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Forum: DCForumID77
Thread Number: 588
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Original Message
"Reference to Oceanic 815 on 'Chuck'"

Posted by realitycoholic on 10-04-07 at 06:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-07-07 AT 02:20 AM (EST)

Did anyone catch the reference to Lost on the new comedy 'Chuck' this week? Briefly, Chuck has had the entire CIA database loaded into his brain. Certain things trigger a flood of images that are from the database. He's being tested by a supposed CIA doctor and the trigger produces a flow of knowledge that he describes. One of them is:

"Oceanic 815 was shot down by..."

And then, it is garbled with the next image--at least I couldn't understand it. Anyone have an idea what the rest of that sentence was? Very fun to hear that reference!

**Work of arzt by PhoenixMons**

Edited to correct "Ocean" to "Oceanic"!

Table of contents
  • RE: Reference to Oceanic 815 on 'Chuck',Femme, 09:33 AM, 10-05-07
  • RE: Reference to Oceanic 815 on 'Chuck',pinksparkleguitar, 01:22 PM, 10-06-07

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Reference to Oceanic 815 on 'Chuck'"
Posted by Femme on 10-05-07 at 09:33 AM
I did. It was nicely played. I found it especially funny because it was two different networks.


"RE: Reference to Oceanic 815 on 'Chuck'"
Posted by pinksparkleguitar on 10-06-07 at 01:22 PM

I caught that, too! I thought it was great.

Ready for fall, thanks to Sharnina!