Hey, hey, smokeysmom
Opps, hit wrong button and didn`t finish post. I watched last night and got the feeling that I was being spoken to like a 2 yr old or someone was trying to be a comedian.
Hey, hey, smokeysmom
The refresher was good to gear up for tonight but the "Pop Up Video" aspect was distracting and didn't really give any new info.
It did help me remember a few things that I forgot as parts of season 3 really didn't do much for me so I didn't pay much attention while I was watching.I usually have the closed caption up so reading while watching is what I am used to.
I think most of the information was for the casual viewer, or for the new viewer as they may attract some of the "heck it is one of the few new things out there" I'll give it a go viewers.
Agman's like a brother, Your best friend forever, Making the sigs, the sigs that you like.
*nods*I agree. Though there were some things in there that I found valuable, if only to remind me of something I'd forgotten.
"With all the talk about how to stimulate it, you'd think that the economy is a giant clitoris." - Barbara Ehrenreich
I liked it overall. It did remind of some things I had forgotten and told me some things I didn't know - like the "easter eggs".
I liked that the name of the funeral parlor was an anagram for flash forward.
Agman's like a brother, Your best friend forever, Making the sigs, the sigs that you like.
LAST EDITED ON 01-31-08 AT 11:20 AM (EST)LAST EDITED ON 01-31-08 AT 11:06 AM (EST)
It was there for newcomers. While it was distracting at times it was also helpful to me. I thought however it was strange that they said "this is a flash forward" right away though.
Couple of new things or just things my active imagination took away:
1. The mirror image theme. I know alternate reality has been bantered about but this was interesting. Jack almost seemed to be trying to recreate what brought him to Oceanic 815 in the first place. Was he trying to "relive it" a la Desmond with his time loop episode? I have a feeling Desmond and Jack might
have more of a connection or maybe experiencing the same thing? Is that why Desmond was with Jack before Sarah's surgery?2. How about Jack and Locke? Is Locke what Jack becomes? Both "wished" their father's to the island.
3. Said it before...the actress playing Danielle is gorgeous.
4. Sawyer "Bad to the Bone" promo? Phew....*fans self*
5. I think that there definately was a huge cover up with Oceanic and the remaining survivors. I am also guessing that some are still there becaue they could not take them all. Maybe Jack had to decide who comes and he hates the idea of leaving the others? It was pretty clear last night when he said "I'm tired of lying" that the general public does not know the complete story and there was a false press release about the castaways.
6. Did Jack release the Cloverfield monster?
My mind started to hurt again last night but that's a good thing. Really what other show does that?
Edited ONe more thng(I promise!)
I caught Ben saying "It's the beginning of the end Jack!" while he was tied to the tree. Note that tonight's episode is "The Beginning of the End".
A PhoenixMons Creation
>2. How about Jack and
>Locke? Is Locke what
>Jack becomes? Both "wished" their
>father's to the island.That's what was running through my mind, too, Zombs. There is some sort of connection between them that is nothing like anyone else's connection to anyone else. Something that is the overriding theme of the whole series. At least, that's what I'm beginning to think.
>4. Sawyer "Bad to the
>Bone" promo? Phew....*fans self*OMH, yes. Just when I forget how hot he is, I see something like that and get flushed all over again.
>5. I think that there
>definately was a huge cover
>up with Oceanic and the
>remaining survivors. I am
>also guessing that some are
>still there becaue they could
>not take them all.
>Maybe Jack had to decide
>who comes and he hates
>the idea of leaving the
>others? It was pretty
>clear last night when he
>said "I'm tired of lying"
>that the general public does
>not know the complete story
>and there was a false
>press release about the castaways.Yup. And Jack and Kate are complicit in some way in the coverup. Perhaps agreeing to keep quiet is the price they had to pay to get off the island.
>My mind started to hurt again
>last night but that's a
>good thing. Really what
>other show does that?For me? Heroes does, too, but not in quite the same way.
"With all the talk about how to stimulate it, you'd think that the economy is a giant clitoris." - Barbara Ehrenreich
"Maybe Jack had to decide who comes and he hates the idea of leaving the others?"Jack's character is the self sacrificing hero. There's no way he would get off the island himself if it meant leaving others behind. Unless he had no choice. But Jack deciding who stays and who goes doesn't work because he'd pick himself to stay.
That said, he clearly does something he regrets and it's killing him. But picking people to leave behind is not it, I don't think.
For me it was interesting how much depth is in each character of the show. It was kind of like watching that "Lost in 8 minutes" over at abc's website. Sawyer's music video was great and I will always get teary when I watch the scene where Charlie dies. Can't wait for tonight!
was awesome and Locke's made me laugh out loud. They were both so well done.