Hmmm...interesting episode title.Do you think we will get some answers as to who survived the rescue? Or will it confirm that Christian, Charlie etc are truly dead? Or none of the above
Just me or do you prefer Lost on Wednesday night better?
Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!
I like it better on Wednesdays; I have a lot going on on Thursdays.This episode has been spoiled extensively. I won't give a link, but you can search for it at
I don't do any! spoilers. They would ruin the show for me. I have no inkling about anything upcoming.I can't imagine how different the season finale last year would have been had I know about the flash forward. Would have diminished the episode considerably for me.
I like the speculation the most about Lost. Even though it is usally completely out of left field most of the time. That is the fun to me.
Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!
I try not to do Lost spoilers either, I enjoy the show alot more!I'm like you zombs, I love the speculation but hate being spoiled. Of course in another context I don't mind being spoiled
Agman took me to the islands
Ironically, given the website we're on, I avoid spoilers most of the time as well. I have peeked at Lost spoilers before (Season 2) and regretted it.I saw the Ep. 2 spoiler thread while trolling the boards. I wanted so bad to read it, but I would have kicked myself, I think.
So, I'll wait in blissful ignorance for tonight, just like you!
Sigs by Bob about chalk dust. Pretty exciting stuff
>I don't do any! spoilers.
>They would ruin the show
>for me. I have
>no inkling about anything upcoming.Inkling... interesting choice of words Zombiebaby. Anyone catch that the female "rescuer's" name was Charlotte Staples Lewis (C.S. Lewis)?? Another good Lost character name reference.
CS Lewis - I completely missed that one. Good catch.
Woohoo just 4 1/2 more hours!!
Agman took me to the islands
I like Lost better on Wednesdays, too. It makes the wait between episodes seem shorter, somehow. I know, that doesn't make sense.I wonder if the episode title had something to do with the secret that the Oceanic 6 are keeping.
Pretty intense episode.So... What the heck IS the monster? And why hasn't it shown up in the last couple of episodes? I wonder if they killed it when they blew up the Hatch.
The show went off 20 minutes ago, but hasn't aired in some places so I won't mention anything.
Like always, I am looking forward to reading what everyone else noticed in the episode.
Be back later with more but just had to say when they revealed that Ben was who they were after and showed that picture I cracked up. He looked so completey goofy in it.
I'm torn over this episode. It didn't grab me like last week. Two things interested me:1. The peeps are after Ben. DW thinks that the "rescuers" are related to Dharma members who died during the "purge." I expected the "rescuers" to be pretty fierce, but they seem a little Keystone Cop-ish.
2. The look on Ben's face when Hugo mentioned where the cabin was was priceless. He must realize that he and Locke are not the only two who can see it now. That brings up a question: last week, when Hurley looked in the window, an eye looked back at him. It wasn't Jacob, since Jacob was in the chair. I assumed it was Locke, since Locke appeared right after that. But Locke seemed surprised that Hurley mentioned a cabin as well. If it wasn't Locke's eye, then whose eye was it?
I'll bet $10 that Ben's man on the freighter is Michael.
Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
I don't know if the guy in the chair is Jacob. Maybe the eye is Jacob and the Christian Shepphard like guy is a manifestation created by Jacob.I like the Miles character. Do you think his and the physicist guy had flash forwards and the other 2 had flash backs?
I originally thought it was Micheal on the boat but now I'm not so sure. Maybe Mikhail? Walt?
One thing I am starting to feel is that Walt may not be so good.
Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!Psst...I now picture you looking like Ben instead of Gene Wilder. That picture of him just cracks me up!
Why do you think the other two had flash-forwards? I hadn't thought of that.
*snort* I'm sure he cracks you up b/c of how cool he looks. That's why you picture me looking like him, right? Or is it my brilliant mind?![]()
I thought they were very ambiguous. Could have gone either way. Or even like a Desmond time loop thing.
Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!Ben was sporting that groovy look. I can't wait to get a screen cap of it.
LMAO it totally reminds me of you!
At first I thought Milo's might be a flash forward, but when he said he didn't know why he was crying, I thought again. It really creeped me out though.
That was Dan crying, Milo was the ghost dood.
Hmm. I would never wear a shirt with those types of stripes, esp. not under a sweater. The maniacal-looking eyes, however, are *so* me.
Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-08 AT 09:53 AM (EST)Couple of things:
1. When Sawyer and Team Locke were walking wherever they were going in the tall rushes I immediately thought of the polar bear charging Sawyer in Season 1. I think(not sure) but the next flashback/forward was the Charlotte one in Tunisia. If so very nice callback to the writers on that one.
2. The thing that stuck out to me the most last night was the helicopter pilot saying "I studied the manifest". Why? Who else has said that? Ben told Ethan that right? Coincidence?
I'll still be back with more today! This episode did not grab me right away but the more I ponder it the more I like it.
Edit to add more random things I forgot to mention:
3. What was up with more focus on Vincent this episode? Anvil? Clue?
4. Was it my imagination or was one of the flashback/forward screen locations Essex, Mass. ? Cause then Ben mentioned that Charlotte was from Essex, England. Strange that they would choose the same town name for 2 people?
Wasn't Hurley the one who studied the manifest and determined that Ethan wasn't on it?I also wondered about the focus on Vincent. Might it be a connection to Walt?
I watched last weeks again and then the new one.On the first episode Hurley mentioned that Charlie was by the Ho-Ho's and then when he and Jack was playing Horse basketball they only got to H-O. Why?
And Connect Four again. Why does this game keep showing up?And lastnight - why a polar bear in the desert? What kind of clue is that.
And Walt - Walt is talking to Locke?
I agree on the Michael being on the boat.
Also, was that picture of Ben at the airport? Remember in Locke's flashback at the airport, Ben was scanning.
Only six more episodes to get some answers *pout
Nice catch on CS Lewis (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - story of the Resurrection, retold).
Agman took me to the islands
Tummmy! According to DarkUFO Strike section some scenes are being filmed now for Lost! They are likely scene setting shots and no actors involved but they intend to get back up quickly if the strike ends this weekend as rumoured.So if the strike gets settled this weekend I think we will get our full season!
I noticed the Connect 4 game last week too. What four should we connect? People-Locke, Hurley, Ben, Richard? Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley(The Season 2 people on the list)? groups-Dharma, MIttelos, Widmore, Oceanic?
Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!
DarkUFO? I thought you didn't do spoilers? *squints eyes*
Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
I don't! I go there for the "things I notice" in the episode recap and the Strike section. I do NOT even go to the comment sections for fear of spoilers!
Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!
You're DArkUFO, aren't you? Tell me everything!!!!!
That would be freaking awesome!I am so going to miss this show when it's done, though I understand why they have a definitive end time.
They've had Connect 4 more than once. My mind keeps revolving around everyone being interconnected. I can't wait for Jack and Claire to find out they're half-siblings. And I can't remember what the connection was that Shannon and Boone never found out but I hated that they didn't
if that makes sense.
And on the Connect Four, how are the four "rescurers" connected? The pilot is connected to 815, the archeoligist is connected to Dharma (flash back to the polar bear with a Dharma collar) the ghost-hunter ? and the other guy ? .
Grrr, this is as bad as cahaya's mind-bender yesterday.
Also, wasn't the cockpit of the plane actually on the island and not in the ocean. Yet the footage was showing what looked like the WHOLE plane under the water. In the first season the pilot was pulled out of the cockpit by the monster and left dead in the trees.
Agman took me to the islands
It seems that the downed plane underwater is either a decoy or the 815 flight in another time dimension, depending on whast theory one holds about Lost.
I found this on the messageboard over at Found it kind of interesting.The letters H and O show up several times in this episode. "H" is the 8th letter of the alphabet and "O" is the 15th, together this makes 815. "HO" is also the chemical element Holmium. Holmium has been used to create the strongest artificially-generated magnetic fields.
Behind Hurley as he’s freaking out over Abaddon there’s a small sculpture of the letters ‘HO’ on a shelf.
Agman took me to the islands
They must have fun picking names. The physicist's name is Daniel Faraday. Faraday was the dude that discovered electromagnetic fields or something- like the hatch.
Syren 2007
here's another good one I read on another siteMinkowski was the name of a mathmetician that had some theories of time travel or something
Syren 2007
In "The Beginning of the End" skeevy psychic guy is behind Hurley in store surveillance video. Also, in "Confirmed Dead", was that packages of heroin he left in cubby hole behind bookcase?I don't think it was Locke's eye in the cabin, but who's is it?
Why the huge Oceanic cover-up?
How did the Dharma bear get into the desert and which desert was it? My DH was channel surfing and I didn't catch it if it was mentioned.
The desert was in Tunisia, North Africa
Syren 2007
How did the Dharma bear get into the desert and which desert was it? My DH was channel surfing and I didn't catch it if it was mentioned.I believe it said that the desert was in Tunisia.
Winter wonderland a la Arkie!
Which is where they filmed the Star Wars movies.Not that that has anything to do with anything.
Both Star Wars IV and Raiders of the Lost Ark were filmed in Tunisia.
Syren 2007