LAST EDITED ON 02-08-06 AT 05:59 PM (EST)OK, so I was thinking about the show a little bit earlier today, and I thought of something that perhaps is a reason that the show hasn't been too terribly interesting lately...and the question that I have is...
What are they doing?
In the first season, they had a goal, and their goal was to get rescued. Well, once the raft got blown up, they came back, found the tailies. Then their goal was to get back to the beach where everybody else was. OK. So they ended up doing that...
And now we're stuck. There hasn't been a main objective for these people the last few weeks, we've been watching them do pretty much whatever. The only thing that they've filled the last two or three episodes with are minor dilemmas, like Charlie being obsessed with Aaron, or coming across one of the Others (who didn't really do anything but talk and then we never heard of that incident again), or how Eko and Charlie saw the Black Cloud monster thing.
The thing that I have to wonder about is, are they still concerned about trying to get off the island? Or are they completely preoccupied with the hatch, and trying to find out about the Others?
There hasn't been a clear-cut goal basically since the episode titled "Collision", so I guess what I feel like is that we're finding out new information (like what the monster is, blah blah blah), only it's not actually getting us towards any specific point. Does anybody know what's going on, or are we all clueless?