The Sickness has come to play a big part in the mystery on the Island. I thought that we could have a post dedicated to it.My thoughts: I know that it has been mentioned that the Island could be part of a huge scientific experiment. What if that experiment had to do with the disease. Maybe it's a biological weapon and they are watching and seeing how people and animals react to it. Thus we see polar bears. Just a thought. Someone pointed out on another thread that Desmond was also injecting medicine or something that looked to be similiar to what the Others gave to Aaron. I think that now we can assume that the Dharma Initiative is related to the Others or the Others are a part of it. They are not savages as they are trying to appear to us as seen by the fake clothes and beards.
Which comes to the big question: why are some survivors being taken and others not and what's the reason behind it. We were told that the survivors that were taken were because they were good people. I at first thought it was they were morally good people but what if it has to do with their health or physicalness. We don't see our survivors being taken b/c Ethan was unable to make a list. Why children??? Maybe they like to study the disease on how if affects them???
Oh and the sickness also does go along with The Stand theory b/c in that book everyone got sick and died and left only chosen good or bad people.
Other opinions???
>My thoughts: I know that it
>has been mentioned that the
>Island could be part of
>a huge scientific experiment.
>Which comes to the big question:
>why are some survivors being
>taken and others not and
>what's the reason behind it.Perhaps you are right about the scientfic experiments. If that's the case, the reason why some people may be left behind is that they are the control (or unaltered) group. Remember that with drug trials, they always need a placebo group to have a benchmark to compare the results of the drug to will power.
Three is the perfect number.
Something I thought about in regards to last week's episode: if Desmond was injecting himself with what looks to be an antidote, why didn't they find this in the hatch and then Claire could have used it on Aaron? Of course, what sane minded parent would search for some unknown serum to inject their newborn with given that some creepy people injected her to begin with??
**Work of arzt by PhoenixMons**
LAST EDITED ON 03-06-06 AT 01:49 PM (EST)1. Claire just remembered that they were injecting her and with what.
2. I don't think Claire has been to the hatch/button so she would have never seen the bottles there.
3. Once back will Claire or Kate tell Jack so then will they put 2 and 2 together.
4. Did Saywer take the bottles with the guns? Or just the Virgin Mary's?
sig by PM and bouncy by IceCat
Didn't Desmond take all the bottles with him?
I think Desmond may have taken some but not all....but that's trying to remember what he was doing as he was running away very fast....Someone with Season 1 should be able to tell us that.
sig by PM and bouncy by IceCat
Actually it was the beginning of this season. From what I remember, it seemed like he took them all. They haven't been mentioned since he left.
See ...with all these reruns I've lost which season is
sig by PM and bouncy by IceCat
I know that it has been mentioned that the Island could be part of a huge scientific experiment. What if that experiment had to do with the disease. Maybe it's a biological weapon and they are watching and seeing how people and animals react to it.that's kind of what i was thinking. of course, i'm really confused about the whole dharma thing--and the disease--but maybe it is supposed to make people better (bigger/stronger/faster), or perhaps it is supposed to enhance psychic abilities (walt), or both. that would explain why they take children and really want babies--which could be why they take women too.
i'm really confused about the disease--are danielle and desmond the only people who have mentioned it (besides ethan who obviously can't be trusted)? it could be a side effect of the "medicine" and they could taint the water supply or something like that. the ones who get sick aren't good subjects? or maybe i'm thinking about reavers...
actually, it's a PhoenixMons
Here's my theory about the "sickness". I don't think there is one. I think it's Dharma's way of keeping their people under control. Dharma makes them think there's a sickness that only Dharma has the antidote for and if they leave the experiment or whatever it is, they will die without the antidote. Also, it could be held over their heads - Go capture some people or you don't get your injection and you'll die!! It's kind of like entering the numbers - a way of controlling people's actions out of fear of the unknown.Danielle has said that her group got this sickness, but maybe they just got some bad drinking water or something and the Others/Dharma planted the idea of a sickness in her head which drove her to kill them. Or maybe they weren't really killed - just put to sleep or something and are now part of the Others and she just thinks that she actually killed them.
In one of the previews I watched (okay so I'm lame and tape both the US and Canadian feeds so I can get both previews) we saw that Hurley is getting sick. Could that be a coincidence or because he is eating the most Dharma food? Perhaps the sickness is as engineered as the antidote? Hopefully, there is more antidote in the rations drop.Another thing, that guy that Hurley is seeing in his sickness-induced flashes looks C.R.E.E.P.Y!