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"Discussion of 12/08 episode"

Posted by volsfan on 12-08-04 at 07:48 PM
So, we find out another island secret tonight. This one looks like it could be a great one.

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"Did we?"
Posted by zombiebaby on 12-08-04 at 09:03 PM
Find out a secret that is?

Had to love the mention of the "red shirts"...

Things we learned?

Sawyer is on meds?
Jack turned in his father
Kate spent time in the woods with her father
Locke worked at a box factory-metaphor?
Walt has "two" dads.
Boone runs a wedding business
Hurley came in 17th in backgammon tournament

Probably knowing this show the Hurley fact is the most important.

Holiday Gift from Surveysez Bounce courtesy of IceCat

"RE: Did we?"
Posted by volsfan on 12-08-04 at 09:39 PM
I wondered this myself...however, after reading my TV Guide again, I think it means that the stranded finds out another island secret. The secret was that Ethan was after Claire (the baby actually) only...which verifies what we speculated all along.

So, in a round about way we got verification but the stranded learned that Ethan dive a carp about Charlie.

"RE: Did we?"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 12-08-04 at 10:01 PM
>Sawyer is on meds?

I'm pretty sure the meds comment was related to medication that Sawyer is taking due to his still-healing stab wound, nothing more.

"RE: Did we?"
Posted by motormouth on 12-09-04 at 02:46 AM
I agree, in fact, I could have sworn he actually said "antibiotics". Not sure though...??

*Courtesy of IceCat*

"RE: Did we?"
Posted by Bebo on 12-09-04 at 08:25 AM
There's steel in them there island.

Of course, now we need to find out why...

You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good.

"another hideout?"
Posted by moonbaby on 12-09-04 at 09:38 AM
The french woman lived underground and there was a steel door to her lair. Could this part of the same dwelling or is this another one?

"RE: another hideout?"
Posted by Estee on 12-09-04 at 09:54 AM
It's been there long enough to get covered by dirt and a little plant life, so it's not part of their plane...

Way too much to hope that it's the kidnapper's bolt-hole.

"RE: Did we?"
Posted by spacey on 12-09-04 at 11:55 AM
I agree with the Hurley fact being important that he was 17th in a backgammon tournament but I think the most important fact we heard regarding Hurley last night was when he told Walt that in his real life he is concidered a warrior too. He said this when Michael was heading south to look for Charlie and Claire.

Some other important information we learned last night:

1. Walt is very, very lucky, to lucky if you ask me. He even said his father said he was the luckiest person he ever met. Did anyone else notice every time he rolled the dice he got exactly what he wanted.

2. Ethan was not alone when he took Claire and Charlie. Charlie said "they" took Claire.

3. The new island secret looks like it is going to be a metal bunker for trunk.

"RE: Did we?"
Posted by volsfan on 12-09-04 at 06:49 PM
Charlie said "they" took Claire.

I thought Charlie said "they only wanted Claire". Meaning that is why he was hanged in the jungle.

"RE: Discussion of 12/08 episode"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 12-09-04 at 09:51 AM
So Jack's secret is that he turned in his dad for operating on a patient while drunk- which ruined his dad's career and life.

Everyone seems to really trust Locke, he seems pretty creepy to me. Locke doesn't seem to like Michael.

When Walt and Hurley play backgammon, it seems that Walt is very lucky- too lucky for normal? His step-dad told him he was the luckiest person he ever met- what's up with that?

Sawyer didn't know that Sayid found someone and that there are other people on the island besides the passangers.

Before Jack finds Charlie, he hears a loud noise and a scream. Does Ethan have something to do with the island monster?

Locke and Boone find something metal in the ground- is it a lock box? is it an underground bunker?

Charlie is resucitated by Jack after being nearly dead. He seems to be in shock. He doesn't want to talk. What does Ethan want with Claire and her baby?

ABC http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/episodes/2004-05/11.html

Posted by Meemo on 12-09-04 at 10:32 AM
>Charlie is resucitated by Jack after being nearly dead. He seems to be in shock. He doesn't want to talk. What does Ethan want with Claire and her baby?

I'm wondering if Charlie has been infected with the sickness that the French woman talked about. He just didn't seem right to me.

And how did Ethan get Charlie hung up like that on his own. There has to be somebody else working with him, if you ask me.

Half man, half amazing, all DAW

"RE: Charlie..."
Posted by spacey on 12-09-04 at 11:37 AM
"How does Ethan get Charlie hung up there on his own...."

There is someone else working with him (Ethan). When Charlie was back at the camp and Jack was asking him questions he (Charlie) replied that "they" only wanted Claire. He said it twice and Jack repeated it. Someone else was with Ethan when he took Claire and Charlie and they only wanted Claire.

I also think Charlie isn't sick, he is just in shock from almost dieing and losing Claire.

"Revelations lead me to plot theory"
Posted by Swami on 12-09-04 at 10:51 AM
There's an old, old SciFi movie called Forbidden Planet (I think) where hellacious things occasionally happen because a robot is able to cause this one girl's wishes to come true. (I have only seen this years ago on TV, so I may have the exact details wrong--sorry)

Anyway, people seem to get what they really wish for a lot. Walt was way beyond lucky in the backgammon game. Charlie looked truly dead to me, his hand was shown blue, but Jack could bring him back to life (unlike the nameless woman who died when his dad operated while impaired). Locke can call down the rain!

Maybe the island can make wishes come true due to some invention by the French woman's scientists. The metal bunkers and stuff are part of the mechanism that produces this effect.

The people who lived through the plane crash were the ones who really wanted to live at the moment of the crash & were not resigned to their fate. Or they may have been grievously wounded but lived just long enough to wish that they would survive whereas the others were all killed on impact. Locke can walk after the crash because his vision of himself is as a whole person.

The French woman's team went "mad" or whatever she said when they realized what they had created and either came up with some world-domination plan or started offing each-other in a fight over control of the device, or just because they could.

This also explains the strange appearance of polar bears (somebody thought of them as scary) and also the unseen "monster in the dark". It is unseen because it is just formless fear in an unknown and scary time.

Now, if there is anyone left on the island (Ethan) who understands how the wish-granting thing works--then it makes sense that he would want a tabula rasa baby (Claire's unborn), thinking he could totally control this child's knowledge as it grew, and use the child as a "weapon" for lack of a better word.

The French woman seems pretty much immune to the wish-granting effect. Maybe others are also? Including Ethan who needs a tabula rasa child to fully control his own device?

The Marshall died because Claire really wanted him gone so she could be "free" and her wish was more powerful than his. Could one of "the other's" have brought down the plane as it passed over the island, just by wishing it to happen??

Hey! It's a universal theory. What do you think?


"RE: Revelations lead me to plot theory"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 12-09-04 at 02:20 PM
very good Swami- I like this theory!

I thought something was up when Walt was "lucky" with the dice

"RE: Revelations lead me to plot theory"
Posted by shuiheart on 12-09-04 at 07:18 PM
Wow, Swami! What a great idea. I had noticed that Walt wished for things and got them, including his dog returning, but I thought it was specific to him.

I never thought about the others.

Maybe Locke and his rain "prediction" is an indication that he knows this little secret. Maybe he is using this knowledge to become the "provider."

"RE: Revelations lead me to plot theory"
Posted by Roo on 12-10-04 at 10:07 AM
Didn't Locke once tell Charlie that if you give to the island, the island will give you what you ask for?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Posted by PhoenixMons on 12-10-04 at 12:57 PM
He said something along the lines of that - he was talking to Charlie about giving up his drugs so that he could get his guitar...

I do think this (Swami's idea) is an option (one of the more plausible of the various theories floating around), but something is telling me that this is what we're supposed to think and therefore it's not going to pan out that way. Just a gut feeling, I guess.

I think we're going to learn a lot after the Michael/Walt episode (ep. 14) because I think Walt is the key - Walt is the only child on the island, he's been shown time and time again to get what he asks for on the spot ("lucky") - possibly something about Walt has something to do with Claire's baby...

There are just so many possibilities! I think once we figure out what that steel 'box' is, we'll learn a lot more about the island, maybe even something about why these people are all there.

"RE: Revelations lead me to plot theory"
Posted by realitycoholic on 12-10-04 at 06:20 PM
I think you've got something, Swami. I guess the caveat would be that a wish to be rescued would not be honored. I'm hooked on this show! I missed the first 4 or 5 episodes and would love it if the network would do a marathon LOST recap, preferably on a Saturday...ah, watching LOST in PJs whilst knitting--practically a perfect day!

"RE: Revelations lead me to plot theory"
Posted by Swami on 12-12-04 at 08:56 AM
Mostly, according to their back stories, these folks don't have a lot to look forward to back home. Maybe they're not wishing really hard--certainly Locke isn't, or Walt either.

Maybe there is a time/distance thing? They can't influence anything that is not within the "frequency" of the island. (Maybe this is Dan Rather's mystery frequency. That could explain a lot too.)


"RE: Revelations lead me to plot theory"
Posted by amea_gari on 12-12-04 at 11:44 PM
Wow. I gotta say, I think most of you are waaay over-thinking things Obviously you're enjoying doing so, though, so who am I to rag on it?
Personally, I've always been a very active viewer. the past few months have been rough, though, and I find myself just sort of...watching and accepting. But I thought I'd throw in my two pesos.
I don't think the island is some sort of military or scientific experiment. I don't think there is going to be any scientific explanation at all. Rather, I see this all playing out in a more spiritual way. No wish machines, experiments gone wrong, and etc. I think some things ARE what they seem, such as what Locke used to be-- a man with a simple life and big dreams. No ex-CIA as someone down the line suggested.
Now that I think about it, I have to say-- over thinking these things seems like it could ruin it, to me. This seems to be the kind of show that you take as it is given. I am not saying you don't think about what you see, but I'd personally be careful of going too far beyond what is presented. The clues are given in a very careful, very methodical way.
Still, like I said, you guys are obviously having a ball, and that's cool :}. I just wanted to offer my take on it, if that made sense.

A J Slice siggy

"RE: Revelations lead me to plot theory"
Posted by volsfan on 12-13-04 at 00:17 AM
Wow. I gotta say, I think most of you are waaay over-thinking things

That is what we do here!

I don't have a problem with thinking things through...I lvoe to hear all the possibilities! Why does someone always have to rain on the parade?

"RE: Discussion of 12/08 episode"
Posted by volsfan on 12-09-04 at 06:56 PM
Sawyer didn't know that Sayid found someone and that there are other people on the island besides the passangers.

Neither did anyone else. If you go back and look, lastnight's episode took place the second the show left off last week. Therefore, the only peeps that knew there were others on the island were the peeps around Jack when he was working with Syid (sp?). This was also the same time Hurley blurted out that Ethan was the one that was there but not on the flight.

I don't think anyone on the beach knew of the other people except Kate.

"RE: Discussion of 12/08 episode"
Posted by AugustGirl on 12-09-04 at 10:00 AM
I don't know about anyone else, but I just might die before they air the next new episode.

-- apparently I have issues with patience

"You and me both"
Posted by Canada Girl on 12-09-04 at 10:33 AM
And DH was complaining about how long we'd have to wait before last night's ep even started!

Keep your eye on the ball!

"RE: Discussion of 12/08 episode"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 12-09-04 at 11:05 AM
>I don't know about anyone else,
>but I just might die
>before they air the next
>new episode.

February 9, 2005... start counting down the days

"RE: Discussion of 12/08 episode"
Posted by Joools on 12-09-04 at 12:46 PM
TWO MONTHS!! Arrgh, that hurts! I was hoping it would come back in January after ABC is done with all their holiday programming. It will definitely be a long winter, indeed.

"RE: Discussion of 12/08 episode"
Posted by J Slice on 12-09-04 at 12:48 PM
24 and Alias, hon.

"RE: Discussion of 12/08 episode"
Posted by AugustGirl on 12-09-04 at 12:57 PM
FEBRUARY?!?!?!? That is just plain cruel.


Posted by TeamJoisey on 12-09-04 at 02:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-09-04 AT 02:55 PM (EST)

They are going to lose a lot of the audience unless they repeat the whole thing from the beginning.

And this means the web site game is stuck in limbo for three months.

Damn!!!! Damn!!!! Damn network execs!

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: February!!!!"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 12-09-04 at 05:26 PM
>They are going to lose a lot of the audience unless
>they repeat the whole thing from the beginning.

Sometimes I think I must write in invisible ink


"The ABC sell"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 12-10-04 at 02:05 PM
The tag at the end of E11 said tune in next week for the 2-hour pilot and watch for what you missed the first time around.

Not to mention that I have at least a half-dozen friends who missed the first few episodes and decided they didn't want to catch up. I've told them all that ABC's given them a do-over.

It does suck for those of us who have been here from the beginning though.

"RE: Discussion of 12/08 episode"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 12-09-04 at 12:05 PM
One thing that I thought was interesting was when Kate found Jack after he fell off the ledge, and heard Claire scream. The way Kate acted made me believe that she didn't hear the scream. Does this mean that Jack imagined it, or that only certain people can hear things from the others? Or was she just distracted by seeing if Jack was ok and didn't hear it? I am probably reading way too much into this.

A J-Slice Christmas Creation

"RE: Discussion of 12/08 episode"
Posted by jkokoj on 12-09-04 at 01:20 PM
Nope I thought the same thing myself. I heard the scream enter mixed with thunder. I was also thinking, while Jack was getting his arse kicked, where the hell was Kate???? I mean Jack could not have fallen that far and not have heard or seen Ethan!

"RE: Discussion of 12/08 episode"
Posted by RangeRover on 12-09-04 at 09:04 PM
I thought maybe the scream was part of the "voices" that Sayid heard. Perhaps trying to confuse them?

But I do have a non sequiter question: The black woman who believes her husband is alive..I haven't seen her in several episodes and I wondered if she is still there?

And does anyone think Locke was ex CIA or Navy Seal who was perhaps injured and in fact it was not a real injury just a miliatary experiment gone wrong? And that the island is also a military like experiment..a la the Island of Dr. Moreau?

"Boone and Sis"
Posted by Loree on 12-15-04 at 07:46 PM
I keep hearing gossip that there is going to be an incestuous relationship between the brother and sister. I certainly hope they don't go there.

"RE: Boone and Sis"
Posted by volsfan on 12-15-04 at 08:46 PM
This has been discussed here...I think. Hasn't it?

Posted by TeamJoisey on 12-16-04 at 09:55 AM
I hadn't heard this. Maybe their real names are Blake and Paige.


Maybe there's a sexual relationship, but no familial relationship.

Perhaps the whole brother-sister thing is a ruse to help one of them escape some difficult situation. In other words, maybe Shannon's name is really Susan, and she adopted the identity of Boone's sister to escape some criminal element. Like Jin. Or Kate.

My brain hurts.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!