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"East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"

Posted by volsfan on 04-05-06 at 08:47 PM
Let's hope more information is revealed about the hatch. Keep the chat here until the westies have had a chance to watch!

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"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by michel on 04-05-06 at 10:38 PM
-"Henry" certainly knows how to mess with Locke. The quote of the week: After Locke said: "God knows I long you have been here..." Henry interrupts him, saying: "God doesn't know...He doesn't know because he doesn't see this island, just like no one else sees this island". (paraphrasing from memory)

-I thought Libby was in the same asylum as Hurley but as a physician, not a patient.

- Could "Dave" be the only one that is "real"? What if his words to Hurley: "All this is in your imagination" really apply to everyone?

The Canadian previews were again different than the Americans. In Canada, the blacklite map reappers as it seems Locke found a way to create lock down. It seemed he did let the numbers go down but we have been teased before.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by Elaine0 on 04-06-06 at 08:15 AM
Could "Dave" be the only one that is "real"? What if his words to Hurley: "All this is in your imagination" really apply to everyone?

Watching that scene I imagined the next one would show Hurley in his hospital bed and that would be the end of the series. I also imagined how ticked off all of us would be.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by pinksparkleguitar on 04-06-06 at 12:07 PM
>Could "Dave" be the only one
>that is "real"? What if
>his words to Hurley: "All
>this is in your imagination"
>really apply to everyone?

>Watching that scene I imagined the
>next one would show Hurley
>in his hospital bed and
>that would be the end
>of the series. I
>also imagined how ticked off
>all of us would be.

Me Too!!! Me too!!!!!

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by michel on 04-06-06 at 02:53 PM
It could be that without ending the series. What if all the flashbacks we get aren't real memories but all induced? What if all the losties have no real memory? The ones they have are all fabricated and the experience is to see how each evolve with the background the scientists chose. It would mean the plane crash never happened. They were lost before even arriving in the island. Finding the reason behind that and who they really are could be the continuation. Would it keep the interest?

Hopefully, the writers know where they are going

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by Maroonclown on 04-07-06 at 11:38 AM
Having missed Wedmnesday's ep because it was on at a different time I am just going to jump in here and say, based on what I'm reading here, I am having visions of the room in Coma where they are all hanging there. Everyone is in a state of suspended animation and their minds are being manipulated by a bunch of scientists.

This theory would explain why Hurley hasn't lost any weight.

arkie spring thing

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by trigirl on 04-07-06 at 02:14 PM
Wow! I like that theory.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by realitycoholic on 04-07-06 at 06:09 PM

That's exactly what I was thinking! I threw a bit of 'Matrix' in my imagination and combined with a bit of 'Coma' and, voila--my theory for the ending of the show. I would be very disappointed with that...

**Work of arzt by PhoenixMons**

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by SurvivaBear on 04-06-06 at 00:32 AM
Mr. Gale told Locke that he had let the numbers run all the way down and nothing happened. Do you all believe this or is this just another lie? I tend to disbelieve him because he said the numbers simply reset, but previously, the heiroglyphs appeared when the countdown reached zero.

Beware the Bear

Posted by J I M B O on 04-06-06 at 00:58 AM

Watched the first few minutes...did something else (wink wink)...then watched the last few minutes.

Great epi IMHO.

Posted by miamicatt on 04-06-06 at 01:00 AM
NO.WAY. Me too!

And I totally agree!!

Posted by weltek on 04-06-06 at 09:41 AM
Was there moonwalking involved? Wait. Don't answer that.

Posted by sharnina on 04-06-06 at 06:02 PM
What?? What did you do?? I don't get it.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

"I missed the last few minutes..."
Posted by udg on 04-06-06 at 01:29 AM
TiVo changed the channel before the show was over (I thought it wasn't supposed to do that!). Can anyone tell me what happened after Libby found Hurley on the cliff?

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004
I actually know why Tivo did it, but it's too late to fix it now.

"RE: I missed the last few minutes..."
Posted by FesterFan1 on 04-06-06 at 02:20 AM
Libby finds Hurley on the cliff. Hurley tells her that he's going to jump to "wake up". She tries to convince him not to. He tells her that none of "this" (meaning the island and the people on it) is real.

Libby asks if Hurley remembers the name of the guy whose leg she fixed. He says no. She says "That's because it happened to me." Anyway, she convinces him that she's real and that what she feels for him is real. Then she kisses him.

One final flashback to the mental hospital. It's the scene where the Dr. is taking Hurley's picture with his arm around "Dave". Only it's from a different angle. Then the camera pans to the right and we see...Libby, the patient, sitting at a table across the room, looking drugged and out of it, watching the picture being taken. Then a nurse, who calls her Libby, gives her some pills to swallow. Cut to black.


"Libby looked pretty rough in that scene...."
Posted by 1derfool on 04-06-06 at 08:59 AM
I kind of wonder if that was shot the day after the drunk driving arrest. Just get out of the tank and onto the set, no make-up needed.

But on a more realistic note, she just might be familiar with the numbers too, she must have heard them repeated constantly. Provided she was coherent enough to know what was going on around her at the time and remembers them, it would be interesting to see her reaction if/when she sees the numbers around the hatch.

Posted by udg on 04-06-06 at 07:46 PM
Thanks for filling me in, Fester.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

Posted by Das Mole on 04-06-06 at 08:14 AM
I must say, this has been one of the best episodes we've seen in a while.

When "Dave" was telling Hurley that it was all in his head, for a second I was like..."I really hope this isn't some surprise finale and that the writers aren't using this as an easy out or something...". But I knew they wouldn't do that...kinda.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by 1derfool on 04-06-06 at 11:26 AM
I was just talking to a friend, neither of us has the episode taped. However, this friend claims he saw Henry in the hospital as one of the patients. I didn't notice, but then I'm not the best with recognizing faces. He is pretty sure Henry is one of the patients in the background durng the basketball game that they show 'accidentally'. However, on further questioning he thought it could have also been one of them sitting in the cafeteria. I know this is really vague but thought I'd mention it in case somebody with it taped can check.

It sure wouldn't surprise me one bit to find Henry was there too. Imagine the possibilities!

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by weltek on 04-06-06 at 12:42 PM
Oooh, I hope so! That would fit nicely with my theory that the psych hospital was a "testing" ground for choosing certain participants in the Dharma experiment. Some were chosen to carry out the plan (Libby, Henry) and others were chosen as subjects (Hurley). And Henry does have that Captain Insano look to him.

"Loved It!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 04-06-06 at 11:59 AM

I think the whole in your head idea was a shout out to message board theories. Don't they usually use Hurley as their "connection"

I would not be suprised if we get another episode where Hurley mentions he is in purgatory.

A PhoenixMons Creation

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by Tahj on 04-06-06 at 02:13 PM
So, is Eko building a church?

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by AugustGirl on 04-06-06 at 05:43 PM
That's what I was thinking, Tahj... a church or at least an altar.

a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by maroonclowns mom on 04-06-06 at 05:46 PM
My thoughts too

Posted by trigirl on 04-06-06 at 11:07 PM
I thought that Henry's outburst "I'm a good person" was our way of knowing for sure that he is one of The Others as they only take "good ones".

Henry seems pretty afraid of the big boss, who we now know is not Zeke. Alvar Hanso himself? The DeGroots? It would have to be someone high up in Dharma. Maybe Mr. Widmore?

"RE: Henry"
Posted by SurvivaBear on 04-07-06 at 00:05 AM
Henry said "He" wouldn't be happy and "They" would kill him. What if "He" is the big He (God or the island god) and "They" are the guardians (the black smoke things also called the security system). What if all the others are simply servants to this island god?

Beware the Bear

"Why did Mr. Eko cross himself...."
Posted by realitycoholic on 04-07-06 at 06:14 PM
...in not the "prescribed" order after Drug Boy helped him pick up and move a log? I rewatched it a couple of times just to make sure I really saw what I thought I saw, and yep, he did. Is it because Charlie is evil? Gosh, sure hope not!

**Work of arzt by PhoenixMons**

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by Elaine0 on 04-10-06 at 06:19 AM
A couple of things I didn't see mentioned here about this episode.

According to the picture on cubit, the real Henry Gale's balloon had the Widmore logo. That's the third time we've seen Widmore. So is Widmore a huge corporation that makes everything, are the writers just playing with us or does Widmore tie it to what is happening on the island? If they tie in, then does the real Henry also tie in?

Just before Dave jumped off the cliff he said to Hurley "see you in another life." As we know, that's what Desmond said to Jack when he left him in the stadium and on the island. Coincidence?

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread for 04/05/06 Episode"
Posted by Maroonclown on 04-10-06 at 10:10 AM
I blame Vandalay Enterprises.

arkie spring thing