Since henry came to the show, Am I the only one that thinks his interaction with locke is much more different than his interaction with jack, or ana lucia or sayid and eko....the only people he has interacted with...For some reason I feel that he is always testing locke's response or trying to get locke hacles raised. He always seem to challenge locke....but last night's conversation about god not knowing or seeing the island...led me to believe that if henry reveals anything it will be to locke....
any theories....
Two things explain this.
First: I wouldn't mess with Ana Lucia, Sayid and Eko.
More importantly: Jack doesn't believe anyone so you can't fool him as easily as Locke. Locke wants to believe the island is special. His miraculous recovery is partly behind this. He wants to know what Henry knows about the island. Jack wants to know what he knows about the competition and how to get Walt back.
Henry plays Locke like a fiddle. I love it.
a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.
As you may know, a lot of people believe that everyone on the show is really in purgatory. When I heard Henry make that comment on last night's episode, it stuck out to me too. I believe it could have been a reference to the fact that they are all in purgatory and how in the world would God know where any of them are? As you may know, purgatory is supposed to be the in between of heaven and hell. "The others" could very well represent "hell" and those who are taken by them are obviously doomed. Maybe Henry represents "the devil" so to speak, and by him always testing Locke's intelligence and opinions could be the test of where Locke will end up. It's far fetched, but it's just an idea.
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-06 AT 10:02 PM (EST)Welcome to the boards bestlittlesister! We can get closer the the answer by pooling ideas but one of the producers has said in an interview that the purgatory isn't the answer. Also the Others are taking the good ones.