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"3/13 Episode"

Posted by mrc on 03-15-07 at 09:29 AM
And how is it that I get to start a thread about a new episode? Someone is falling down on the job!

This was a "meh" episode for me. I'm tired of the Desmond-Charlie nonsense and just want Charlie to die, if that is what his fate is, so that we all can move on.

I already knew that Claire and Jack were half-siblings, so that didn't surprise me. The Locke near-revelation from Patch was pretty interesting. Locke is a troubled man.

The end wasn't all that mystifying. Jack is getting some exercise playing football. If I had been marooned for 80 days, I would like some sports entertainment as well.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

Table of contents
  • RE: 3/13 Episode,michel, 10:15 AM, 03-15-07
  • RE: 3/13 Episode,HobbsofMI, 10:16 AM, 03-15-07
  • RE: 3/13 Episode,CTgirl, 11:02 AM, 03-15-07
  • RE: 3/13 Episode,weltek, 11:09 AM, 03-15-07
  • RE: 3/13 Episode,zombiebaby, 11:16 AM, 03-15-07
  • RE: 3/13 Episode,SilverStar, 12:05 PM, 03-15-07
    • RE: 3/13 Episode,HobbsofMI, 12:18 PM, 03-15-07
  • RE: 3/13 Episode,J I M B O, 12:13 PM, 03-15-07
    • RE: 3/13 Episode,michel, 12:42 PM, 03-15-07
    • RE: 3/13 Episode,weltek, 12:45 PM, 03-15-07
    • RE: 3/13 Episode,Ice 9, 12:52 PM, 03-15-07
      • RE: 3/13 Episode,batts, 06:27 PM, 03-15-07
        • RE: 3/13 Episode,J I M B O, 12:14 PM, 03-16-07
  • Preview for next week...,Meemo, 12:42 PM, 03-15-07
  • RE: 3/13 Episode,Ice 9, 12:43 PM, 03-15-07
    • RE: 3/13 Episode,mrc, 02:25 PM, 03-15-07
  • RE: 3/13 Episode,pinksparkleguitar, 05:06 PM, 03-15-07
  • RE: 3/13 Episode,Scarlett O Hara, 08:36 PM, 03-15-07
    • RE: 3/13 Episode,CTgirl, 10:13 PM, 03-15-07
      • RE: 3/13 Episode,TenPin, 10:26 AM, 03-16-07
    • RE: 3/13 Episode,sharnina, 11:04 PM, 03-15-07
      • RE: nicknames,Pretty_Kitty, 08:09 AM, 03-17-07
        • A long very funny list from another forum,moonbaby, 10:48 AM, 03-18-07
          • RE: A long very funny list from another forum,CTgirl, 03:53 PM, 03-18-07
          • RE: A long very funny list from another forum,geg6, 09:11 AM, 03-19-07
    • RE: 3/13 Episode,HobbsofMI, 11:41 AM, 03-19-07

Messages in this discussion
"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by michel on 03-15-07 at 10:15 AM
The intent of the final scene was to make us wonder if, somehow, Jack has been assimilated by the Others. It was done in a very simple but effective manner. How could they break him so quickly? Impossible, he must have been simply playing, yet...The smile on Jack's face conveyed no worries, only joy, as if he was a kid in a happy family...or a cult.

We had guessed that Jack and Claire were siblings but we didn't know if Claire knew her father. It was nice to see some more questions answered.

I liked that we went back and forth between almost all the losties for once. I think Hurley was the only one we didn't see but he's probably looking for fuel for the hippy van or hustling some of the nameless ones at ping-pong. Maybe our complaints have been heard.

I agree that the Desmond-Charlie plotline is becoming nonsense but we should see something come of it soon.

The next episode seems to be very important.

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 03-15-07 at 10:16 AM
Plus I bet they showed Jack the barrier when they brought him in...thus no were to go and no need to keep him locked up. I still loved the look on Kate's faces seeing him.

Did anyone check Patch man to see if he was really dead....Kate rolled him but never really checked.

Yes...Charlie should just die.....

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by CTgirl on 03-15-07 at 11:02 AM
I liked this episode; it wasn’t the best but it was solid. The producers made a mistake in having a six week season and then having to rush Eko’s death. You don’t have to have huge dramas every week, just move the story along, and that happened this week. But I agree, a lot could happen next week!

Locke cracked me up complaining to Sayid about not being told the house was wired for explosives and then getting busted for having C-4 in his bag. Again Locke reminded me of a little kid (being impulsive, acting before thinking), this time hoarding weapons.

We all guessed that Jack and Claire were siblings last year. It’s nice to have that confirmed; but of course Claire doesn’t know her dad’s name. (There are already two Dr. Shepherds on TV, like Shepherd is an uncommon name!)

Very freaky that the Russian guy Bakunin knew everyone’s name and that Locke was paralyzed. I also thought it was weird that Jack was playing football with Tom. He hated the Others and now he’s hanging with them? Something changed over there, almost as if he were brainwashed.

We saw a tiny piece of hope again with Charlie and Claire and sending the message with the bird. After the brutality with the Others in the beginning of the season it was a nice touch.

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by weltek on 03-15-07 at 11:09 AM
Yep, the Claire-Jack connection was no surprise. It was interesting to get a little more background on Claire, though. It brought me back to a lot of unanswered questions about what the psychic saw, exactly, and the adoption scenario.

Locke's storyline is continually evolving. I like that his story doesn't seem predictable.

I'm baffled by Jack playing football with the Others in Otherville. I'm reminded that there is still some speculation on everyone having a "twin." Far fetched scenario, but I'm still being teased into considering it.

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by zombiebaby on 03-15-07 at 11:16 AM
I was expecting the bird to fly into the sonic fence.

Clare looks good with dark hair. The only suprise for me was that she DIDN'T "kill" her mother.

I really liked this episode. I think we are seeing the breaking into two camps that was mentioned way back in the first season.

Clare's last name is Littleton right? Isn't there a guy in Hanso named Mittleton? Is that laziness on coming up with a different sounding name or intentional?

I love Kate away from the triangle.

A PhoenixMons Creation

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by SilverStar on 03-15-07 at 12:05 PM
Somebody refresh my memory, please. How did we already know that Jack and Claire are half-siblings? I guess I knew it somewhere in the back of my mind, because I wasn't really suprised last night, but I have no recollection of how that was revealed before.

I don't think my memory is good enough to be involved in this show. I forget what happens from week to week, let alone what happened in previous seasons! There's just too much stuff. Too many people and back stories and trying to remember how they're all connected. It makes my head hurt. LOL.

Handcrafted by RollDdice, Inspired by Monstah

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 03-15-07 at 12:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-07 AT 12:18 PM (EST)

We knew...or put it together when Jack's dad was with Anna and he went knocking on the door asking to see his daughter just before he died. Then he was in the bar with Sawyer and Anna went her own way.

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by J I M B O on 03-15-07 at 12:13 PM

One question I have is WHY the fence? Why would anyone need to build such a security system on an uninhabited island?? I assume it was Hanso since it is so high-tech. Was it to keep people out, or maybe to keep people in? (Also seemed a bit simplistic that something so kickass could be circumvented with a leaning tree.)

Seeing Jack playing catch was a shock, but not a huge one. Seems over time that Jack started connecting on an individual basis instead of seeing them all as evil. When Juliette shot one of their own, his time with the large man (who was playing catch with him)…I dunno, seemed more "real" to me than just brainwashing.

And I don't understand at all why Locke has chosen to keep his wheelchair so secret. What possible downside is there to anyone knowing that?? (Also, the russian…and all the Others…don't seem all that shocked or interested in the fact that a paralyzed man can walk on the island. Hmmm.)

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by michel on 03-15-07 at 12:42 PM
Good question about the fence, Jimbo. I think it is another indication that Dharma and the Others aren't the same. The barracks were either the living quarters of the Dharma employees and the fence kept the Others out before the purge OR it was where the Others were caged in to be studied by Dharma. Either way, Dharma wanted protection from the Others.

And, Silverstar, don't worry; very few of us remember everything we'd like. That's why this site is so nice to read!

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by weltek on 03-15-07 at 12:45 PM
I'm also puzzled by Locke wanting to keep his wheelchair and paralysis a secret. Given next week's previews, I sense it has to do somewhat with the HOW he became paralyzed.

Given that he was bent on swaying everyone about the island's special powers, you'd think he'd have been itching to tell them all about how "it healed" him.

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by Ice 9 on 03-15-07 at 12:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-07 AT 12:52 PM (EST)

Why the fence? Because there are/were indigenous people on the island (aka "the hostiles") to keep out.

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by batts on 03-15-07 at 06:27 PM
That's what I was thinking Ice.

I've noticed something. Maybe it's nothing, but remember back in season 1 when the kids were kidnapped. Remember how those peeps were all barefoot? It seems to me that the hostiles are a different group of people from the others at otherland. However, they must somehow be working with them, because the kids are at the work/zoo island.

I've also noticed a different look/composure of some of the sneakies. Maybe asian? or Thai? And did someone once say that when they didn't want to be seen, they wouldn't be?

Who are the ones that whisper in the woods? Maybe these indigenous Thai?Asian? peeps?

What do ya'll think?

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by J I M B O on 03-16-07 at 12:14 PM

Maybe it's nothing, but remember back in season 1 when the kids were kidnapped. Remember how those peeps were all barefoot? It seems to me that the hostiles are a different group of people from the others at otherland. However, they must somehow be working with them, because the kids are at the work/zoo island.

Back then though, even the others were dressing in primitive costumes...wasn't it claire who found the fake beards and ragged clothing? Not sure if they were pretending to look like some other group (hostiles) or what.

"Preview for next week..."
Posted by Meemo on 03-15-07 at 12:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-07 AT 12:42 PM (EST)

Not sure if it showed up on the ABC preview for next week, but here in Canada, we got a couple of interesting bits (warning, potential spoiler below)


One, is Kate confronts Jack in a house (or something like it). He tells her to "get out of here now" like he is annoyed with her. Not surprisingly, she is discovered and subsequently captured (like that never happens to her *sigh).

Second clip is of Locke entering a room where Ben is laying on the bed. Ben looks shocked. Locke says something along the lines of "I'm not here to rescue Jack. I'm here for the submarine."

Hmmmm.... I liked this weeks episode. We'll see where next week leads (my guess: more questions).

Half man, half amazing, all DAW

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by Ice 9 on 03-15-07 at 12:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-07 AT 12:45 PM (EST)

I thought it was another strong episode.

1) We got the answer to the "Are Claire and Jack siblings?" question. We also now know that Ben isn't the Big Cheese with the Others. Both are things that were assumed to be true. Now we know.

2) The back story tied nicely to the events on the island, this is 2 weeks in a row now. They're getting back to more of a Season 1 vibe with the flashbacks.

3) We're getting a larger picture with the Others. A couple of interesting new questions came to mind last night. Why were they so concerned about the Losties not "crossing the line", when they have a defense perimeter? Also, how is it they know so much about the Losties?

3a) Mikhail said Kate wasn't "on the list". Clearly she was on the list given to Michael. Did Ben just make up his own list without consulting "Jacob"? We know he at least added Jack (for selfish reasons, no doubt). Did he pick up on the romantic tension around Jack, Kate, and Sawyer while in custody and completely set up that scenario so it would play out more or less as it did? Step 1: Put Kate and Sawyer in one place and Jack in another. Step 2: Make Sawyer and Kate labor so they grow closer while isolating Jack and proposing the offer of freedom for services. Step 3: Give Sawyer and Kate the opportunity to consummate their relationship and give Jack the opportunity to witness it. Leading to the inevitable Step 4: Jack takes the deal.

Is Ben a genius or just lucky? But more importantly, were ANY of the 4 taken on "Jacob's list"? Did Jacob even have a list of fuselage Losties?

4) I'm starting to think Locke isn't as dumb/impulsive as he's being made to look. Think about it. This is a guy who, from Day 1, has felt like it's his destiny to be on this island. He knocked out Sayid when he was trying to send a radio signal. He clearly doesn't want to be rescued, as he believes the island gave him his legs back. So it makes perfect sense that he'd blow up the communications facility if given the opportunity. Now we know that he knew that the place was wired with C-4. I'm sure he put some in his bag in case there was another communications facility in The Barracks. As for Mikhail/Patchy, he seemed to know about Locke's paralysis and was about to spill the beans. Locke also clearly doesn't want anyone to know about his previous condition, as they then might question his motives (as well they should). So, sending Patchy into the electric fence makes perfect sense. Either he'll die (which is what would be expected), or he serves as the proverbial canary in the coal mine giving them the all-clear to cross the barrier. Now that he's dead, he can't share his little secret with Kate and Sayid.

5) Jack is either A) converted/brainwashed, B) tricking the Others to believe he's been converted/brainwashed (probably in league with Juliet), or C) biding his time until Ben recovers so he can be sent home.

Guess we'll find out next week.

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by mrc on 03-15-07 at 02:25 PM
The mention of "the list" was interesting. I forgot that part.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by pinksparkleguitar on 03-15-07 at 05:06 PM
Sorry to disappoint, Mr. C!!

Last night we didn't remember to set our VCR clock forward. So instead of taping Lost, we got whatever was on after. D'oh! Will have to get from itunes and watch tonight.

Tribe rocked me!

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 03-15-07 at 08:36 PM
I thought this was a great episode! Yippee!

First of all, it was another "hopeful" episode, much like last week's. The bird with the note is released and there is hope that just maybe ... someone will get that note and send for help.

Also, we see that there is hope for Claire and Charlie. She will be by his side and will face whatever may come his way with him. I like this Claire much better than the one who is always yelling at him! I wonder if Jack and Claire will ever learn the truth about their joint-father?

There is also hope for Jack. After all, his friends have penetrated enemy lines and are there to rescue him! What's the old saying, if you can't lick 'em, join 'em!

Now let's talk about Locke. Hmmmmmm. I'm beginning to think that possibly he could be an "other." He blew up the station. He took the ammo. He threw Patch into the forcefield. He MUST be on the list!!!

I can't wait to hear his story and to learn if he is on the list -- what will Ben say to him ... that, I've got to see.

Lastly, I'm also greatly anticipating the reunion of mother and daughter ... Danielle & Alex, together at last! This, I've got to see!!

Kate is great on her own and I'm glad to see Saieed again.

Yes... I'm looking forward to next week!

One nation, under Romber...

P.S. Did anyone else notice Sawyer reading Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead on the beach?

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by CTgirl on 03-15-07 at 10:13 PM
I noticed Sawyer was reading The Fountainhead too! I am quite impressed with the novels he's been reading. (The theme of that book kind of works as a theme for Lost too.)

As far as Locke goes, I've been thinking about what Ice 9 said and I agree with him that Locke doesn't want to leave the island and is sabotaging things. It makes a method to his madness and makes his behavior more plausible. He gets that little kid's gleam in his eyes because he is fixing things his own way so that he won't lose the ability to walk again. I am looking forward to his flashback next week.

"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by TenPin on 03-16-07 at 10:26 AM
In the previews for next week it shows Locke with his hands in the air like he has just been caught by someone, and in the background it looks like an explosion going off at the end of a boat dock. Couple that with the Canadian preview about Locke telling Ben he is more interested in the submarine then in Jack; I think he uses the C4 to blow up the submarine.

I can understand why he might not want to leave the island, but why cut off everyone else’s chances. He must have some more serious issues in his past that we haven’t seen yet. Hopefully next week will be very telling.


"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by sharnina on 03-15-07 at 11:04 PM
P.S. Did anyone else notice Sawyer reading Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead on the beach?

I saw that and thought it was hilarious.

I've thought about going back through the past episodes and writing down all the nicknames he has called people.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose. Must See TV

"RE: nicknames"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 03-17-07 at 08:09 AM
I'd love it of you did that! Quite a project though. I bet it would be hilarious to see them all in one place. how many episodes do you think a week will be? Maybe he'll go on a nickname spewing spree when his week is up that would be awesome!

"A long very funny list from another forum"
Posted by moonbaby on 03-18-07 at 10:48 AM
From http://lost-forum.com/archive/index.php/t-5320.html an updated list from a poster named Brooklyn. I edited a little out:

Nicknames up to 'Par Avion'

Original Losties

Aaron: Baby Huey

Boone: Metro, Son

Charlie: Sport, Amigo, Rock God, VH1 has-been, Limey runt, Chucky, Tattoo, Baby-napper, Oliver Twist, Munchkin, Jiminy Cricket

Claire: Mamacita, Missy Claire, Barb..(assumed full nickname: Barbie)

Hurley: Lardo, Pork Pie, Stay Puff, Pillsbury, Jabba, Hoss, Jethro, Rerun, Babar (originally said Barbar), Hammo, Mutton Chop, Mongo, Deep Dish, Grape Ape, Snuffy, Jumbotron, Blockhead, Ese, International House of Pancakes, Avalanche, Grimace

Jack: Hero, Doctor/Doc, Jacko, St. Jack, Jack-@ss, Chico, Cowboy, Dr. Quinn, Dr. DoRight, Sherriff, Brother, Hoss, El Jacko, Amarillo Slim, Cool Hand, Dr Giggles, Daniel Boone

Jin: Mr. Miyagi, Bruce, Chief, Cato, Sulu, Boy, Chewie, Torchy (deleted scene), Daddy-O, Papa-san, Jin-bo, Crouching Tiger

Kate: Freckles, Shortcake, Sweetheart, Belle of the Ball, Sherriff, Baby, Sassafras, Boar Expert, the Mighty Huntress, Hon, Girl, The Lady, Woman, Sweet Cheeks, Puddin', Sheena, Sugarpop (deleted scene), Thelma, Pippi Longstocking, Little Lady, Honey, Magellan, Kiddo

Locke: Mr. Clean, Daniel Boone, Gandhi (indirectly), Hoss, Brutus, Gimpy McCrutch

Michael: Daddy, Boss, Pilot, Chief, Mikey, Han, Hoss

Paulo: Zorro

Sayid: Abdul, Al Jazeera, Omar, Captain Falafel, Muhammed, Boss, Ali, Arab, Abu, Genius, Sheik, Buddy, "The Terrorist", Chief, Gen-u-ine I-raqi, Red Beret, Captain A-rab

Shannon: Sticks, Sweetcheeks

Sun: Betty, Tokyo Rose, Sunshine, Sweetheart, Hidden Dragon

Walt: Tattoo, Short Round, Kid, Kazoo

(Miscellaneous/Group "Lostie" Nicknames): The Dirty Dozen

Tail Section Survivors

Ana Lucia: Sweetcheeks, Sister, Cupcake, Rambina, Hot Lips, B!tch, Ponce de Leon, Ana-Lulu, Lucy, Muchacha, Little Red Riding Hood, Amiga

Bernard: Bernie, Suzy, Norma Rae

Libby: Moonbeam

Mr. Eko: Shaft, Mr. Ed

"The Others"

Aldo: Boy

Alexandra "Alex" Rousseau: Sheena, Lollipop, Underdog, Sister, Sally Slingshot

Benjamin "Ben" Linus (Benry/Fenry): The artist formerly known as Henry Gale, The Big Kahuna, Sucker, George, The Boss, Captain Bunnykiller

Carl: Chachi, Cheech, Bobby

Danny Pickett: Chinatown, Broken Nose Man, Boss, Blockhead

Ethan Rom: Jungle Boy

Tom: Zeke, Bluebeard, Mr. Friendly

The Dharma Initiative

Roger (Work Man): Skeletor

Flashback Folk

Australian Policeman: Doctor

Bartender: Slim

Cassidy: Cass, Cassie, Baby, Dimples

Munson: Costanza, Killer, Murgatroyd

Prison Warden: Boss


Jungle of Mystery, Cavetown, Bear Village, Magic Forest, Rock, Islandtown

Thank you, Brooklyn, and all the posters there who compiled this extensive list!

BTW, what ever happened to Bernard and Rose?? They just kinda disappeared!

"RE: A long very funny list from another forum"
Posted by CTgirl on 03-18-07 at 03:53 PM
Thanks for the list moonbaby. It is really funny to see them all in one place. I especially like his nicknames for Hurley!

How could we possibly have time for Bernard and Rose when we haven't had time for all the regular Losties this season!

"RE: A long very funny list from another forum"
Posted by geg6 on 03-19-07 at 09:11 AM
Just one of the many, many reasons to adore Sawyer.


"RE: 3/13 Episode"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 03-19-07 at 11:41 AM
But the note they put on the bird was not wrapped in plastic or anything...so once it lands in the water....bye bye note.

I can't wait for this weeks show and see how Locke was put in a wheel chair.

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat