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Forum: DCForumID77
Thread Number: 596
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"Season 4 On-Line Game"

Posted by trigirl on 01-10-08 at 11:54 AM
There is a new on-line game that will only be up until the new season starts. It is at www.Find815.com. It features that guy Sam Taylor that I mentioned in the Spoiler and Spec thread. What fun!

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"Tie-in with Season 4"
Posted by trigirl on 02-10-08 at 10:52 AM
The game ends with the wreckage of Oceanic 815 being found. It is referenced in the TV report during episode 4.2. Now the question is...is that the freighter that 'resucers' are from? I'll have to go back and check, but I think the name Daniel Faraday came up during the game.