LAST EDITED ON 04-07-06 AT 04:00 PM (EST)These are HUGE. I understand Kristin has a good reputation for spoiling non-reality shows, so I expect these are probably accurate. Follow this link.
(I hope I pasted the link correctly).
These are so big I don't even want to type them in here.
ed for spelling.
If you are talking the Lost stuff, and not the April Fool's Day stuff, then the items are accurate - they are directly sourced to one of the two main creative forces behind the show.
Oh boy - what is the April Fool stuff? I did not think Kristin was playing a joke. Please illuminate me on whatever the joke is. I honestly belived what was stated in the spoiler.
Oh great. I read the first part of it...that was interesting. Didn't continue once I hit the word ---death---, however.Guess that would explain Jack's "hallucinations" at the beginning of the first season...
*debating* I want to but I don't. I have been trying to steer clear. Are these really big?
A PhoenixMons Creation
Yup, they're big. Nope, make that BIG ... or even BBIIIGGGG.... Well, that is, until you get to read #7
"7. A certain TV diva ducks for cover as she tells you ...April Fools'!"
As long as you don't read past Spoiler #7 you'll be okay.
The first 6 are fun.
Peeps at Lost Forum are still fighting these threads. OMG!!!! Can you believe it?Nope.