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"East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"

Posted by volsfan on 03-29-06 at 08:52 PM
Please keep discussion of tonight's episode here until the Westies have had time to see the episode.

I finally blogged

Table of contents
  • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,J Slice, 09:06 PM, 03-29-06
  • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,pinksparkleguitar, 09:33 PM, 03-29-06
    • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,Snidget, 10:03 AM, 03-30-06
  • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,J Slice, 09:44 PM, 03-29-06
    • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,HobbsofMI, 09:58 PM, 03-29-06
  • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,TeamJoisey, 11:28 PM, 03-29-06
    • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,Rhyn, 11:43 PM, 03-29-06
      • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,TeamJoisey, 11:47 PM, 03-29-06
    • here's another look at the map,Tamena, 07:09 AM, 03-30-06
    • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,Das Mole, 01:12 PM, 03-30-06
    • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,winter999, 03:47 PM, 03-30-06
  • Please help PVR cut off end of Lost,rockdog_1963, 01:52 AM, 03-30-06
    • RE: Please help PVR cut off end of Lost,HobbsofMI, 07:11 AM, 03-30-06
      • RE: Please help PVR cut off end of Lost,rockdog_1963, 08:44 AM, 03-30-06
  • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,1derfool, 10:22 PM, 03-30-06
  • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,starshyn99, 09:48 AM, 03-31-06
    • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,trigirl, 02:02 PM, 03-31-06
      • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,AugustGirl, 02:48 PM, 03-31-06
        • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,pinksparkleguitar, 05:14 PM, 03-31-06
      • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,pinksparkleguitar, 05:16 PM, 03-31-06
        • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,TeamJoisey, 09:22 PM, 03-31-06
          • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,pinksparkleguitar, 10:44 PM, 03-31-06
    • RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode,TeamJoisey, 09:11 PM, 03-31-06
  • Possible clues from Henry's actions,1derfool, 04:46 PM, 03-31-06
    • RE: Possible clues from Henry's actions,trigirl, 07:26 AM, 04-02-06

Messages in this discussion
"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by J Slice on 03-29-06 at 09:06 PM
Man, I love Katey Sagal.

Just don't tell me what I can't do.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by pinksparkleguitar on 03-29-06 at 09:33 PM
I don't care if they found the balloon, I think Henry Gale is a shifty, shady man.

And Locke, gets the use of his legs at the beginning, and now what, loses them again? Some sort of evil island karms?

Love when the lottery guy says "Jack and Locke are finally going to beat each other up."

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by Snidget on 03-30-06 at 10:03 AM
I think it was a TVguide article, but it may have been
something else I read.

I think they mentioned that the whole man of faith thing
plays into Lockes walking/not walking. That when he loses
faith he loses the ability to walk.

Lost with PhoenixMons

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by J Slice on 03-29-06 at 09:44 PM
Man... Locke's story just depresses the hell out of me.

He got played...

Just don't tell me what I can't do.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 03-29-06 at 09:58 PM
Yep he did...and seems like it an old habit....

Thanks to TJ on Henry's map I knew that Henry was not telling the truth.

I know wonder what he did to the computer and if he sent a message out to the Others saying he was there.

The air drop of food is interesting.....no one saw or heard a plane and they use that path back and forth a lot so I don't think it's been there long.

Time for Jack to gamble for the guns.

sig by arkieglr and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 03-29-06 at 11:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-29-06 AT 11:48 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 03-29-06 AT 11:33 PM (EST)

Among the interesting things:

Sayid's old love Nadia buying a house in LA and getting an inspection from Locke.

Two Oceanic Airlines planes.

Henry Gale's driver license.

And the blacklight map on the blast door, which shows The Hatch, the medical bunker, a scratched out bunker (the tailies?) and two bunkers with dotted lines leaving their existence in doubt. Four other rectangles labeled CVI, CVII, CVIII and CVIV. Six bunkers in all. The Swan film said it was #3 of 6. There's that helpful "I AM HERE" circle at the bottom. And among the scribbled notes all around is "Possible CVII - inactive since accident." Also appears to be some topographic lines in light blue, possibly indicating a river, and some even lighter blue, very straight lines connecting some of the bunkers. I'll stare at this for a few days, I think.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by Rhyn on 03-29-06 at 11:43 PM
Holy frijoles. I missed that it was Nadia. I LOVE the blacklight map, though. How fascinating. I would like to look at a cleaner copy, though. Is that as clean as it gets? Or is just because these are preliminary images so soon after broadcast?

When did Henry sign his license? It looks like August of '06, but clearly that isn't right... can you discern that?

And thanks a ton, these are wonderful.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 03-29-06 at 11:47 PM
That looks like 8/11/64 to me, which is Henry's birthdate. Perhaps it says 8/11/04, and he renewed his license on his birthday?

I wish the map was clearer. It looks good on HDTV, but not much clearer than this.

"here's another look at the map"
Posted by Tamena on 03-30-06 at 07:09 AM

Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by Das Mole on 03-30-06 at 01:12 PM
LMAO at the driver's license..."815 Walnut Ridge Rd"...sometimes this show is absolutely ridiculous.

And Nadia...guess that didn't really click when I watched the show.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by winter999 on 03-30-06 at 03:47 PM
On the blast door map there are several mentions of "cerebus system". According to the dictionary:

Cerberus (sûr'burus), in Greek mythology, many-headed dog with a mane and a tail of snakes; offspring of Typhon and Echidna. He guarded the entrance of Hades. One of the 12 labors of Hercules was to capture him.

Notice that Cerberus is a "guard" - hmmm just like what the smoke monster was described as - a "security system".

Could the black smoke "monster" be the Cerberus System and has malfunctioned?

Time will tell and we can guess in the mean time

"Please help PVR cut off end of Lost"
Posted by rockdog_1963 on 03-30-06 at 01:52 AM
My PVR cut off Sayid say "I dug up her grave....
Please let me know what I missed
Thanks to anyone who can help.

"RE: Please help PVR cut off end of Lost"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 03-30-06 at 07:11 AM
and it was a man. Then Sayid shows Henry Gale the real Henry Gales drivers license (see above).....so who are you.

sig by arkieglr and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: Please help PVR cut off end of Lost"
Posted by rockdog_1963 on 03-30-06 at 08:44 AM
Thank you very much

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by 1derfool on 03-30-06 at 10:22 PM
Anybody want to guess how fast Locke's current wound will heal up? That nasty gash he got last season when he and Boone were working on opening the hatch sure healed fast. The time frame in the show would be just a few weeks and yet he's been walking around like nothing happened. This one should heal nice and fast too if I read it right and the magnetism has any effect. He's been spending most of his time in the hatch, has probably had the most exposure to the magnetic field of everyone there.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by starshyn99 on 03-31-06 at 09:48 AM
Okay, here was my major epiphany during this episode.

During the "previously on Lost" when Locke's dad told Locke "you think you're the only person ever to get conned." I had a sudden OH MY HECK moment -

My theroy, Locke's Dad = "the" Sawyer. I have nothing to back this up with, just a feeling.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by trigirl on 03-31-06 at 02:02 PM
YOU ARE SO RIGHT! I bet daddy dearest is THE Sawyer. Good catch!

Caught the Oceanic planes but didn't make the Nadia connection. Knew it was something as they gave her too much face time for it not to mean something.

Ultraviolet map mentions rations dropped periodically, q 6-8 months. That could explain why we haven't seen anything before. Do you think the lockdown is to stop the 'inhabitants' of the hatch from being above ground while there is a drop-off?

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by AugustGirl on 03-31-06 at 02:48 PM
Do you think the lockdown is to stop the 'inhabitants' of the hatch from being above ground while there is a drop-off?

That is exactly what I thought Trigirl. They didn't want the Button Pushers to see who or what dropped the supplies, so they radio a warning from the plane (which is the garbled message Locke heard) and the Buttons are locked down until the coast is clear.

a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.

Great minds think alike, Trigirl!

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by pinksparkleguitar on 03-31-06 at 05:14 PM
I thought the same thing! That they aren't supposed to see who or what gives them the food, so they get a little warning and then for ten minutes or so, doors go down, no one in or out. Make this whole dang island seem like one big experiment.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by pinksparkleguitar on 03-31-06 at 05:16 PM
I'm sorry, I must be having a dumb day. I don't know what you mean by Locke's dad=the sawyer. help anybody??

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 03-31-06 at 09:22 PM
The character you know as "Sawyer" is really named James Ford. When he was a small boy, James Ford's parents were conned by a man named Sawyer, resulting in James' dad shooting mom before killing himself.

James Ford eventually became a con man, and took the name Sawyer as a fake identity. James Ford, our Sawyer, wrote a letter to the real "Sawyer," which James carried with him through his life intending to deliver when he found the con man. Along the way James travelled to Australia and killed a man he thought was the original "Sawyer" only to find it was not the man he sought.

James Ford never found the original "Sawyer," but we know the man was an accomplished con artist. Put that together with what we know about wealthy but secretive Anthony Cooper, if that is his name. He conned John Locke out of a kidney and he conned two other men out of $700,000 on a "Retirement Con" and made it sound like something he'd done before. No mourners at Anthony Cooper's funeral? That's because the man spent his life on the run, changing identities as he went.

Coincidence? Not on LOST. Anthony Cooper is "Sawyer."

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by pinksparkleguitar on 03-31-06 at 10:44 PM
Thank you. I have the first season but have yet to get through all of it. Guess I got a little 'lost'

--sorry, I had to make the pun!!

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread Discussion for 03-29-06 Episode"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 03-31-06 at 09:11 PM
That just occurred to you NOW??? Catch up, fer crissakes.

"Possible clues from Henry's actions"
Posted by 1derfool on 03-31-06 at 04:46 PM
I was only about 90% sure that Henry was an Other, but jumped to 100% sure as soon as Locke told him the number sequence and he remembered it.

Maybe the average human can remember a string of 6 numbers after hearing them the first time, but in this situation it seemed strange that he could do it. How many of us could do it under the stress they were in? They were scared, Henry seemed ready to cry a few times. They were trapped, a lot of stress there. Both were exhausted from trying to open the door and when he fell off the shelving unit he seemed dazed for a minute or two. He still had to crawl through the ducts and get to the computer before the time was up. Stress? Pressure? You bet.... and he STILL remembered the numbers correctly? I know I wouldn't have been able remember them after only hearing them once. However, if I'd known the sequence already, it wouldn't be any problem to enter them correctly in that situation.

If Locke hadn't been trapped under the door, he might have been able to notice this himself. He really had no choice but to trust Henry to get enter the numbers but maybe he can file this information for future reference - did the other hatches have a similar computer sequence? Did somebody in the defunct hatches not enter the numbers on time? Henry had a chance to escape instead of going to the computer. Did he know that it was imperative to enter the numbers to stop something dreadful? Was it so important to do the numbers that he didn't even try to escape? Should Locke have a chance to think about it, he might be able to convince Jack that the numbers aren't all just a mind game.

"RE: Possible clues from Henry's actions"
Posted by trigirl on 04-02-06 at 07:26 AM
I even thought I saw a subtle geam in Henry's eye when Locke told him the humbers. Almost like he THAT was why he was there. The actor who plays Gale is fan-tabulous. So subtle, so creepy, so compelling.