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Forum: DCForumID77
Thread Number: 61
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Original Message
"Wednesdays in January!"

Posted by HistoryDetective on 12-06-04 at 12:55 PM
Is everybody else as excited as I am that "Lost" and "Alias" will be shown back-to-back starting in January?! Abrams tells a great story on both of those shows.

a sig by syren

It's not too late to rent the DVDs for Alias seasons 1-3 if you need to catch up before season 4 begins.

Table of contents
  • RE: Wednesdays in January!,SurvivorBlows, 03:13 PM, 12-06-04
    • RE: Wednesdays in January!,Devious Weasel, 10:57 AM, 12-08-04
      • RE: Wednesdays in January!,HistoryDetective, 11:04 AM, 12-08-04
        • RE: Wednesdays in January!,Devious Weasel, 11:46 AM, 12-08-04
      • RE: Wednesdays in January!,SurvivorBlows, 09:55 PM, 12-08-04
  • RE: Wednesdays in January!,geg6, 09:59 AM, 12-08-04

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Wednesdays in January!"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 12-06-04 at 03:13 PM
I'm excited, but given that Lost starts repeating on December 15 (next week), I think that we won't be seeing two new back-to-back original hours of Lost and Alias until the February sweeps period.

"RE: Wednesdays in January!"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 12-08-04 at 10:57 AM
Will they be repeating the entire run to date?

"RE: Wednesdays in January!"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 12-08-04 at 11:04 AM
I don't know, but wouldn't it be wonderful if they did?! That would give new viewers (or viewers who joined after the first episode) a chance to catch up and expand the fan base.

a sig by syren

But don't trust ABC to put that much thought into it.

"RE: Wednesdays in January!"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 12-08-04 at 11:46 AM
I'm in the new viewer category. I read the discussions here, I read the episode summaries, but I'm not sure if I should start watching this far in. If they rerun from the start, I'm on board.

Which may be a bad choice of words...

"RE: Wednesdays in January!"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 12-08-04 at 09:55 PM
>Will they be repeating the entire
>run to date?

It looks like they will, but since they need to have new episodes back on the air by the beginning of February sweeps on February 3, it's going to require some creativity.

Next week they'll repeat Episodes 1 and 2 (the two-hour pilot that originally aired over two weeks but was already repeated once as a Saturday night movie) and then Episodes 3-4 and 5-6 will air on the last two December Wednesdays from 8-10PM.

Alias takes over the 9PM slot on January 5, so on that night a Ep7 repeat will air in the 8PM period, but that still leaves four more Wednesdays to air Eps 8-11 before sweeps begin on Thursday, February 3... presumably leading into a broadcast of a new Ep12 on February 9.

"RE: Wednesdays in January!"
Posted by geg6 on 12-08-04 at 09:59 AM
Yes! I love this idea. JJ Abrams is a genius! And thank you ABC for finally programming something right.