like we have 3 more seasons of lost.
One nation, under Romber...
Personally, I think this about the best case scenario. Browsing the net this morning, the reaction is split. Most people are happy, but there's a contingent of people down about the finality of the announcement and another contingent that thinks 3 more seasons is too long/too much.Considering how much bellyaching there was about the way this season played out logistically, switching to a 24-style schedule was the only practical solution (even though I prefer the way Heroes did it, with three blocks of episodes and 2 long-ish hiatuses). However, doing it that way hamstrings you in terms of getting a full season's worth of episodes in. 24 can afford to do 4 hours the first week, but LOST is really too dense and the pacing and flashback format of the show really wouldn't allow for that. Starting LOST the first week of February sweeps and running it through May allows for 16 episodes per season.
Putting an end date on the series will enhance the pacing of the mythology and character development. Sure, the long breaks will suck a lot, but there was just no way ABC was going to agree to just 2 more seasons. I don't care how many people write about the show hemorrhaging viewers, I simply don't believe it. LOST makes money for ABC now matter how you slice it. If they were so concerned about falling interest, they would've gladly agreed to DL/CC's wishes for only 2 more seasons...or worse yet, they would have just gone year to year with them and not thought about the long term future of the show.
I'm extremely happy today about 3 things
1) The end is known (though it's bittersweet, because I really don't want it end, but it must)
2) We get a third season (even if the # of episodes is really equal to 2)
3) DL and CC are staying on board
My first reaction was that 3 years was too long, but with the shorter seasons, that's probably about right. I'm glad they've planned the end/length so they can map everything out and won't get caught in a Mr. Eko situation. I'm glad too that DL and CC will be involved until the end. It's going to be a long wait until next January!