who would you go with, Jack or Locke?I'll say Locke. As badly as I might want to get home I'd also think "living" is the main idea. These freighter people are too much of an unknown-they seem to be misrepresenting themselves as rescuers. Why? Yet it seems rather silly to be taking my chances with the smoke monster and someone who considers scary Jacob a new buddy, and gawd only knows when the next chance to get outta there will ever come up! Um um um...Jack! No, Locke!!! Locke. Yep. Him.
This has nothing to do with the fact that Sawyer went with Locke. Really. Heh heh.
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-08 AT 09:32 PM (EST)I'm not much of a follower. If I were in this situation, I think I'd have to either go off on my own or form a third group. Overall, I would tend to side with Jack's scientific view of things. Given this situation though, I agree that survival would be my foremost concern. As such, given everything that's already happened on the island, I'd be suspicious of the freighter group. On the otherhand, Locke's sort of rogue attitude would also make me leary. Thus, I would stay out of sight and simply keep watch on both groups until the best course of action was made apparent.
The problem is, as a viewer, I have benefit of flash forwards and saw the discussion between Charlie and Penny. I know that the rescue boat is trouble so I would go with Locke. If I was on the island I would not be so sure. I'd want to be rescued so I might just go with Jack.I wouldn't turn my back on either one of them. Locke killed Naomi. Jack threatened to kill a lot of people and tried to kill John Locke.
But even without the flash forwards and knowing the exact discussion between Penny and Charlie, I would know from Naomie that the freighter isn't there to rescue us since the outside world thinks Oceanic 815 has been found with no survivors. Who could be looking for Desmond if not Penny? I'd have to think it would be Dharma since Desmond was working for them by pushing the numbers. Just knowing what the Losties know of Dharma, the purge and the value of the secrets of the island, I wouldn't trust Dharma.
Good points michel. I had forgotten that Naomi claimed to be looking for Desmond. In that case, if I were a Lostie, I would probably go with John Locke. I'd hide out until the real truth about the rescuers was revealed.
Given the warning from Charlie I would go with Locke. There are some many unanswered questions I would probably just send a few to meet the "rescuers" and make sure it's all good.(Oh, and my decision has nothing to do with Sawyer either!)
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-08 AT 10:16 PM (EST)Danielle Rousseau survived 16 years on the island so I'd go with her. Since she went with Locke, I guess that's where I'd go. Also, if the people on the freighter are rescuers, they'll come and get us after saving Jack's group. I'd just make sure that Ben stays under control...or let Sawyer take care of him!
Locke. Almost solely due to Charlie's message and the fact that the experience is going with him. You have a man known for surviving, the leader of the "others", the lone (that we know of) survivor of a crew two decades old, among others.It may be the wrong decision, but it's the one I would make based on what we've seen. Although Jack seems to be a more sane leader than Locke is
If I were one of the losties, living on the beach for the last few months and witnessing everything from that viewpoint...I have to say neither of them would get my vote of confidence.
They have both made ginormous blunders in front of everyone and I wouldn't want to follow either of them.
John seems crazy, secretive and dangerous. I also don't believe he would have my best interests at heart.
Jack is moody, affected and clicquish. Known primarily for yelling at everyone one moment, punching someone a moment later and as apology, he'll stich 'em up. Frankly, he's too self interested to even remotely make me consider following him.If I were there at the radiotower, I would have seen John stab that woman and point his gun at Jack. And I would have been the guy screaming..."Gah! Would you two just get a hotel room already! Sheesh! Nobody wants to watch your little domestic dispute, you two. Can we please have someone level-headed to take the reins on this? Rousseau? Bernard? Anyone?"
Then, when everyone "magically" rendevoued to discuss the various strategies of what to do, I would have been the guy that said..."First, let's build a booby trap. Then elect an ambassador or two, to greet the rescuers, while the rest of us wait, ready to trip the boobytrap. If anything happens, we can trigger someone who'll lure the rescuers into following them into the jungle and BAM!, spikes through an evil rescuer."
Really, I'm suprised that the two guys are asking the other losties, follow me and either die in the company of a crazy man, another crazy man, and a baby.
die in the company of a Stuckup brat, his stuckup girlfriend and RoseNeither thank you. I'll be part of the third party, consisting of Redhawk and me. We'll, figure his thing out for all of you.
>If I were there at the
>radiotower, I would have seen
>John stab that woman and
>point his gun at Jack.
>And I would have been
>the guy screaming..."Gah! Would you
>two just get a hotel
>room already! Sheesh! Nobody wants
>to watch your little domestic
>dispute, you two.LOL!! Locke and Jack should definitelly get a room, at least so they can spend some time discussing their never-ending "daddy issues". That alone should keep them busy for a looooong time.
I think that based on Charlie's message, I would probably stay behind.![]()
An Arkie original.
That's very interesting. Thank you.
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-08 AT 07:32 PM (EST)Me too. I'd stay behind. But I wouldn't stand behind Bravie.
Beside her or upwind would be OK, but not behind her!
I would be afraid to blindly believe the rescuers considering Charlie's message. It seems just too good to be true and would make me nervous. I also would not want to follow Jack. He has his God-complex and thinks he is always in charge.On the other hand I would not be so sure of Locke either. He at times seems crazy and does things for his own benefit that do not make alot of sense to others.
I would hope a few people that I had more trust in would stay behind and then I would feel better about it. I would want a Wait & See attitude about the rescuers. Watching them from a hidden vantage point to see if they are legit would be my guess.
And I wouldn't mind sticking near Sawyer either.....
My first reaction is that I would stay with Jack and Kate and be rescued! But then I thought Charlie's message would influence me and Jack has lost a lot of cred with the Losties because of his friendship with Juliet, so I'd probably go with the island's best survivors: Ben, Locke, Danielle and Sawyer ().
I'd have to be a little wary of the both of them, although I'm leaning toward following Locke & that bunch. Besides I'm still going to have to stalk Sawyer.
Whoever offs Ben gets to take control of the mood slime.
I'd stay on the isle, and start construction of a beachfront Hotel, give guided tours, and serve Bahama Mamas.
... and hope the smoke monster doesn't show up...
Good question.Hard to say. I might follow where Sayid goes since I think he has good instincts.
I would not be too concerned with Charlie's message. I mean really shouldn't someone be asking "Why would they hurt us?"
Even though they are not there to rescue us wouldn't they help? I am bothered by everyone automatically assuming that if it is not Penny's boat then it is bad! (By everyone I mean on the island, not here)
Also why do people consider Dharma bad? I thought Ben killed them all and he considers them bad. As of right now we really don't know the whole deal with Dharma, they could be the good guys.
Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!
"Also why do people consider Dharma bad?Here's why I wrote I'd be careful around Dharma:
1- The Losties know that Dharma has been on the island since the 70s. They have somehow kept the island's properties a secret to the outside world. Now 48 people have stumbled upon their secret. Dead people don't reveal secrets.
2- The Others killed all the members of Dharma. They may be out for revenge and not too concerned about who were the guilty ones. They may consider everyone on the island an enemy.
3- The Losties have knowledge that Dharma's experiments caused the crash of their plane. That's something else Dharma may not want to be known.
I was thinking Sayid might be the deciding factor for me, too. I also think I'd still trust Jack more than Locke, and I'd definitely not want to be in the group with Ben. So, I guess that puts me firmly in Jack's group.
Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004
After seeing all I seen on the island....I would want the F off it but knowing Charlie's message and seen how F up things are/became....I'm off with Locke.
Save Peter and Hiro, Save Heroes
sig by Pepe and bouncy by IceCat
I decided to tally up our answers and see where we'd be.Jack - 0
Locke - 10
Neither - 2
Where Sayid goes - 1
Whoever off's Ben - 1Also, I might add Sawyer better watch his back around here- he's being stalked by quite a few of us. The best part? Batts is bringing the Bahama Mamas!
Count me in with the Sawyer Stalkers. I'd leave both groups and drag him back to the beach.
Agman took me to the islands
heh heh, you said drag.I'm with Tummy though.
I'm with moonbaby. Better the devil you know (Locke), or in this case the devil I kinda know (the island), or the devil who's name I know (Ben), but may not know all that well . . . than the devil I don't know (the mystery people on the boat). And Sawyer is just the icing on the cake. Mmmmm . . . beefcake.
At this point, mentally and physically exhausted, I wouldn't care who was on that boat. I'd be quite sick of conspiracy theories. If there was any chance it means I could go home, I'd take it. I wouldn't be willing to hop into their open arms, so I'd head off with Sayid & Juliet and remain close, but skeptical.
I would go with neither one. Jack's self-righteousness and control issues have no limit. And, Lock is hardly qualified to lead anyone to safety since he's a delusional lunatic.