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"Lost numbers and the Cultural Revolution in China??"

Posted by Snidget on 04-10-06 at 12:03 PM
I was reading an article in the NYtimes about the Cultural Revolution in China and something popped out at me.

There was a Red Guard group known as 8.15. I know the Gang of Four ran the revolution.

Probably nothing but I wonder if the other numbers tie into that era of Chinese history. After all the bagua symbol is used for the various logos (see the lines around the outside in my sig that make the stop sign shape).

Probably nothing...

Lost with PhoenixMons

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"RE: Lost numbers and the Cultural Revolution in China??"
Posted by weltek on 04-10-06 at 12:08 PM
I think you are on to something, although I'm not sure we can make useful out of it. Given past clues nad your note, I think there is significant Chinese involvement in the Dharma Initiative, but how does it matter to the sleuths? That part needs a lot of shaking out by someone with a lot more time on their hands.

Good find, snidge!