Now that we have an official start date....let the speculation and spoiling begin. I watched the preview on and it says that some will get off the island and some will not. Looks like we have two groups again. One led by Locke and one led by Jack. How exciting!
bouncey by Ice
So apparently some get off the island and some do not. From the previews it looks like Sawyer is on Team Locke and stays and Kate goes with Team Jack and gets off the island. Plus, from the flashforward Jack insists to Kate that they have to go back. Producers have said the flashforward was not in the distant future, so we can assume it is the near future when they get off the island.Spoiler fix has this spoiler. Hidden Text.
There are five that follow Jack and get off the Island.
Sun, Jin, Kate, Hurley and Sayid.So...who's on the boat. It's not Penny. Could it be Mr. Widmore or Paik Industries, which is Sun's dad? The hot-air balloon was from Widmore.
bouncey by Ice
Two of the people in your hidden text surprise me. I would not have thought that. But now that I think of it, they might be a reason that Jack and Kate feel they need to go back.*resolves to mull that one over*
"A single zealot may commence persecutor, and better men be his victims."-- Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781-82
If you'll notice right at the end of the trailer shown on ABC, there is a city skyline reflected in the water under the island. There is much speculation on about what that skyline means.
LAST EDITED ON 01-13-08 AT 10:55 AM (EST)New video on ABC that even Canadians can see!!!! Link
Features an aussie guy named Sam Thomas who was an IT Tech from Oceanic Airlines. Girlfriend was Sonjia, an airline attendand that was on 815. He has received a coded message within a photograph from a group called "Maxwell" and is flying to Jakarta to meet a salvage ship called the "Christianne 1".
ETA: This is part of the Season 4 On-Line Experience. I have been is pretty good.
Looks like the whole "who gets off the island" plot is going to play out over multiple episodes. We apparently will see more of the flash forward technique that we saw in the season finale, but it will not reveal all of those who get "rescued".Only three more sleeps!!!!!!!
From Canoe:
...the new episode begins, much as last season's finale did, with Jack somewhere in the future - drinking. With this recently added flash-forward storytelling feature, Jack is seen in his Los Angeles kitchen mixing a morning cocktail when his eye falls on TV coverage of police in hot pursuit of a speeding motorist.The car crashes and the driver is arrested. Jack realizes it's one of his fellow former castaways, who is haunted by the past and sees visions of the dead. Jack, who himself is plagued by substance abuse,unrequited love for Kate (Evangeline Lily), and other demons, pays this person a visit. There is mention of a dreaded secret they share.
Speculation as to whom the speeding motorist is?
I would assume the speeding motorist is Hurley, since this is a Hurley-centric episode.
Watching that episode again, but knowing that it was in the near future made me question again...Who is in the coffin?
Who does Kate need to go home to?I think that we do not yet know the person in the coffin...could it be one of their would-be rescuers?
I wonder if Kate has to go home to her baby. If she was pregnant with Sawyer's baby, that could be the reason she left the island.