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"Lost Spoiler!"

Posted by Corvis on 10-26-06 at 01:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-26-06 AT 01:24 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-26-06 AT 01:23 PM (EST)

10/25 - Next week, a major character (as in a series regular) whose name is not Sawyer will join Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia and Libby in the big island in the sky. And you're not going to believe who it is. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

So who might that be?

Eko? Sayid? Charlie?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by mrc on 10-26-06 at 01:22 PM
Have you met Elaine0?

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by Corvis on 10-26-06 at 01:23 PM
I can't believe I did that! Argh! Anyway, it's fixed now.

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by emydi on 10-26-06 at 01:30 PM
Kate, Jack, Charlie, Ben, Julia

any of the above will do nicely ....too bad only C is a poss

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 10-26-06 at 01:49 PM
oh thank god not my Sawyer!!! I wouldnt watch anymore. He has to stick around and give us some little baby Sawyers.

It looked like in the previews someone got their throat cut maybe Locke or Ecko. I could have imagined it though.

"Process of elimination"
Posted by Chez on 10-26-06 at 03:31 PM
I guess it can't be Kate, Jack or Locke, as they are all mentioned in spoilers for the following week.

"RE: Process of elimination"
Posted by idiotcowboy on 10-26-06 at 04:26 PM
I dont think you assume that. The next episode could end with a Jack or Kate death witnessed by the Locke rescue team, perhaps on the video screen Locke and Co. are looking at. Then an explaination of how all that happened the following week in the Kate flashback. Personally, I'm betting they witness Jack's "murder", although I am also betting its not real and just a means of keeping Locke and Co. from looking for him or the others anymore.


"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by J Slice on 10-26-06 at 04:32 PM
I'd be very VERY surprised if it was anyone other than Eko.

Kate's got an ep coming up, and Locke's story-arc is nowhere near complete.

Just don't tell me what I can't do.

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-26-06 at 11:21 PM
I'm with Slicey on this one.

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!
But I'm just a copycat, anyways.

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by shakes the clown on 10-27-06 at 01:31 PM
also with Slice on this one.

I seem to remember reading last year that Ecko was not going to be long for this show, that he would die before the end of last season. Obviously that part was wrong, but I definitley remember reading that he would be killed off at some point.

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by weltek on 10-27-06 at 02:22 PM

-A Spooky Seana Sig

Posted by Das Mole on 10-26-06 at 05:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-26-06 AT 05:26 PM (EST)

"You're not going to believe who it is."

My guess is that they made this statement to make it sound like it'll be a big character, thus making us expect that. But it's probably a smaller, minor character so that we really won't expect it. A bit of reverse reverse psychology, if you will.

Haha it'll probably be Rose or something Or that new guy that was playing golf...I don't like this "trying to introduce new Losties" thing. No, just stick with the way it is now, please.

Just kidding.


But seriously...I'm gonna try to break this down and we'll see how good my logic is.

It won't be Sawyer, as mentioned originally.
It won't be Kate, she has an episode coming up.
Probably won't be Locke, his story isn't finished yet.
Probably won't be Desmond, we still know nothing about him (then again we knew nothing about Libby, either. I still say he's safe for now).
Probably won't be Hurley, he's too likeable and good for ratings.
Probably won't be Jack, since he's the "leader". Although...his story-arc is finished (presumably), so I'm not sure. I can't see him dying though. Well...we'll come back to him.

Maybe Sun/Jin/Sayid, one of them? Since Sun shot one of the Others...but, I don't think the Others are out for revenge (except that Danny guy). So I think it's safe to say all three of them are safe as well.

That leaves us with Charlie, Claire, Ben, Juliet, and Eko.

Probably not going to be Juliet, she seems to be too pivotal to the Others' story.
Probably not going to be Claire, she's too unimportant anyway to matter if she dies.

That leaves Charlie, Ben, and Eko.

They'll keep Charlie just b/c they don't have a reason to get rid of him.

Ben or Eko...and possibly Jack.

(1) Eko's already half-dead from the polar bear. He could just die from all the damage to his body.
(2) I believe Ben is the 40-year-old man with a tumor. He could die in surgery. That is, if that's him, and if he gets operated on.
(3) Jack could be killed just as a shocker. I'm not sure how he would die, I don't think they have anything against him and their observation of him isn't complete. So now that I think about it again, I'm gonna say it isn't Jack.

It's between Ben and Eko, but going on the statement "You won't believe who it is", I'm gonna go with BEN on this one. Eko seems too obvious, and it would be a huge shocker if the Others' leader died.


"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 10-27-06 at 01:45 AM
I believe the episode next week is Eko-centric. So my guess is they will wrap up his storyline and then kill him off, like they did with Shannon and Ana Lucia.

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by emydi on 10-27-06 at 12:22 PM
grrrrrr...if it is him another great character wasted (I refer to Ana Lucia not Libby...although she had some potential too)

? --are they just going to kill off all the tailies? and what ever happened to the one tailee that the Others captured last season when the tailees were making the trek to the beach? Have we seen her at the Others' complex?

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by udg on 10-27-06 at 12:26 PM
I thought this last episode was supposed to make us think that perhaps she was gotten by a polar bear.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by Corvis on 11-01-06 at 06:11 PM
Was there some shot of her body in the polar bear's cave that I missed???

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by udg on 11-01-06 at 07:34 PM
No, it was just something that I inferred. Not necessarily what the directer was trying to imply, though.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by Das Mole on 10-27-06 at 06:57 PM
Cindy! I remember her. I wish she'd been like...an actual character on the show, she seemed interesting.


"November 1 spoiler"
Posted by Chez on 11-01-06 at 06:13 AM
Ausiello today gives a further hint as to who dies.


"Question: Consider me an Aushole. Now please give me a hint as to who bites the dust on Lost tonight. Not an asterisk hint either; they drive me crazy.— Eva
Ausiello: This person is not an Other. Or female. "

Incidentally, he also gives us this:

"Question: Did Sun kill Jae on Lost?— Troy
Ausiello: No. In their latest Lost podcast, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse confirmed that Sun's boy-on-the-side did in fact commit suicide. (Pay up, Dan Manu.) Damon and Carlton also teased that widower Pickett "might" seek some vengeance on Sun for killing Trixie, er, Colleen, and that Episode 10 is a Hurley flashback."

"Uh-oh - another November 1 spoiler"
Posted by Chez on 11-01-06 at 12:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-06 AT 12:33 PM (EST)

I just read this in the on-line version of US Today.


The article was really about the new Lostie Rodrigo Santoro, but has this very interesting paragraph:

"Santoro and Sanchez made their debut two weeks ago as never-before-seen crash survivors. They have a bit more to do tonight on a treacherous trek through the jungle that will leave someone dead."

Now this does not sound at all like Eko is the one who will die. Sounds like it is one of the men on the trek. Charlie? Sayid? Locke?

"RE: Uh-oh - another November 1 spoiler"
Posted by weltek on 11-01-06 at 12:44 PM
Interesting statement...as you are right, it does make one think a trekker dies. I wonder how accurate the article is, though.

As much as I think Eko is our dead guy, I find myself putting Charlie as a close second. His story line is essentially over and I can see him going with Locke on the trek. *crosses fingers it's Charlie*

-A Spooky Seana Sig

"RE: Uh-oh - another November 1 spoiler"
Posted by AugustGirl on 11-01-06 at 12:56 PM
Ooooo! Please, please, PLEASE let it be Charlie.

Die, Charlie. DIE!!!!

"RE: Uh-oh - another November 1 spoiler"
Posted by dragonflies on 11-01-06 at 01:38 PM
I would be ok with Charlie. Although it does seem Eko's story has long been over as well.

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-02-06 at 00:20 AM
Well... if this doesn't scare the other cast members into forsaking alcohol or fighting with cops for the rest of their lives, then I don't know what will.

First, Cynthia Watros and Michelle Rodriguez get nailed for drunken driving (add in a cop confrontation for Rodriguez) then they both get their characters, Libby and Ana Lucia respectively, killed off.

Then Adewale A-A takes a belligerent stand with a cop ... and now he's killed off.

A Tribe siggie
"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by AugustGirl on 11-20-06 at 08:14 AM
Then Adewale A-A takes a belligerent stand with a cop ... and now he's killed off.

The producers said in their last podcast that Eko's demise was agreed upon when AAA signed up for the role. He (AAA) did not want more than a one year committment. The producers asked if he would stick around for season 3 because they didn't want to kill off Libby, Ana-Lucia, and Mr. Eko at the same time.

His problems with the law had nothing to do with Mr. Eko's death. That's what Lindeloff and Cruse said.

Do we believe them?

"New Spoiler - Another Death?"
Posted by Bebo on 11-17-06 at 11:48 PM
There are reports going around that another main character is going to bite the dust. Here's the link...


"RE: New Spoiler - Another Death?"
Posted by trigirl on 11-19-06 at 09:00 AM

I know that I am in the minority, but I lOVE this character.

"RE: New Spoiler - Another Death?"
Posted by Ice 9 on 11-19-06 at 10:34 PM
I think this is unlikely...at least in the short term. I do think they plan on offing him, but it would surprise me if it happened before next season.

Kristin talks about the spoiler of Juliet shooting someone. It appears that this happens in episode 7 (which is supposed to be a Juliet flashback episode). Episode 9 is supposed to be a Jack flashback episode, where the origin of his tattoos is the focus.


It just doesn't make sense story-wise to kill him off right now (as much as some folks might want it ).

"RE: New Spoiler - Another Death?"
Posted by AugustGirl on 11-20-06 at 08:15 AM
ACK! *puts head between legs* *breathes deeply*

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Say it isn't so!


"RE: New Spoiler - Another Death?"
Posted by geg6 on 11-20-06 at 04:15 PM
As long as it's not Sawyer.

Democrats make better lovers. Whoever heard of a good piece of elephant?
Jack? Meh. He's a whiner, IMHO.

"RE: New Spoiler - Another Death?"
Posted by Das Mole on 11-21-06 at 06:09 PM
I highly doubt that she'll shoot Jack.

JMO, but Kristin is a complete moron and needs to find a new job.

However, if Juliet does shoot somebody...I really do hope it's Charlie. Right in the face, too.


"Daybreak spot"
Posted by J I M B O on 11-20-06 at 01:39 PM

Anyone else see the Lost clip during Daybreak??

Only thing of significance it showed was Desmond tackling Charlie (hope he hits hit head on a rock), and growling something at him.

Best I could make out was Desmond saying "You don't want to know what happened to me when I turned that key."

Anyone back that up? Any guesses to what *did* happen to him? Did he just see something? The future maybe?? A rather GRIM future for the Losties????

"RE: Lost Spoiler!"
Posted by piggy on 11-25-06 at 11:01 PM
Maybe that little fag that has been hangin with that Lilly chick. That girl needs a real man, not some limey ##### lovin #####.

"WARNING - piggy "
Posted by Bebo on 11-26-06 at 06:46 AM
Please take a moment to read our community guidelines - there's a link at the top of the page. While we do allow bashing of the shows and their participants on this forum, we expect our posters to be able to do so without inciting hate or taking a show forum thread off-topic to spout incendiary comments. Calling someone a "fag" or "gay" as an insult is not tolerated here. Our guidelines remind each poster that it is his/her responsibility to help prevent forest fires.

"Sayid sighting"
Posted by Chez on 12-13-06 at 12:51 PM
Not sure how much of a spoiler this is, but .... a friend of mine just got back from a vacation in Hawaii where last week he saw Naveen Andrews in the middle of Honolulu signing autographs and talking to people. When my friend spoke to him, Naveen said they were currently taping an episode involving a Sayid flashback. Oh goodie - the more episodes focusing on that luscious hunk the better.

Oh, and lucky me, my friend got Naveen to sign a picture for me, and he signed it "With love". Woo, Woo!

"Canadian Preview"
Posted by michel on 12-14-06 at 06:20 PM
Last night, CTV the station that presents LOST in Canada had a preview: We saw Jack in an outside cage and many people were around. One of them was Cindy from the Tailies and Jack asked her what they were doing. Her answer was "We are here to watch."

"RE: Canadian Preview"
Posted by batts on 01-04-07 at 04:42 AM
great info!

I saw very little of 'Cindy', but to my recollection, she was the one who disappeared while the tailies climbed that cliff, right?
I think she was a flight attendant on the plane wasn't she?

"RE: Canadian Preview"
Posted by michel on 01-05-07 at 02:54 PM
That's the one.

We had 2 more previews: In the first, Kate and Sawyer are being shot at and Kate is calling Jack on the walkie-talkie to get them a boat.

In the second, the big guy is warning Jack that he knows Juliet told him to let Ben die but that if he does then Jack will also die.

"Another Death?"
Posted by trigirl on 03-02-07 at 10:01 AM
Possible spoiler in hidden text from Spoilerfix. Don't read if you don't want to know.

03/01 - Life & Style magazine is reporting that Dominic Monaghan has been told he won't be back for next season. Source: Kristin on E!Online

02/28 - Producers have chosen to keep secret when Charlie's next flashback will air, which probably has something to do with Desmond's premonition in the Feb. 14 episode that Charlie is destined to die. (Characters' deaths traditionally have occurred at the conclusion of their flashback shows.) "I have to be careful to not tell you too much," says Monaghan, hinting only that "the Charlie stories are going to be coming toward a bottleneck. The Hurley, Sayid, Claire and Locke stories are all pushing together into a Charlie journey." And if Charlie does in fact die? "That's fine," he says with a shrug. "This job is going to end for everyone. I've achieved everything that I wanted to do. It's been a fantastic opportunity for me, and it's done exactly what I wanted it to do: distance me from playing a hobbit (in TheLord of the Rings) and have people in America know I can act." Source: USA Today

Not sure how I feel about this.

"RE: Another Death?"
Posted by Ice 9 on 03-02-07 at 11:24 AM
This doesn't surprise me. However, it would probably happen in a flashback episode. We've had 5 deaths of characters who could arguably be called regulars--Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia, Libby, and Eko--and 3 of those came during their flashback episodes (Shannon, Ana Lucia, and Eko). So, unless this death is really a bigger part of someone else's story arc, I think it won't happen until this character has a flashback episode this season. That, it seems, won't happen for at least 8 episodes (if Spoilerfix is right--and they usually are about which character is the focus of a given episode). I suppose it's possible that it might happen during Desmond's next flashback episode (episode 17), though.

It would make sense to have this death (if that's what happens to this character) occur in the last 4 episodes of the season.

"Locke's Paralysis"
Posted by Chez on 03-20-07 at 12:03 PM
So tomorrow we will finally learn how Locke became paaralyzed. I haven't seen any spoilers telling how this will happen, but I have always suspected his father is somehow responsible. When I saw that Kevin Tighe is guest starring in the episode this suspicion came back to me again. Can't wait!

Separately - wouldn't it be cool if the dad is actually the leader of the Others