I have a number of questions that I would like to see answered by the show before it goes off the air after Season 6. What about you?My questions:
1. Who are Adam and Eve, the two skeletons found in the cave in Season 1? I have seen speculation that they are Aaron and Sun and Jin's daughter (I forget her name).
2. What the heck is up with the Temple and the four-toed statue?
3. Why did/do the Others need children? Was it simply to replenish their population, or were they looking for someone special?
4. What was the background to Danielle's life and mission?
I will probably be back with more.
1. The 4 toed statue is a biggie that I want answered. I just loved that when we first saw it. My theory is that when they move the island and it reappears it could be pushing up stuff that was there before. Black Rock, Oceanic 815, Yemi's plane.2. What is the "box" that gives you whatever you want?
3. Who is Dr. Candle. Is he still on the island? What happened to him?
4. Hanso. I want more Hanso!
5. Are there really ghosts floating around?
6. Where have you been?
Fighting polar bears in Tanzania.Tribefied
what was Dharma- really?who/what is Richard Alpert?
how did the Black Rock get there?
how do Ben and others get off island?
what is the black smoke monster?
what is the island?
how did Danielle's party die?
why did the Others want Walt and then let him go?
What was up with the guy with Desmond in the hatch (Iraq?)
Syren 2007
How did Libby wind up in the asylum with Hurley and why was she on O815?I have a theory now that the show is entirely metaphoric, actually.
Hey remember in Season 1 when Sawyer kissed Kate the first time he said he has been waiting 4 years to do that? What was that about?
Anyone have any more?I've been watching the repeats...
1. Sawyer's comment in Season 1 about waiting 4 years to kiss Kate is still bugging(see above post).
2. That toy plane is important dammit!!!!!Right?
3. Sayid removing the bracelet from the two dead women...what gives?
4. Why do we keep having a scene where either Jack or Ben is playing the piano!
5. What's with all the eye color changes?
1. I don't remember Sawyer's comment. What episode was it?3. Maybe he is a jeweler.
4. Interesting catch. I've never noticed that.
5. I have noticed this one, but I don't have an answer.
One of my questions:
The creators were adamant that time travel was not part of the possible explanations for the experiences on the island, but they obviously lied. Or did they? Have we been seeing time travel, or is there something else afoot? Or did they just lie to us like dirty dogs?
Bunnies eat nerds.
I thought I posted here before?OK my new theory upon rewatching last night!
What if there is time travel or leaping or jumping, whatever. But what if you don't travel to your own consciousness or body like Desmond all the time? What if you sometimes end up leaping into someone else's body? Could explain the eye color changes, weird looks characters sometimes give each other, Kate/Jack/Sawyer triangle....
What if at times Ben has "lept" into Jack and vice versa or Jack/Sawyer, Kate/Claire/Juliet? Micheal/Jin, Locke/Jack, Sayid/Boone, Christian/Jack? Or any combo at anytime. What if when you are "inside" someone's conciousness and your body dies where are you? Charlie?
Was that Australia commercial last night for real or was it by Lost? I thought I heard lines from Lost and they mentioned Walkabout?
Lost meets Quantum Leap?!? That would be interesting.A Slice of Manga
Where are we?
Check out the newest TV Guide. They have a big spread on LOST and the actress that plays Kate. There are also the top 10 most important LOST episodes/revelations that will be revealed in season 5 and 6. 6 days, I can't wait!!!Created by PhoenixMons
When we first learned about the Others, we saw glimpses of them walking through the jungle: single file, barefoot, dirty, and (if I remember correctly) one of them dragging a stuffed animal. The Others that have played an active role in the last couple of seasons have not resembled that at all. What's the explanation?When Kate, Sawyer, and Jack were in the cages in Others Village, the stewardess (Cyndy, I believe) and children from Oceanic 815 showed up. Cyndy told the prisoners, "We're here to watch." What was that all about?
"We must scrupulously guard the civil rights and civil liberties of all our citizens, whatever their background. We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization." --- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 9 January 1940
Yeah! Remember how creepy that was too? I know it's been explained that they used costumes but it does not really explain that they would use the kids and Cindy that way.
Something tells me that this will not be addressed at all. I will be very impressed if it is. Maybe the brain washing of Cindy might(if she was) cause I always believed that was connected to Karl in that room with all those images.
I've wondered about that too. The first 'Others' we experienced were super quiet, walked barefeet, and seemed to have cavemen stealth and stance. Stereotyping them, they looked rather Indonesian. Like HD said, they look nothing like the 'others' we know today. Maybe they're a group we haven't been quite introduced to yet? Could they be from a prehistoric time?
I think Cindy meant they were there to watch Juliet's trial for killing Danny, when she got her mark.
Arrrgghhhhh. I just read this thread and now my head is exploding. Again.
Just tossing this out there--I wonder if Thomas, Claire's boyfriend and Aaron's dad, has a greater significance? It seems that if Aaron is special, then Thomas has to play some role in that specialness, no?
Not necessarily. Christian Shephard is Claire's father, thus presuming she is the special one.
-A Tribetastic Creation
This is a minor question in the overall scheme, but why did the Oceanic 6 chose to say that Boone, Charlie and Libby survived the crash, but then died? Why them? This has no connection, but Charlie, Libby and Boone have all come back as visions after they died.
For Charlie, it had to be in case his broadcast from the under-water station had been intercepted by someone. Similarly, didn't Boone try to broadcast from the drug smugglers' plane? Libby? I can't remember much about her.
Maybe acknowledgement of Libby's life was a concession to Hurley from the rest of the O6.
Well, the survivors knew for a fact that those three were dead, as opposed to Locke or Sawyer whose appearance would have ruined their story. Plus they forgot about Nikki and Paolo and they probably liked Libby, Charlie, and Boone more than Ana-Lucia or Shannon. That's my guess.
If the orginal "Others" gassed the Dharma Initiative members decades ago, why was the Dharma Initiative still air dropping supplies to the island. Did they not know their employees were dead all that time?
Remember the dead doctor? He was still alive on the boat when Faraday called the boat but he had washed up on shore earlier that day. Time and space are not the same on the island. Also, the island is not detectable to the outside world (unless you follow a known bearing). So I am guessing that the supply drops are out of sync with the rest of the timeline. They occurred earlier in time off island and appeard later in time on island.
I still want to know when we first in the first episode I believe when we saw the trees moving Rose said that sound is familiar, what was familiar about it?
I think I read that one of the sound effects for the smoke monster is a taxi cab meter, Rose is from New York and thus would recognize that sound.
LAST EDITED ON 03-19-09 AT 09:21 PM (EST)I am rewatching season 1 and in Episode 2: "Walkabout" at about 9 1/2 minutes in there is a scene with Locke in his office. Locke is punching numbers into a calculator ... it's one of those printing calculators ... the sound effect that it made sounds VERY much like the smoke monster. The sound effect also lingered just a bit after the screen went to black before the commercial break ...