I just wanted to let everyone know that a Lost special called The Answers will be on tonite (Thurs. May 17) at 10:15/9:15c.The special is about the mysteries of the island. It is supposed to provide a recap of some of the revelations this season as part of the build-up to the finale next week.
Sorry for the short notice, but I just realized myself that it was coming on tonite.
Thanks Reddhawk.After reviewing the Finale previews on the TIVO, it looks as if Desmond makes it down to the Looking Glass with a gun. It also appears that Patch is down there as well. There's gonna be a showdown in the Looking Glass for sure.
Saw that. they made the story of Lost seem quite simple.
Whew, I can't believe I finally found this forum, I thought I was lost!![]()
I know everything, except the things I don't know
OK everyone, say it with me..."They're NOT dead."They're alive "somewhere in the space/time continuum".
That, and we got official confirmation that Desmond really did bring down the plane. Why it was there to be brought down, whether the passengers were coincidentally on it or "gathered" in some fashion, and if it was all some great master plan of Jacob/Ben/Dharma/Hanso/Widmore/(fill in conspiracy here) are all still mysteries. But we know *why* it crashed. Maybe DL/CC had already stated that, but I hadn't heard it.
You're forgetting the full name of the special, "LOST The Answers". This was actually a confession by the writers, that they have lost the post-it that had all answers on it and are now just making things up. That's why they are taking a hiatus until February, they have to start over from scratch. I was happy they explained that the polar bears were originally from the cages Kate and Sawyer were in, don't know how I failed to make that connection.