Let's keep discussion of tonight's episode here until the westies have a chance to see it.
I finally blogged
Good episode! Squeezed in quite a bit of story... how creepy is Ethan?!Think that girl was Alex?
And I think I like Henry.
Sun? PREGGERS? That'd be kinda lame...
Only one post to the east coast thread??? What's going on? Us westies need the scoop.Please?
I thought it was a great episode.So Zeke isn't the hick we thought he was. Who/what is he? A doctor? He seemed to be Ethan's boss. Yes Ethan is so creepy. All of the others seemed to be creepy. Goodwin had that vibe going for him and Henry does too.
I think the girl was Alex, but she seemed older that 16 to me.
Henry is a crafty little one planting that seed in Locke's mind. He has to be an Other. I was hoping more would come out of his meeting with Eko.
Just to be picky, first it was Locke, now it is Jack. Why are these people sleeping when they are supposed to be watching the button?
I was just saying last week that Sun needs to get pregnant. Maybe that is coming true.
It's about time someone goes off looking for the balloon and if Ana Lucia gets captured, it's no loss.
Danielle is such a poor lost soul.
Excellent episode. I hate to see Locke manipulated so easily, but I think it shows his insecurities.So, it looks more and more like this whole island scenario has been manipulated by the Hanso/Dharma group. Weird stuff--hope it doesn't go X-Files with aliens and that nonsense.
Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
So when Ethan took Claire they were drugging her to keep her passive. What did the vials say that they were injecting into her belly? Was it the same stuff Desmond was taking? Vaccine?The baby nursery was creepy- seemed very Rosemarie's Baby.
What happeded to Charlie- they took both of them- does he remember anything?
It still seems to me like there are not very many others- and a few were killed. Zeke is using some kind of disguise to look old and haggard.
I think Henry is definitely an "other". I think Eko knows he is.
Now Henry is going to try to manipulate Locke and Jack against each other. Locke still bugs the heck out of me- has since day one. What was the deal with the book discussion?Sun is pregnant? So will the others want her baby too?
2005 PhoenixMons
What happeded to Charlie- they took both of them- does he remember anything?Charlie was found by Kate and Jack hanging from that tree. I'm pretty sure that was fairly soon after they went missing. If he remembers anything it would probably just be the abduction.
Locke still bugs the heck out of me- has since day one.
Amen, girlfriend! It took Henry a total of 2 minutes to manipulate Locke.
It's funny...Locke wants to be the leader, but isn't. Jack doesn't want to be the leader, yet seems to be forced into the role by the majority of the Losties.
So they never took Charlie to the other hatch?What was the deal with Zeke telling Ethan they didn't have a list? and that "he" wouldn't be happy? (other something like that)
2005 PhoenixMons
What was the deal with Zeke telling Ethan they didn't have a list?He was upset that Ethan hadn't prepared a list like Goodwin did. Ethan explained that he didn't have time, as they found out he wasn't on the plane before he could complete one.
and that "he" wouldn't be happy?
It seems Zeke has a superior. Maybe someone from the Dharma Initiative?
I ran across a quote (I think it was at the Fuselage) where Matthew Fox was saying they would encounter a third threat from outside - that's what I thought of first when Zeke mentioned that "he" wouldn't be happy.
He was upset that Ethan hadn't prepared a list like Goodwin did. Ethan explained that he didn't have time, as they found out he wasn't on the plane before he could complete one.Ethan must have been either exceptionally thorough, or exceptionally slow, because according to Lost.cubit's timeline, Goodwin's list was found on Day 12, whereas Ethan kidnapped Claire and Charlie on Day 17.
However, I know Goodwin showed up with the Tailies the day they crashed, but when did Ethan show up on the beach? Does anyone remember when we first saw Ethan? The first mention of him on the timeline is on Day 13--Locke and Ethan go hunting.
I still think the Others are as scared of the monster as the Losties are. So perhaps they didn't decide to infiltrate the Losties until later.
I thought the first time we saw Ethan was when him and Locke gave Hurley the golf clubs. But he could have been around sooner.
Good ep....too bad we have to wait so long for the next one....One thing: Can anyone get a video cap of the planes on the crib? Where they all Oceana or others? If others could they be other planes that have crashed there? Also what happen to all the meds that was in there hatch and won't Clair now say that's what they were giving me is she sees them....will Katie or Clair tell Jack what she remembers and then it hits him that they have to protect themselves from the virus if they get sick.....
Locke getting manipulated so easy latley it's not funny....first Sawyer and now Henry.....
And since Sawyer has all the gun don't you think they would be watching him like a hawk....If he went and got a gun for Kate won't you have someone tracking him or trying to follow him so you could get the guns back?
sig by PM and bouncy by IceCat
They were all Oceanic planes. Sledgeweb has some good pictures here, including a shot that shows the vaccine given to Aaron seems to be the same vaccine Desmond was taking.
LAST EDITED ON 03-02-06 AT 12:44 PM (EST)Ok...those planes are all DC-10's which are out of production so why would Oceanic have models of them....plus I don't think they had the range for an Austrailian to LAX flight.....think they have 4000 to 5000 mile range.
Edit: Ok...Series 30 and 40's were made for international runs....5750 to 6220 mile range.
sig by PM and bouncy by IceCat
looks like the numbers on the bar code (and on the top of the label) of the vaccine are THE numbers too.
Maybe its my short attention span but having so much time in between episodes is really causing me to lose interest.I found myself flipping over to AI during commercials and actually staying there, thus missing a good portion of Lost.
Lost is the type of show where you need to run it consecutively throughout, ala 24.
Rolly Sig Shop
Feh! All the Locke hate.He's quite like me, actually... very insecure, and a hater of alpha-types...
Psychologically, he's fascinating... and I have a crush on Terry O'Quinn
Remember how the psychic in Australia told Claire that the couple in Los Angeles he had lined up to adopt the baby were good people. And then Ethan said it again last night. Hmmmm.
Hmmmmmmm, indeed.
It's about time you showed up.
I love, love, loved how it was 3 women who went off on their own!It was nice to see Claire without Creepy Charlie lurking around and Kate without Jack and Sawyer stumbling around her. Even Danielle did not have Sayid! Sun without Jin! Libby without Hurley! It was like they were taking a stand on their own.
Why was Alex there? Was she being experimented on?
A PhoenixMons Creation
Why was Alex there? Was she being experimented on?It really could be as simple as Ethan said it was. They do not have enough vaccine for everyone so they only share it with "the good ones"....hand picked (snatched), by them. Perhaps The Others are not so bad. They are as afraid of the sickness as the Losties.
That was quite an episode. It took a turn in an unexpected direction.
Why did the Others abandon the Hatch? Why wouldn't it be inside "the line" Zeke told Jack not to cross?
Are all the planes on the mobile replicas of planes "attracted" to the island?
Alex seemed much older than 16. Is aging a side effect of the "vaccine"? It could solve a problem the editors mentionned regarding Walt. He was growing so fast that his appearance didn't correspond to what we remember. Why didn't she leave if she thought Claire had to do so?
Who is Zeke's superior? Have we seen him in someone's flashback?I guess I'm "LOST!". But I'd like to point to the conflict between Locke wanting to lead and Jack forced into leadership that someone mentionned. It's something we've seen in many survivor tribes.
>Alex seemed much older than 16.
>Is aging a side effect of the "vaccine"? It could
>solve a problem the editors mentionned regarding Walt. He was
>growing so fast that his appearance didn't correspond to what
>we remember.How old is Aaron now? Everytime they showed him last night, he looked rather big for a kid that's supposed to be about .... what? 4 weeks? or so old? The vaccine might be an explanation for that too.
anyone else finding claire annoying?
I found her annoying before last night but that is just me!
No, it ain't, Doc.I think she's awfully nasty...
I hate the way everyone treats Danielle, though.
I knew she was good.
Just don't tell me what I can't do.
Great episode, but I was bothered by how easily Locke was manipulated by Henry. It was so obvious what he was doing. I thought it was out of character for Locke to let this "Other" get to him that way, especially after Sawyer's betrayal. Seems he would be extra cautious about believing anyone else's words after that. And considering who Henry is suspected of being, Locke's defenses should be WAY up. I know Locke is insecure, but he's not stupid. He's usually calm and collected and closed-mouthed when it comes to his emotions. He is an observer and a thinker. I found it unbelieveable that he would let Henry get inside his head like that.
Ethan is CREEPY, but I felt a tiny bit of like for him after this episode **shudder**