What is with Zeke's fake beard? Is is so that the Oceanic gang won't realize that The Others are working and are not lost themselves?Eko's beard...
Did he cut it to say, sorry I killed your buddies. Or, did he cut it to say, I am the big boss Zeke referred to and I'm sorry I had to kill some of our gang in order to keep my cover.
I was wondering myself about Mr. Eko's ceremonial mini-beard cutting. I want to think that he's a good guy and not an Other, but you have a point about the potential meanings of his actions.Anyone else want to weigh in?
**Work of arzt by PhoenixMons**
The Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament states that trimming or cutting the beard is a pagan practice that was associated with the dead - cutting the beard in mourning for the dead.Eko might have cut his own beard to show he is truly sorry for killing his captors. However, he'd have to assume that his symbolism was understood by someone from a culture different than his.
That could be a simple explanation for what Eko did. However, I too wonder if it wasn't a sign of some sort. Just because we saw Eko's back story doesn't necessarily mean he's not one of The Others, does it? Maybe he is a convert. Could he possibly have been 'persuaded' to join them during his short kidnapping, then he killed his captors as a cover-up to keep the Tailies from becoming suspicious?
Why do you suppose he was cutting down the trees he marked with an X
Just because we saw Eko's back story doesn't necessarily mean he's not one of The Others, does it?You're right. We also did not see anything in his backstory that indicates he was on the Oceanic flight.
Momma clown, I didn't notice that about the trees! Good catch.
OR did Ecko really mean tell us the truth or I will cut your throat like I cut my beard!!!
Guys...the beard-cutting was definitely penitential.
Eko's not an other... he was in the water like the rest of the tailies.
That club he was carrying around? He was marking notches for his 40-day vow of silence.
After dealing with his demons on the island (both by burning the plane and his confrontation with Smokey the Monster), Eko's ready to cleanse himself of that past... including his beard.
They're so dreamy...
Agree with you 100% Slicey. Eko is not an Other.
Michael McDonald just told me to tell you that he thinks you're hot.