The episode Fire and Water was I admit not one of my favorites but I believe that it provided some valuable insights into the Lost puzzle. Some of this might have already been said but we might see Baptism playing a part in people being taken by the Others as we were referred before as those that were taken were good people. Anyways, I thought we saw an interesting relationship develop between Locke and Charlie. There was one sceene in the show where Charlie was trying to convince Claire to have the baby baptized. We have this eerie close up of Locke watching Charlie and Claire. he had this bizarre/angry look on his face. It seems that he is disapproving of Charlie talking to Claire and making her upset about the baby. But what if he was upset about Charlie telling people to baptize the baby? Locke seems to know a lot more than he's telling. And we've already seen that him and Eko don't see eye to eye. he is the one that suggested it. I really think that this episode will have great significance in the long run. Mostly because it seems so pointless now.As for Charlie, I thought that all those dreams that he had about saving the baby could really be that he needs to save himself. He's called "baby brother" by his brother and you see him in a diaper in the commercial. Just a thought. We did see a lot of baby images associated with him though.
This is an important episode at least for insight purposes. There is an increasing amount of good vs evil, religous symbology but contrary to the usual stereotypes. The "good" side is represented by a black man and "evil" by a white man.I am increasingly convinced Locke is evil personified. He seems to symbolize temptation. On the surface he was trying to help Charlie overcome his addiction. However, in this last episode, instead of destroying the cache of drugs, he locks it up in his vault to which I think he alone knows the code. What is in this vault? All items which someone on the island has a weakness for...drugs, Charlie...guns, Michael?,Hurley?
Or not.
I gotta agree MissRaven. Too much religious symbolism smackin' us in the back of the head.And Locke has completely turned in a matter of 2 episodes.
And you've definitley got soemthign with the hording of the temptations - not the singing group but the drugs and food
Rolly Sig Shop
LAST EDITED ON 02-01-06 AT 07:56 PM (EST)Save the baby, to save himself.
I like it.And Welcome, good to have you both with us!
In the repeat eps last night, when Hurley told the old guy he used the numbers, the old guy got upset and said "you`ve opened the box" Pandora`s Box?
And crazy Lennie said "you have to get away from the numbers". What happens? Hurley ends up closer to the numbers (if that makes sense!)
Could Libby have worked for the Hanso project & been assigned "undercover" to work at the mental hospital & work with Lennie?
>I"you`ve opened the box" Pandora`s Box?When I heard him say that, for a few seconds I thought it could also refer to opening the hatch, but Locke was the driving force behind that. Still, maybe.... could be... Pandora's Box = Hatch?
As for Charlie, I thought that all those dreams that he had about saving the baby could really be that he needs to save himself.I REALLY like that idea, especially since Charlie's mother appeared in the "manger" dream. I think it could be himself he needs to save.
I am going to be stubborn about my disbelief that Locke is evil. I've always thought he was good. I do admit the last 2 episodes are really casting a shadow on him. I just don't believe he's bad just yet and I think he's doing a "tough love" number on Charlie as was done to Locke by Helen to snap Locke out of his funk with his father.
Kind Creation of ARNutz
I concur about Locke.I'm not ready to start having the hots for a nutcase.
Just don't tell me what I can't do.
I have always thought that Locke was evil. Ever since season 1. There's something creepy about him. And the island is his god. I still love Locke though. He's my favorite character.