LAST EDITED ON 03-31-06 AT 05:28 PM (EST)What's the significance of this? Why can it only be seen with the black lights and the black lights only come on for 30 second while the hatch doors are down? Who do we think drew this map? It seemed to me that it was someone who didn't know all there is to know about the project, someone trying to figure out things. It also seems like they doors were down for quite a while to draw this, or someone was in the hatch for years and drew a little bit every time the doors came down. many questions. Theories anyone?
LAST EDITED ON 03-31-06 AT 09:01 PM (EST)There are at least three different examples of handwriting, so it has a variety of authors.
There are references as far back as 1985, and a reference to Jan. 6, 2006 which indicates that it has been a long time in the making.
Whoever has worked on the map doesn't know what is going on, because there are lots of other unanswered questions besides the big ol question mark in the center.
I believe that Desmond, and previous iterations of "Desmond," have been working on the map, adding to it as the years have gone by. I do not know how they managed to lower the blast door and trigger the black lights in order to access the map.
I suspect Locke will spend a little time trying to get another look at the map before he tells anyone what he saw.
I suspect Locke will spend a little time trying to get another look at the map before he tells anyone what he saw.I agree, TJ. Locke already refers to it as "my hatch". I don't see him divulging this info to anyone anytime soon.
a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.
LAST EDITED ON 04-01-06 AT 09:22 PM (EST)
Scroll down for the clearer picture. Someone took the time to clarify the notes on it. Whoever you are, THANK YOU!
Regarding the bunch of latin phrases, those are translated further up on the same page.
Just thought I'd share what I came up with.
Interesting that many of the notes are written in Latin. Infers that the author(s) were scholarly. Also brings a universal element to the author. Not necessarily an anglophone.I feel that the writing on the lockdown door and in glow-in-the-dark ink is an attempt to hide what the author is writing. This gives me two possible theories:
1. Desmond said there were initially two hatchies. Perhaps one an informed occupant and knew what the numbers were all about and one was not. When Joe Know goes to retrieve the rations and leaves Nada Clue in the hatch during lockdown, Nada uses this time to try and solve the puzzle.
2. The occupants of the hatch are being observed by a third party. However, not during the lockdown.
One of the notations specifically refers to lack of activity in a location during lockdown.So either one person stayed, other went to various areas of the island during lockdown and reported back...
One guy sometimes stays in hatch to make notes, other times goes out to check out parts of island.Another question is: where is the Hatchee SUPPOSED to be during lockdown. My guess is we won't find that out until we here what the countdown voice was saying.