LAST EDITED ON 04-05-06 AT 02:08 PM (EST)Spoiler for those that don't like to watch the previews.
Has anyone else watched the preview clips for tonight. They are on AOL. Not sure if they are on Yahoo. AOL has 4 of them.
I think the one with Hurley and Sawyer fighting is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. The way Sawyer's head keeps popping out from under the tarp had me howling.
The other clips are good too Can't wait to see more of Hurley's love connection and Sayid/AL's good cop/bad cop scene. I'm counting down the others here.
I just checked them out. I'm very curious about what Fake Henry has to say under questioning. Spoiler here:He says the guy with the beard "is nothing." So who's the big cheese in Camp Other?