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Forum: DCForumID77
Thread Number: 473
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"Spoiler - Libby"

Posted by Maroonclown on 04-19-06 at 01:53 PM


Libby may be out even though they suggest she was in a "guest starring role"

arkie spring thing

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"RE: Spoiler - Libby"
Posted by 1derfool on 04-19-06 at 06:30 PM
I'd be willing to be she leaves the show permanently.

Right now we see Hurley falling for Libby. Imagine what they could do if Cynthia leaves the show completely instead of just coming back once in a while to keep her character alive (like Rose did last year - only a couple of episodes that we saw her).

Having Libby vanish, get kidnapped or die would reinforce Hurley's belief that the numbers are cursed. He'd think he 'did it again', another person suffers because of him. If Libby shows up for only a few episodes, it wouldn't give them much to work on, they'd have to make us assume the relationship is still on (or they break it off, no fun there if our favorite Luvable Lostie has a broken heart). But having the numbers curse rear it's ugly head would work very well.