I've been excited that a new episode was coming on this week and looked to see what next week's show will be about. But it's another rerun.If my counting is correct, after the long holiday break we had 3 new shows, then a rerun, then 2 new shows, then another rerun, now 1 new show and then another rerun.
Was it really this bad last year?
I love the show and I'll wait for the new episodes, but these reruns seem a bit excessive.
We didn't have the Olympics to contend with last year, so maybe this is why we are having more reunions this Feb than last.In one of podcasts Damon Lindelof (I think it was him) said it takes about 8 days to shoot one episode, so I think the reruns give them a chance to get a little ahead.
And I'm with you Elaine, I'm sick of the reruns but I love this show too much to give up on it.
LAST EDITED ON 02-27-06 AT 10:21 AM (EST)ETA: Totally misunderstood your post. I thought you were talking about this week.
It is the curse of the sweeps.They only produce so many shows, sweeps are November, February, and May. They want to make sure they get new shows, and new shows that will get ratings during the times where they will get a return investment for the show.
Reruns are a pain, I'd rather have each show do the full run and then do reruns, but given the way the how much money you can charge for ads thing is set up the show some new shows, then go into reruns is pretty much going to be the norm for all shows. A few shows experiment with running all the episodes in a row like 24 and Alias have done, but then you have to miss one of the sweeps periods and make sure you have something in that slot that pull the ratings.
It's all about $$.
This season has had more breaks in the new episode runs and there was the February hiatus during the Olympics this year that wasn't there last year (a move I still don't understand, frankly, but that's a different discussion), but the total number of off weeks looks like it will break even between the two seasons.Last season, there were 3 consecutive weeks of repeats in March, followed by 2 consecutive weeks of repeats and a re-cap in April. As illustrated here, frustration reared its head around this time last year.
Here's what is known:
New episode this week (3/1).
Two weeks of re-runs.
Next new episode is 3/22, followed by another new episode 3/29.At that point, we will be through Episode 17 of Season 2. Last season had 24 episodes. I figure this season will, as well. That means 7 more weeks with original programming with only 8 weeks remaining before the end of May sweeps (which usually ends the TV season before Summer re-runs). That means after this two-week hiatus in March, there should only be one more week of "something else" (repeat, special programming, re-cap, etc.) between now and the end of Season 2.
How's that for a "glass half full" analysis?
Gah!So many freaking reruns!
These guys are taking FOREVER!
Just don't tell me what I can't do.
I think I might be an exception to the rule, but I actually prefer the breaks. If a show runs, runs, runs with no breaks, it's just overwhelming. I need the breaks because there's just too much else going on.It's actually why I quit watching 24. It was just too much, and you couldn't really catch up without a marathon session of all the episodes with this, which would only put me back, again, by spending that much solid time catching up.
I love Lost, but I need a break for homework or kid-stuff now and again. And I love it when those breaks are made by the network, so I don't have to give that time up later to "catch up." This schedule actually works out pretty well for me.
I kind of agree - it gives me a chance to catch up on episodes I might have missed or rewatch previous ones to see if I missed anything. I don't tape every episode and sometimes miss part or all of one. So, this gives me a chance to catch up with everyone else. I like the show so much that I don't mind watching re-runs (within reason).
I cannot stand it! It is driving me crazy. I had friends that decided not to watch this year so that they could wait for the DVD and watch it all at once. I thought they were crazy, but....I hope that Fester is right, but TV.com lists the new eps as:
March 22: The Whole Truth
April 12: Lockdown
I prefer watching it once a week instead of all at once because the breaks give you time to think about what is going on. These next two weeks will be killers, but after this week's show, they earned a break.
LAST EDITED ON 03-03-06 AT 08:49 PM (EST)Both spoilerfix.com (WARNING: spoilerfix has that name for a reason. Don't go if you don't want to know) and losthatch.com have new episodes on 3/22 and 3/29. I don't know what the source of tv.com is, but I can't see having a 2-week hiatus. I don't know how they'd fit the episodes in.
ETA: tv.com has 3/29 date for "Lockdown" now, as well.
I thought on the podcast for this week Damon and Carlton said they'd be off for a couple of weeks and then have all new shows until the end of the season.I don't believe they are having 24 episodes this year. The exact amount was mentioned in another podcast. I thought it was 22 or 23 and the last one is 2 hours.
Do you think there's any significance to the episodes that they're choosing to show in the "off" weeks? I read somplace that ABC and not the producers are choosing which ones to air, but I think that there's got to be more involved. Why are they choosing episodes from last year like the one last night that had Shannon & Boone who have both been killed off? I think to a new viewer it would have been really confusing to see these people that were dead and now aren't. But, I'm not smart enough to figure out what is the signifance of these episodes to relation to what's happening in this season, so I don't have any great theories.Personally, I like the re-runs. I didn't really get into the show until the last of last season, so I'm seeing some of these episodes for the first time. It's kind of fun to see how far they've all come!
IIRC, they played the Sun episode last night to prep us for the new ep in 2 weeks, which is Sun/Jin based.
Just don't tell me what I can't do.
LAST EDITED ON 04-07-06 AT 02:03 PM (EST)Although it looks like we may have some re-runs, it doesn't look as bad as I thought it might. Appears to be five new episodes.
5 - Dave
12 - SOS
19 - possible rerun
26 - possible rerun
May 3 - Two For The Road
10 - Untitled
17 - Three Minutes
edited to add:
Thought the May 10th episode was untitled because it had a question mark at tv.com. Turns out the episode is entitled "?"
May 17 is a two-hour finale. April 19 and 26 are definitely reruns.
From Lost Forum:TONIGHT on LOST~Wednesday, April 5 -- 9:00-10:01
"Dave" --Episode 2.18 Libby lends Hurley support when he begins to think the island is having a strange effect on him, and Locke's sense of purpose is shaken when the prisoner provides new information about the hatch. --HURLEY-- Guest starring: Michael Emerson as Henry Gale, Evan Handler as Dave, Bruce Davison as Dr. Brooks, Ron Bottitta as Leonard and Grisel Toledo as nurse. Written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz. Directed by Jack Bender. PROMO PICS
CONFIRMED -- COMPLETEDNEXT WEEK on LOST~Wednesday, April 12 -- 9:00-10:01
"S.O.S." --Episode 2.19 Rose is surprisingly and vehemently opposed to Bernard's plan to create an S.O.S. signal; romantic sparks are rekindled between Jack and Kate when they trek into the jungle to propose a "trade" with "The Others"; and Locke begins to question his faith in the island.--ROSE and BERNARD-- Guest starring: L. Scott Caldwell as Rose, Sam Anderson as Bernard, Michael Emerson as Henry Gale, Wayne Pygram as Isaac and Donna Smallwood as Aussie woman. ---SPOILERS and INFO: There will be past connections revealed (Locke-Rose). Will show Rose, Bernard and Ana in the airport along with Rose and Bernard's pre-flight life. Will feature Isaac, a well regarded physical therapist who lives in Australia.--- Written by Steven Maeda and Leonard #####. Directed by Eric Laneuville. PROMO PICS
CONFIRMED -- COMPLETEDWednesday, April 19
No LOST Alias returns with a 2 hour season premier.
Wednesday, April 26 -- 9:00-10:01
"Lost: Reckoning" An hour-long special
CONFIRMED -- SPECIALWednesday, May 3 -- 9:00
"Two for the Road" --Episode 2.20
Wednesday, May 10 -- 9:00
"?" --Episode 2.21 ---ASSORTED SPOILERS and INFO: Will feature Charlotte, an Australian that suffers a near-death experience.---
TENTATIVE -- FILMINGWednesday, May 17 -- 9:00
"Three Minutes" --Episode 2.22 ---ASSORTED SPOILERS and INFO: Will feature Mrs. Klugh, a smart, interesting, edgy, powerful businesswoman in her early 40's.---
TENTATIVE -- PRE PRODUCTIONWednesday, May 24 -- 9:00-11:00
"" --Episode 2.23 --SEASON FINALE--
From a good article that Hobbs found.
Lindelof and Cuse are regarded as the brain trust that keeps the series' epic plot twists and stop-or-you-might-miss-'em little details coming.And anyone who is creative enough to pen an episode entitled "?"--that's right, just "?"--should be well-compensated. (That punctuation mark lends itself to the upcoming episode 21, by the way, and, FYI, it refers to the symbol Locke remembers from the map discovered on the hatch door during last week's episode. Got it?)
"We feel that this batch of currently running episodes, through 19, is kind of the calm before the storm," Lindelof told E! Online TV columnist Kristin Veitch. "And then episodes 20 through 24, those final five hours of the show, we're all overwhelmingly excited about because there is a lot of incident and action and mystery revelation coming down the pike. We're really, really jazzed about that final pot of episodes."