Dharma business. A few episodes ago, he was tearing the island apart looking for Sun and now... For him, Sun is still somewhere out there.

5. I didn't mind Miles last night.

6. Got teary-eyed when Kate said good bye to Aaron... for sure pulls at the mommy-heartstrings.

7. So I guess at this point, Charles is the leader of the Others and saving Ben is probably the beginning of the Charles-Ben thing.

8. So Ellie should have been asked. I guess at this point she has a bit of the handle on this whole time thing and saving Ben potentially is going to screw with things.

9. I wonder if Ben was dreaming about his past.

10. Ben is actually the one with a WTF look.

A Gift from Agman

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by trigirl on 04-03-09 at 10:02 AM
Ben is actually the one with a WTF look.

Loved that!!!! Looks like Locke really is the chosen one.

bouncey by Ice

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 04-02-09 at 12:02 PM
I thought this was a better episode that the last few. The podcast said they would explain the statue by the end of this season.

Syren 2007

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by weltek on 04-02-09 at 12:44 PM
I'm starting to get this "single parenting" theme to LOST. When Roger Linus was talking to Kate about Ben not having his mother, I was reflecting on all the LOSTIE's and their parents. Seems like so many either had a parent that died or were divorced.

-A Tribetastic Creation

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by DoodleBug on 04-05-09 at 03:26 PM
More specifically, there are many "daddy issues" with everyone.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by zombiebaby on 04-05-09 at 09:09 PM
With this season turning into a lot of "mommy" issues.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by sica077 on 04-02-09 at 06:29 PM
Am I right to think that if Jack had operated on Ben, then there would have been no reason to bring Ben to the Others, therefore Ben would not have been an Other in the future?

And as Hurley and Miles continued talking I got more and more confused (but it was probably my favorite moment from this season )!

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by dajaki on 04-02-09 at 06:57 PM
Am I right to think that if Jack had operated on Ben, then there would have been no reason to bring Ben to the Others, therefore Ben would not have been an Other in the future?

I think that's about right. And since Ben was brought to the temple, that sheds new light on the "sickness" of the French expedition. Their time in the temple to rescue their friend changed them; not making them sick, but inextricably tying them to the island. Why did Danielle interpret their change as sickness? Why were the three men killed when they could have joined the Others and abandoned Danielle? Why wasn't Danielle overwhelmed and either taken, like 815 survivors, or killed by the Others during her time on the island? I'm sure that they knew she was there and, for whatever reason, chose to leave her alone.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by zombiebaby on 04-03-09 at 10:55 AM

Am I right to think that if Jack had operated on Ben, then there would have been no reason to bring Ben to the Others, therefore Ben would not have been an Other in the future?

I don't think so. If Jack had operated then maybe he still could not have stopped the bleeding and he still would have needed to be brought to the Others. They repeatedly say whatever happened, happened. The end result is that the people at Dharma were unable to do anything else but send him to the Others.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by DoodleBug on 04-05-09 at 10:09 PM
I agree with Zombie. Ben will still have become an Other in one way or another. I keep thinking of Desmond when he was having the flashes about Charlie. "No matter what I do... you're going to die Charlie".

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by shimane22 on 04-03-09 at 00:34 AM
This was good... for a Kate episode.

Posted by dabo on 04-03-09 at 10:23 AM
Evangeline pulled off a really tough assignment this week, she carried the show, well done.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by zombiebaby on 04-04-09 at 07:20 AM
"Don't you dare bring him back"
"He can't be raised by an other!"

Popular belief was Aaron, maybe Locke. Could this all be about Ben?

You've been hotpocketed!

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by dragonflies on 04-06-09 at 07:57 AM
I remembered that phrase too, and when they handed Ben over, shouted the same thing at the TV. DH thinks I'm crazy.

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 04-04-09 at 08:45 AM
So is "the list" that the Others kept referring to at the start of this show something from the employee roles from '77?

Mangalicious by The Slice
09/25/2008 Bre left for Iraq
04/29/2009 Bre leaves Iraq

"RE: Episode 5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened"
Posted by sica077 on 04-06-09 at 12:16 PM
Ever since we have done this time travel thing I have been wondering what "the list" from the beginning was all about. Your thought (compared to all of mine in my head) makes the most sense.