LAST EDITED ON 05-04-06 AT 08:33 AM (EST)I can`t seem to figure out the time line of when Anna Lucia went to Australia with Jack`s father and Jack having travelled to Australia to pick up his father`s body, arriving at the same airport as Anna for flight 815. Is Jack`s father really dead??
Could he be the "He" that Henry keeps talking about?![]()
I was kind of confused about that as well.I think Jack's father got killed when he went into that bar (?) and left Ana Lucia. She had no reason to stay anymore so she called her mom and told her she was coming home.
Realistically it would have to have been a couple of days after Jack's dad died depending on the laws of transporting a body. Jack would also have had to have time to go over there and claim it.
arkie spring thing
Remember- Sawyer met Christian in the bar...
and in another flashback or two, you see him struggling with cops at a Sydney police office, saying "you didn't hear my side of the story"
Sawyer killed Jack's dad?
Let's go Mets!
What I am confused about is what did Jack's dad need with Ana? Did she not protect him from something or was the bar the last place she saw him?
A PhoenixMons Creation
This is what confused me. It looked like she was dumping him,and he was still alive then.
We also need to revisit the possible con connection between Sawyer and Jack's dad. You don't ask for protection unless you are involved in something shady. He knew he would need a bodyguard before he flew to Australia. He was going there to meet Sawyer (or his evil twin)Having said that, it looked to me like she was dumping him.
You can't protect someone if you're in a car and he's in a bar.
There's a Dr. Suess poem there somewhere
I think there will be more latent redemption of Ana. I can see a scenario where she stuck around in the car to haul him home after he had too many drinks. I have a feeling something bad went down in the bar.
I read in one of the spoiler columns (I think Kristin's) that Jack's father is actually the leader of the Others. This would mean he is not dead of course. Would it be feasible for him to have taken some drug that made him appear dead for a few days, and then after the plane crash he would come back to consciousness on the island? It is far fetched but oh well. Remember Jack's visions of his dad during Season 1? Maybe they were not hallucinations.Maybe the dad's need for protection when he went to Australia was related to dealings with the Others.
Nothing is too ridiculous to be considered.
To go even further, maybe some of the other Losties' dads are also involved with the Others. How about Locke's dad? We never saw what happened to him.
Is Jack's dad still alive or is he and everyone else dead?Jack's dad started off dead and now we've seen him a number of times walking around.
If Jack's dad is the leader of the others and they treat him like God then we're right back to the theory that everyone is dead.
More God/Jesus religous overtones - especially with next week being an Eko-centric episode. Scene of him falling off cliff could be him falling into hell ala Satan being cast out.
Heck even Jack's dad's name is pretty obvious.
This is the bizarro world of faith where Satan casts out God - Jack's dad being Satan, Eko being God. Kind of a Dante's Devine Comedy turned on its head.
Huh? Huh? What do you think?
arkie spring thing
Are you mocking me?
Moi? Mocking you? Absolutely not. I'm dead serious in my post. I've made the same argument elsewhere.Food for thought, my friend.
arkie spring thing
OK, I made a lot of speculations above about Jack's dad possibly not being dead and actually being the leader of the Others. But even if that is remotely possible, I can't think of a scenario where he would have had the opportunity to become the leader. (Meaning his time was accounted for in the U.S.) And he doesn't seem to have the personality to be the unforgiving person that Henry reports.On the other hand..... a throw-away comment I made has come back to haunt me.
Locke's father.
Right personality - it's very believable he would be the unforgiving type. Has not been seen in any flashbacks that occurred in recent time - this gives him the time opportunity to have become the leader of the Others. The Oceanic Air plane appearing in that episode with him - could that be a hint? Henry was going to kidnap Locke - could that be another hint?
Just an idea.
Henry did say Locke was one of the good ones and we've seen that in the past because he was able to stand up to the evil black smoke.Although, I'm sure we've not seen the last of Locke's dad so you may have something there.
arkie spring thing
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-06 AT 12:24 PM (EST)I read in one of the spoiler columns (I think Kristin's) that Jack's father is actually the leader of the Others.
This was in Kristin's April Fool's column, so I wouldn't take it as an actual spoiler. I'm pretty comfortable in believing Jack's father is most definitely dead:
From Maps to Desmond to "Dirty Little Whores," Lost's Big Boss Answers Your Burning Q's!
by Kristin Veitch | Apr. 1, 2006
Tubers, you might want to sit down for this one. (And have a defibrillator standing by.)
Jaw-Dropping Spoilers You Won't Believe1. On Lost, we find out that the leader of the Others (aka Him) is Jack's father. Yes, he's alive. And turns out, he's also Locke's brother. Meanwhile, there will indeed be two deaths before the season ends. Don't read if you don't want to know! In a bloody standoff between the Losties and the Others in the season finale, two characters we know and love are killed by Henry Gale: Locke and Charlie.
.6. On 24, Jack Bauer is kidnapped and forced to partake in an evil experiment in which monkeys fly out of his butt.
7. A certain TV diva ducks for cover as she tells you ...April Fools'!
a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.She was right about there being at least one death.
LAST EDITED ON 05-09-06 AT 07:28 PM (EST)LAST EDITED ON 05-04-06 AT 11:53 PM (EST)
It wouldn't be all that crazy if his dad was, in fact, still alive.
As we were watching last night's episode, my other half stated, "I still think Jack's dad is alive and he has a part in this..." I retorted, "No way...Jack had to ID his dad's body and we saw a clip of that actually happening." He replied, "But it's LOST...lots of things happen that aren't really explicable....yet." Anyone who watches 24 knows that there are ways to fake a death
(gotta love Jack....Bauer that is).
It could make sense...Jack never found his dad's body once they crashed. Could a dead body really make it so far from the coffin that it is STILL missing? And so far, he has been connected to quite a few main characters....possibly including Claire (where has she been, anyway?).
Just some food for thought....