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"Podcast Spoilers"

Posted by Elaine0 on 02-07-06 at 11:13 AM
This week's podcast has a couple of little spoilers about Fire + Rain and The Long Con. There was also an interview with Evangeline Lilly.

Hope that's enough filler.

They confirmed that the one easter egg in last week's show was the building from the Pink Floyd album. I think someone on this board caught that.

But also they said on a building, maybe it was the same one, was a little sign that said Widmore Construction. Damon & Carlton said to make note of that name because it will show up in the future. Hmmm, what could it be?

They also mentioned the drug plane crashing in Charlie's dream last week. I don't remember seeing it mentioned on this board, but read about it somewhere else.

Evangeline talked about her love triangle with Jack & Sawyer. She said there is a significant twist coming up in Sawyer's flashback, so I guess that has to do with some involvement between Sawyer and Diane. That should be interesting.

Sorry if I missed anything else.

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"RE: Podcast Spoilers"
Posted by CattyChat on 02-09-06 at 08:34 AM
They also mentioned the drug plane crashing in Charlie's dream last week. I don't remember seeing it mentioned on this board, but read about it somewhere else.

I guess this was the boom that was heard right before the white dove appeared during Charlie's last vision? I just assumed it was the sound of their plane crashing & never would have guessed the drug plane. Hmm, wonder what the significance of that is.

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