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Forum: DCForumID77
Thread Number: 452
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Original Message
"Lost No more"
Posted by maroonclowns mom on 03-22-06 at 01:42 PM
Ha ha, I know what they are doing. They are getting everyone cheesed off, then they will take it off the air because of low viewer watching. I`ll bet they don`t know how to end it
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- RE: Lost No more,Maroonclown, 01:48 PM, 03-22-06
- RE: Lost No more,trigirl, 09:07 AM, 03-23-06
Messages in this discussion
"RE: Lost No more"
Posted by Maroonclown on 03-22-06 at 01:48 PM
It's been done before. I'll bet you're not too far off the mark. I know I've lost patience with it.
arkie spring thing
"RE: Lost No more"
Posted by trigirl on 03-23-06 at 09:07 AM
I really, really hope that ABC hears us. If we are losing patience...web geeks...then how can the general audience be hanging on? Take a page from Alias and 24. I'd rather start watching in January and go straight through than this nonsense!