We have a new episode tonight and let's keep the chat here until the westies have a chance to see it!
I finally blogged
Oh how nice it is to be in Canada
We get to see LOST at 7pm (for a while at least, I guess. Thanks to American Idol.... at least there's one good thing about that show).You're going to love this episode, it's officially one of my favourites now.
Feel free to share a summary of what happened if you want. This is a spoiler thread so if anyone doesn't want to know what happens they shouldn't be reading.
I lvoe it too....Rose knows Locke's past......and both can feel the island's power.Next week looks like another great show too.....
sig by arkieglr and bouncy by IceCat
LAST EDITED ON 04-20-06 AT 09:30 AM (EST)ETA - Never mind. This was an post from last week and I jumped in without looking at the date. My bad.
arkie spring thing
Henry Gale smiling sadistically while John pounded on the door and yelling, asking whether or not he entered the code or not=creepiest. shot. ever.
I love it!!
LAST EDITED ON 04-12-06 AT 10:43 PM (EST)It was nice to see backstory on someone(s) new for once.
Henry Gale is a humongous douchebag.
Locke needs a better memory (or vidcaps).
Michael better know what the hell he's actually talking about in the next episode.
That's all.
Oh My Heck! When they pulled back from the "beach sign" I thought for sure it was going to say - LOST.I feel they are setting us up. Everyone is happy, contented, has found meaning- and then they are going to pull the rug out from under us again!
If anyone is up for some LOST chat, I will be in the bar for about half an hour.
Beware the Bear
ACtually, with the partialy built "S" and the 2 piles of rocks, it looked like a. Doubt it means anything.
We noticed the same thing too...you never really know...everything seems to have some twisted meaning.
Great storyline for Rose and Bernard. And well, come on, who was not verklempt when he said if Rose would never leave the island he wouldn't either? Add another miracle cure to the list.The room she met the healer in reminded me so much of the small room in El Santuario de ChimayĆ³ in New Mexico, with all the photos and crutches and notes around. All it needed was hundreds of candles.
I thought the person stumbling in the darkness towards Jack and Kate was going to be Desmond. DOH!
I love Rose and Bernard! At first I couldn't understand why she was not being supportive of his sign building efforts. Then it all became clear. Love them!It was interesting to find out that they had been on their honeymoon. I just figured they had been married for at least a few years, if not longer. Not sure why I assumed that, I just did.
Glad to see that someone knows Locke had been in a wheelchair when he got on the plane. I always wondered why no one had approached him about it, or mentioned it. Now we know at least Rose knows.
a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.
Why did they suddenly start showing clear pictures of the faces of the extras in this episode?
I noticed that too. They also mentioned several names as well.
A PhoenixMons Creation
I assumed it had to do with the LOST mobile phone episodes due out in the future. The blurb I heard about them on the radio specified that they would focus on the background characters that we haven't really met yet.
Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004