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"Clues in the re-run last night"

Posted by jkokoj on 12-16-04 at 09:33 AM
I have not seen these two items posted before.

The first clue I noticed is when Walt was looking at the Spanish comic book. The page had the huge Polar Bear and then on the opposite page 2 super hero dudes. We know that later in the episode Sawyer kills a Polar Bear.

The second clue I noticed is when Locke is explaining to Walt the batgammon game. Locke talked about there being a Light side and a Dark side, two sides to a board. This is your tyical good vs. evil scene.

Did anyone else watch and catch some hints that may have been overlooked?

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"RE: Clues in the re-run last night"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 12-16-04 at 09:51 AM

That dark-light comment sure does resonate now that we've seen more of the show. I shivered when he said it, and I'm sure it is major foreshadowing. Are we seeing a plane-crash version of The Stand?


This was not really a clue, but we did see Sawyer reading the letter.

I already knew about the polar bear in the comic book, but forgot about the superheroes. (I think they could use Superman right about now!)

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: Clues in the re-run last night"
Posted by lovetowatch on 12-17-04 at 02:26 PM
I noticed that during Charlies flashback when he dropped his drugs into the bathroom sink/toilet that after he came out of the bathroom right before the crash, he strapped into one of the first seats he came to. This was near the cockpit. They hiked to the cockpit when they returned. Seemed quite far. How did he get with the others who were seated in the middle of the plane?

"Charlie in First-Class"
Posted by trigirl on 12-29-04 at 04:24 PM
Even my kids picked up on that one. Something fishy!

"RE: Clues in the re-run last night"
Posted by amea_gari on 12-18-04 at 06:21 AM
"The first clue I noticed is when Walt was looking at the Spanish comic book. The page had the huge Polar Bear"

Wow! That's a good catch. I missed that. That's got to mean something.

"RE: Clues in the re-run last night"
Posted by joannie on 12-19-04 at 10:21 AM
You mean THIS polar bear?


Posted by jkokoj on 12-20-04 at 09:50 AM
That is it and great scan!! Notice the hero keeps talking about Wally...Walt was reading this comic! I wonder if the story in that comic book could bring any clues or mimic some things happening on the island!

Posted by zombiebaby on 12-20-04 at 06:39 PM
The superheros are saying that "they are puppets".

Who could the superheros be on the island?

Walt=puppet master?

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"RE: Interesting"
Posted by HuckleberryHound on 12-21-04 at 01:25 PM
Those are good catches. I didn't watch the reruns but I do remember the good vs evil comment from the backgammon game. Now I'm wishing I had watched the reruns...

anyone know when the next new show will be? is it this week? I'm looking forward to the pairing of LOST and Alias...should be pretty sweet.

Posted by dabo on 12-29-04 at 01:24 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-30-04 AT 00:51 AM (EST)

Wally West is the Flash III (formerly Kid Flash), having taken on the roll since the death of Barry (the Flash II). Shown are Flash I (Jay), Green Lantern I (Alan), and Green Lantern III or IV (Kyle) or whatever # (there's tons of Green Lanterns, actually). The protagonist in Faster Friends was Alien X.

"RE: Clues in the re-run last night"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 12-23-04 at 10:01 PM
Another thing I noticed during the backgammon game was that Walt told Locke that his mom died a few weeks ago, and he said: "You're having an unlucky month." Then a few episodes later he beats hurley at backgammon, and says his other dad always told him he was lucky.

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"RE: Clues in the re-run last night"
Posted by HuckleberryHound on 12-29-04 at 11:34 AM
huh! Good one...I didn't even notice that but definitely remember the quote. I just assumed Walt's mother had been dating someone that he called his father...