So I like chocolate milk. And gouda cheese, and mozerrella sticks from Sonic. And I love me some good old filler. That should be enough.So toi me, after last week, this episode was just 'meh'. A lot of build up and a lot of explaining for next week, which I hope means next week will be one great thing after another.
Ben appears to be just making up crap, telling the Others that 'Jacob' wanted them to move the attack up. My feeling is that Ben senses he is not the chosen one, or the special one, or the leader, but is trying to hold onto his position any way he can.
It was interesting to see some of the people we know in Charlie's flashbacks. My DH swore that Naomi was one of the people listening to Charlie when he was singing in the rain, but I must've blinked because I missed her. No Tivo to go back and check, though.
So let's discuss, eh?
Tribe rocked me!
I didn't really expect that much from this episode, but I found it very touching. In fact tears were coming to my eyes, thinking of Charlie most likely dying an heroic death next week. The shot where he hugged Hurley was especially good.I am so eager to see how the battle shapes up. Now who are the 3 shooters? I got Bernard, Jin and was the 3rd one Sayid? Can someone explain exactly how the shooting is going to work?
I will definitely have to save the tape I made from last night and add next week's right after so I can rewatch the whole thing all together.
Can't wait till next week!
me too..i was crying...but I wish they would have killed him like Desmond it's just another captive scenario...were they all reminded me of those cheesy movies with the Amazon women
were they all reminded me of those cheesy movies with the Amazon womenMe too, emydi! And I thought to myself -- hmmmmm, Charlie's got to love this!!
Amazons or Viking women? See my post below!
*snort*"Him make good snu-snu!"
That does not fempute!
The plan is to shoot the dynamite from a safe distance. The nitro in the old dynamite is volatile enough to be detonated by pretty much anything.
As predicted, this episode sets up next week's finale.Interesting how the gun that Ben used to shoot Locke, got some rabbit blood on it and was sent to the other side of the island. Will someone connect that gun to the shooting of Locke (or is that too CSI for LOST).
Who are the ladies of the Looking glass station? Are these women that "died" during child birth? Maybe Ben moved these women off the island so that they can conceive and deliver babies? Ben's harem?!?
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-07 AT 07:54 AM (EST)First of all I have never been a Charlie fan so it was with some glee I saw the name of the episode and the possiblility he is gone(I am completely spoiler free).
Having said that...that was a tense episode! He did a great job. I actually felt sad and was hoping he would not die! Him swimming under the hatch was agonizing. I was so scared they actually might show him gasping for breath and drowning. I was relieved when he came up! Then I expected that something might fall down on him or those women would shoot him right there. They totally got me buying that he was going to buy it!(Although as someone alludes to up there it could be setting him up to die in the finale-I hope that is just speculation and not a spoiler here)
Couple of things.
1. Flashbacks. Not entirely enlightning. When he was singing in the rain was that where Desmond saw him? Have we seen the woman that he saved yet?(EDITED-I have since perused the internet and see that it was Nadia, funny I thought her accent sounded Scandanavian last night not Iraqi) What about the mugger? Was he anyone?
2. Does Charlie have any Daddy issues? Somehow I don't recall any?
3. Interesting the ring was left behind. Does that mean anything?
4. Does Ben know about the women in the hatch or are they still remnants of Dharma? Did Ben know about Desmond in the other hatch?
Decent episode. I hope Charlie makes it. Oh and the chick who plays Alex is really pretty.
A PhoenixMons Creation
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-07 AT 08:23 AM (EST)
3. Interesting the ring was
left behind. Does that
mean anything?
>A PhoenixMons Creation
I think the ring question was answered in Charlie's Christmas flashback. Charlie's brother wants Charlie to pass the ring on to one of his children. Aaron is the closest thing Charlie has to a child of his own. Thus he left the ring.
I got that. I was talking about when Claire took Aaron to go...the ring fell out and was left behind.
Gotcha. Maybe it was a sign that Charlie would return ... the ring was not put on Aaron's finger, thus not transferred to him.Is Charlie's brother dead or alive?
Charlie's brother Liam is alive and married in Australia. Charlie was visiting him to begin with.
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-07 AT 09:16 AM (EST)I think it meant that Charlie knew he was not coming back and he really wanted Clair and Arron to be rescued.
Charlie's brother is alive with kids.....but Charlie really loves Arron and he wants him to have it.
I really think he knows he was loved because of what Nomi said about his death and the response to it.
Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Pepe and bouncy by IceCat
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-07 AT 11:46 AM (EST)I, too, noticed that it was Nadia that he rescued in the alleyway.
Then I spent the rest of the hour convincing myself I was full of it.
I'm glad you saw it too!
Edited for offending sig pic. *blush*
I wasn't sure it was Nadia in the alley, but I thought it was her watching him performing when it started to rain.
I thought it was a decent episode. Too many commercials though. Jack is back! No sign of Locke. Poor Ben -- his own "daughter" is against him. I think all of the "Others" know he is deranged!I was actually very empathetic towards Charlie. He was put to the test and he has risen to the occasion! I, too, was at the edge of my seat, waiting to watch him perish after flipping the switch! I wonder who those women are and how many of them are down there. The sub must have carried them back and forth. This is actually a good opportunity for Dominic Monaghan to come and go from the show and take some time off. After all, we have three more seasons of Lost to look forward to, and it can't all end here.
I'm looking forward to next week's finale.
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-07 AT 10:23 AM (EST)Great build up for the final......
I really have to wonder if Alex has figured out that Ben is not her dad. Richard and the rest of the Others are really questioning Ben and I think they are going to turn on him.
I'm really surprised that Dannel gave up her gun.
I too felt sorry for Charlie.....him telling Hugo he loved him was so touching.
Seeing Rose and Bernard was good and I love the way they bicker.
The preview lets us know several of the Other get blown up but the shooters get caught. Thus Ben is able to get ahead of the group and meets up with Jack. It also looks like Patch guy and Desmond go down to the Looking Glass for a big battle there.
I'm getting more and more suspicious of Naomi because if you normally don't bale out of a helo (lots of blades spinning....can you say sushi?) and if it crashed in the sea how did she get so inland? Strong winds? There were none on the beach. Plus Patch showing up so quick so I'm thinking she is an Other that Juliet did not know of.
Edit: It looks like the Losties have captured Ben in the one clip of them walking up the hill. Dannel seems to be tugging on Ben next to her on the right.
Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Pepe and bouncy by IceCat
There had been a few posts questioning whether Danielle was a mole and really with the Others. I feel this episode clears that up - getting the dynamite, helping set it up, giving up her gun. I now feel total confidence she is aligned with the "good guys".
Mmmm, I'm still on the fence.I can see this being one huge set-up with a hell of a twist coming involving her.
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-07 AT 09:33 PM (EST)
An episode that shows the "Preparation for Battle" is bound to have less action but I saw it as a chance for
Redemption-Charlie was not a well-liked character, either by design or circumstances, but he got a chance at redemption in this episode. This dissolute man became a man of "faith", at least with respect to Desmond's vision and a "hero" ready to make good on the promise he made Claire when he met her: "We're alive, it's a beautiful island and before you know it, helicopters are going to come to save us." He will do anything to save her and Aaron.
The writers made sure that, even if we didn't like him, we'd be on board for this emotional send-off. Charlie's "greatest hits" fleshed out a character that had been seriously lacking. His friendship with Hurley was used to make us embark on Charlie's journey.
As a side note: The surprise in the "Looking Glass" Station could be just starting. I think that the Blonde girl, the one who came rushing in with a gun, was the Finnish groupie that was on Charlie's left during the ring flashback. I hope he remembers her and treated her well or she could have another reason to shoot him besides his intrusion!
-Jack's character was not supposed to be disliked, at least I don't think that was the intent. The writers tried to make us appreciate him a little more.
They showed that Jack didn't want the leadership: "For 90 days, I've been asked to make decisions."
They used Sayid to highlight Jack's role. Sayid has grown as a character probably more than expected so even if he was the one to tell Jack: "I'm trying to get us home" Sayid told us that: "I'm not the leader, you are...Take us all home."
The writers used Rose to make us like Jack: "I like you better since you've returned."
They also downplayed Sawyer to leave room for Jack. In two scenes where Jack took leadership; the walk towards Danielle and the preparation to leave camp, Sawyer was seen but not heard. How often has that happened?Even if Jack did assume the leadership which culminated with his: "We'll blow them all to hell", Sayid still appeared to outshine Jack. Is it the character or the actor that doesn't cut it?
The writers want Jack to be the leader the Losties and the audience follow and respect. There was a lot of manipulation done for Jack this week. If the audience still doesn't embark, when do we see a change of leadership?
-Rose and Bernard were two forgotten characters that needed to be reintroduced. Now that the rapport with the island is taking center stage, we know that Rose is "Special" also. Is it the start of their story arc or is it giving them airtime before their exit? We'll have to wait but they don't look like they are there for the long term.
I had speculated that Mikhail could be another of the Dharma crew that was saved from the purge but seeing Ryan, I think Ben brought in ex-military personel to act as mercenaries. Ryan's "Yes Sir" was military. It wasn't the tone of a member of a scientific staff, not even from a security agent. Where does Ben get his funds? From Dharma?? Blackmail or extortion maybe?
When Jack said: "They have no idea we'll be waiting for them" how many thought: Are you sure?
I’m finally online - I haven’t had internet service for the last 36 hours due to a freak storm in my town, but I was dying to read what everyone had to say about last night’s episode!Michel couldn’t have said it any better with regards to redemption. I couldn’t believe that I was getting teary-eyed when Charlie was getting ready for his hero’s end. It was a great send-off for him! The flashbacks weren’t great, but I loved his five “greatest hits” of his life. He didn't die in this episode, but I believe Desmond's prediction will come true next week.
Things that got me – Alex was gutting a white rabbit when Ben came by. (What is the significance of that?) What does Carl know about Ben re: her father. I felt like Alex asked him point blank if Ben is her father.
Did Juliet alert the Others that the Losties are mounting a counter-action? How did she do it? Is that why Ben moved the attack up by a day? I used to think that she was just out for herself, but after the past two weeks, as far as the Losties go, I don’t think she is trustworthy at all!I don’t believe Locke is dead. Who’s going to heal/save him? Richard, Jacob, the island? Why do I think he’s going to make a grand entrance next week?
I also love Danielle’s facility with guns and dynamite. I guess if you’re stuck alone on an island for 15 years you learn how to defend yourself!
Sorry I'm late to join the discussion this week. I just got back into town.I was really impressed with this week's episode. No, it didn't pack the mythological punch of last week. How could it? But what it did was set up, very nicely, the finale, AND was a really well put together story for Charlie as he gets ready to meet his fate.
The Greatest Hits list he put together was really telling in terms of what he's being asked to do. #'s 4-1 were all directly related to the task at hand. #4 dealt with overcoming fear of the unknown (i.e. death) and trusting that it will all be "OK". #3 dealt with being remembered, and the importance of family. Clearly he views Claire and Aaron as his island family. #2 dealt with being a hero, which is what he's being asked to do here, but mostly it's about doing the right, and selfless, thing. And #1 dealt with WHY he's doing this--because Claire and Aaron are more important to him than anything, including his own life. Cheesy? Maybe. But I really bought it. So Charlie's Greatest Hits list may not be revealing in terms of his history, but it was essential to understanding why he did what he did in the end of the episode.
So Charlie will probably meet his fate (I must admit I haven't read ANY spoilers regarding the finale, because that is one thing I don't want spoiled), but it won't be as simple as Des laid it out.
I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what the Looking Glass station might do and why it has that name. I'm guessing the women who confront Charlie in the end have been trapped down there since the sub (allegedly) went boom. Then again, the previews allude to Mikhail being down there too. So how did he get there? The same way Charlie and Des did?
I still don't trust Juliet. She may be on the level, but she could also be setting them up to fail. I just don't know. Jack said that she should mark the THREE tents as planned. Is that for maximum damage, or are there really three pregnant women in camp? (And if so, who are the other two? Kate? Some Redshirt(s)?) I think it's probably the former, but the way it was worded gave me pause.
I'm SO looking forward to the finale, but I will be incredibly bummed when it's over. Season 3 had its rocky places (Paulo/Nikki, Bai Ling, the Eko death episode), but it also had episodes that will likely go down as the best in the series (The Man from Tallahassee, The Brig, and The Man Behind the Curtain all come to mind). It also gave us Juliet and the development of Ben. As much as I love to hate both of them, they are truly great characters. I don't like to rank the LOST seasons, because it's kind of like ranking chapters in a book, but I couldn't disagree more with the critics who think the show is going downhill. I'm more interested in the show now than ever...and that's saying something. (*steps off soapbox*)
I don't like to rank the LOST seasons, because it's kind of like ranking chapters in a book, but I couldn't disagree more with the critics who think the show is going downhill. I'm more interested in the show now than ever...and that's saying something.Amen, Ice 9. Agree with you 100%.
Can't wait for the finale, but on the other hand I don't want it to end and have to wait until 2008 for the next episode. Torture!
a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.
Okay, I know this happened a long time ago, but remember in season one when Joanna was drowning and they never found her body? Maybe she is one of the girls in the underwater hatch.Just a thought.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. I like this. I like this A LOT.