Okay, this question must be prefaced by the shamefaced admission that I had my TV tuned to "According to Jim?" last evening. Let me just say that I didn't get home from work until 9:40, there was nothing else on that wasn't almost over, and I just was wasting time until "Boston Legal" came on because I still love me some Denny Crane. So it's not like I was actually watching that Jim Belushi dreck.So...I was running around making coffee, filling the humidifier, and washing the makeup off my face when a promo for "Lost" came on. It was a really, really, really long promo, at least 5 minutes.
I missed all but the audio on most of it, but managed to catch the last couple of minutes.
Anybody else catch it?
"A single zealot may commence persecutor, and better men be his victims."-- Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781-82
I am not a Lost person per se, but I saw the commercial during Duel.Apparently they get found. Only one probem, the people who found them didn't come to rescue them, they came to kill them. Also there was some kind of scene involving a haunting by the people who left by boat spooking at least one character.
Whaaaaat? Am I going to have to start watching cr@ppy ABC sitcoms and gameshows to see this? I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!
I know!!!!I was all WTF ABC? Who the hell who watches Lost would be watching this dreck? And then I looked in the mirror.
I'm thinking this was some sort of Easter egg thing for those of us who don't get online and and endlessly discuss the Easter eggs on the show and the website. They hid it during a crappy sitcom to screw with us.
"A single zealot may commence persecutor, and better men be his victims."-- Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781-82
Ahhh I smell things warming up in here.I so need to see this show again. There just is nothing else like it on. Period. I did not see the preview. I will hunt around to see if I can find it somewhere.
On another note:
GEG watches According to Jim!!!!!
*points and laughs*
Arkie's Art! He's real and he is looking for you!