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"Henry Gale"

Posted by Canada Girl on 02-16-06 at 03:30 PM
Shall we chat about our newest Lost member?

Here's a link to the actor's list of credits. His name is Michael Emerson.

I think I remember his performace on The Practice. He was VERY good at looking innocent, then he'd get a scary, I'm a killer look in his eyes. I got chills as soon as I saw him, remembering past creepy performances.

Love the Wizard of Oz connection with Dorothy Gale, the Wizard in the Balloon.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Henry Gale"
Posted by Das Mole on 02-16-06 at 04:57 PM
He has to be one of the Others. There's something too fishy about this guy.

Das Mole - A True Legend

"RE: Henry Gale"
Posted by Das Mole on 03-30-06 at 01:04 PM
Ha. I was right.

Of course, my theory was that he was an Other, knew that stuff was there, and that the grave was actually a woman whose baby they stole (like they would've done to Claire)...but hey, I was kinda close.

"RE: Henry Gale"
Posted by J Slice on 02-16-06 at 05:31 PM
Dunno if you guys have ever seen Saw, but that's what I remembered him from...

Home is where I want to be/But I guess I'm already there

"RE: Henry Gale"
Posted by tamarama on 02-17-06 at 11:29 AM
>>...Wizard of Oz connection...<<

Also, Uncle HENRY.

When he & Sayid were eyeing each other as Jack was breaking it up, Henry had such a cold, hard look in his eye -- not at all confused, hurt, & frightened as the poor marooned & widowed ballooner should have been.

"RE: Henry Gale"
Posted by Canada Girl on 02-17-06 at 05:19 PM
I recognized that look from his work on The Practice.

Oh, he's good. Shudder.

"Dharma Connection"
Posted by trigirl on 03-02-06 at 12:22 PM
Apparently Henry met his wife at the University of Minnesota. B.F. Skinner was a prof there.

"Wizard of Oz"
Posted by trigirl on 03-09-06 at 10:11 AM
I think JJ is a Wizard of Oz fan. Remember how Felicity ended....with her alternate reality and then waking up a la Dorothy.

Walt is Dorothy, captured by the Witch (the Others).
Locke is the Tin Man. Jack is the Wizard with his God complex.

"RE: Wizard of Oz"
Posted by trigirl on 03-23-06 at 09:37 AM
The Cowardly Lion's name is Zeke in the book. Which also happens to be the name of the scary Other leader dude. Although he is credited as "Mr. Friendly" on IMDB.

"RE: Henry Gale"
Posted by pinksparkleguitar on 03-09-06 at 04:48 PM
That's the first thing I shouted at the TV when he said his name was "He's Uncle Henry!!!" And then I had to explain it to my husband, who thought I was acting kind of funny. Interesting connection to the "other world" that somehow some people can access, and others can't, and what fate does to them.

more interesting connections if you have read the book "Wicked"

"RE: Henry Gale"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 03-17-06 at 04:33 PM
Interesting, but unrelated...
He played Henery Gale in something called The Lost Season. crazy.

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!

"RE: Henry Gale"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 03-24-06 at 01:06 PM
Could Henry's story on how he got to the island be true but since he was good the Others took him in? So sending Ana out to confirm that his wife died (she was bad so she died of the sickness since she would get no medicine) and the balloon is there is a ploy to gain their trust? Then playing with Jack and Locke could be orders from Zeke since they were the one are who came after Micheal.....

sig by arkieglr and bouncy by IceCat